Entry 2

Challenge 37

His feet made no sound as he took a step at a time across the room. He reached out, running his fingers lightly across the broken ivory keys. His eyes found the battered rose, draped lifelessly across the dusty off-white keys.

Slow, too slow – too late.

Maybe if Myungsoo had stopped to listen to the melodies, he’d hear the hurt. Maybe if Myungsoo had taken more notice of the single rose peeking out of the bag, he’d see the desperation. Maybe if Myungsoo had tried to understand, he’d feel the need to be loved.

Maybe; but he couldn’t turn back time.

And Myungsoo had nothing but a broken piano, haunting him with the ghost of Sungjong’s favourite melody.





How does this pale in comparison? Both of your pieces have beauty in their own way... Like seriously, I felt so strongly too reading yours although it is a short drabble. All the 'Maybes', the things Myungsoo could have and did not do made me feel real sad as I imagined those scenes. The worst thing in life is probably regret. Because as much as we wish, we can never ever turn back time to finish all the unfinished things and act differently in those circumstances. Haunted and pained, Myungsoo must be hurting... Goodness. Your writing is simply stunning and it never fails to amaze me. <3  Thank you so, so much for writing too. It's encouraging because Challenge 37 didn't turn out to be as disappointing now. I had fun. <3

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Chapter 3: Can I just do this although it's overdue? :'D
Gonna use the last prompt.

He's probably said them too often that they've lost their meaning (Sunggyu's not gonna believe him). Woohyun's always been too much of a coward after all. This time, he hopes that he’d actually listen closely and hear the desperate cry of help behind his words. But, Sunggyu doesn’t (he can be so, so, so cruel).
green_teax #2
Chapter 6: Wow. Both of the entries are speechlessly beautiful! <3
Chapter 1: i wish i managed to do this sooner :( but i'm still putting it here for you <3 and just a side note, eseech writes so well mine will pale in comparison so don't expect too much because i don't really know what i was writing~

His feet made no sound as he took a step at a time across the room. He reached out, running his fingers lightly across the broken ivory keys. His eyes found the battered rose, draped lifelessly across the dusty off-white keys.

Slow, too slow – too late.

Maybe if Myungsoo had stopped to listen to the melodies, he’d hear the hurt. Maybe if Myungsoo had taken more notice of the single rose peeking out of the bag, he’d see the desperation. Maybe if Myungsoo had tried to understand, he’d feel the need to be loved.

Maybe; but he couldn’t turn back time.

And Myungsoo had nothing but a broken piano, haunting him with the ghost of Sungjong’s favourite melody.
Chapter 3: asjhdkjas because I didn't get time to do these before ;A;

And it was summer; and he could hear the sounds of his own heart beating heavily against his chest. It was summer, and that meant summer rain. It was summer, and all he did was stay on that piano, playing the same tune, over and over again. She told him not to, because she was so sick of it, but he'd just grin cheekily and tell her he couldn't play anything else. It wasn't wrong, she wasn't right. Tugs on a tearing jumper, leaves the rest of her veins on the grand piano. Sunggyu says she should get rid of it, since she can't even play.

"When are you going to realise Myungsoo's gone?" He often asks.

That's the thing with daisies. They come and then they go. It's kind of sad, because you know they're out there somewhere - somewhere beyond the cold winter and the snow and the heavy storms that they're just blooming freely, distance away. In a way the worst kind of loss isn't losing something you can't get back, it's losing something you could, but all you can do is watch it because it'll never come back and next summer the illusion of him will come back and he'll offer to play on the piano again and it'll be the same god dam tune and oh god-

make it stop.
I'll be subscribed till the end! I really wanted to join but my brain wasn't thinking hard enough and my drabbles are wayyy to long.
Chapter 3: Has this ended? >< I want to write drabbles for these <3
youxme #7
Chapter 3: no please don't delete this... I really want to join....
Wait, you're releasing 7 prompts?
When does this end? :o