Hate To Say I Love You

I yawn lazily, lazy that's what people thought about me, but well, they're right. i guess. As i stand up groggily i walk towards my bed i saw sunny lying at my bed 'what is she doing here?' as i shrug out my thought i climb to my bed and lie beside sunny,

"hey lazy what happen? wanna sleep?" sunny ask me as she rub her eyes cutely. i find it cute whenever she do that, suddenly i saw a head pop in the door "Jess? oh thank go your here! wanna hang out with me?" 

As i thought, i slowly shook my head and stressed-ly nod "sorry! maybe next time!" Sunny was shock because of what i have done, I saw the disappointment from tiffany's face but what can i do,

as the door shut, sunny quickly sat up and face me "What's your problem sica. i thought you want to hang out more with tiffany?" she ask. i deeply shut my eyes and groan

"People would think that we'd get along because we're both born from the same hospital. However, we're totally different. She's very active, outgoing and loud. On the other hand I'm quiet.

I told myself 'Man I can't Keep with her'

that's what i used to think about her, but now after we debuted, we saw each other everyday. We talked a lot. how should i put it.....Our bond grew stronger. As a result, she's like my best buddy"


yeah we used to be like that. together. i mean. me and tiffany we hang out whenever we have time. but something came to me and slap it infront of my face

As i felt sunny's fingers on my head, i felt relax and comfortable 


"tell me jessica? what's wrong!" She said in concern, i open my eyes and force a smile "remember when me and tiffany first meet?" i ask in nowhere.


"hahahahaha. she was like a little princess daddy's girl, she don’t like to eat Korean food she want pizza and spaghetti! she's like a Pure American girl!" I said, i can feel my throat  dried


"sica~" Sunny's voice is full of worries, i know my laugh is so plastic and sarcastic.  watching sunny's expression i deicide to talk more "remember when i told you that whenever the first snow fall we always see each other! hahahaha. cruel fate. he keeps on hurting me!" i said as i let my tears come down


"The fate is SO cruel he keep on hurting and hurting me all over agai--" sunny's embrace silence me, i she pat my back and says "Sica. Please stop you’re hurting yourself" 


"maybe i do hurt myself. but i cant stop it" i said as sniff. moment with tiffany start to flash at my mind.


in hate it.


"do you know how stupid i am? i still keep my Couple rings with tiffany. i still care for that ring. even if tiffany always says that its just a ring" i added, "sorry i keep on crying and didn’t notice that i already make your shirt wet!" i apologize 


"its okay. just promise me to move on!"  she says before pulling me and stare at me. in a child like manner, i wipe my tears away and for the nth time i sob "i dont think i can!" 


I loud smack makes me jump. Sunny slap me 


"CAN YOU STOP IT. YOU'RE HURTING YOURSELF LOOK AT YOU. YOU LOOK MISERABLE AND LOOK AT HER 'TIFFANY' SHE DIDNT EVEN ASK HOW ARE YOU! please stop it....." I mentally slap myself, i saw sunny crying. she really care for me, i lean forward and hug her tightly i want her to feel comfortable with me


"sunny I'm sorry but please don’t cry!" i said as i did what she did to me a while ago, i hug her more and place my chin at the top of her head, "shhhhh"


We slowly broke the hug. "jessica please promise me!" her tone is on a pleading one, but i dont want to promise something if I'm not sure 


"Aigoo~ stop crying bunny. We have to get ready we have a promotion to attend!" i change the subject and drag her at the bathroom "tell me if your already finish!" I said as she walk inside the bathroom.


i scratch the back of the head and leave the room, i proceed to the living room and saw tiffany watching some movies alone "hey jessi!" i saw her stand up and run towards me, I'm so tired today. as i force a smile i continue to walk away from her "is there's any problem jess?" she ask


I shook my head and didn’t bother to reply to her question, as i enter the kitchen i went to the refrigerator and grab some water to freshen my mind, i close the refrigerator and saw a sticky note on it 'taeyeon + tiffany = taeny'

I bit my lower lip to ease the pain, i did try to ignore it but its useless, i take a sit and sigh. this month people always talk about taeny, taeny there and taeny here. Stupid . 

maybe sunny is right after all. i need to move on. and continue to live my life, without her

i decide to stand up and go back to the room where sunny located, as i passed the living room i heard tiffany calling someone "i don’t think so tae.tae!" she said in a sad tone.


maybe they fought.


i saw her tilt her head and her eyes landed on me. "jessi!" she say, she was about to walk to me but i stopped her "sorry for interrupting you and taeyeon, sorry, i should gave you two a privacy!" i said as i left her


i close the door and sat at the edge of the bed


"jess. Do you know how taeny shippers care about me and taeyeon. its so amazing!" tiffany said as she continue to day dream

"really?" i all i can say

"yeah. how about you! you supposed to hang out with other more. I'm totally busy with tae.tae!" she exclaim


after that i start to avoid her cause i don’t want to start any conflict with her.  My thoughts interrupted by sunny's voice, "hey Your up!" she says, she's wearing a bunny shirt and a short short


i just nod and lazily stand up, i didn’t notice a plushy on the floor that cause of me to fall.......................from sunny. 


 i open my eyes and not minding the throbbing of my head, i realize something first I'm on the top of sunny and second my lips on HER. we both froze by that position


and a cue happen. the door suddenly open revealing tiffany, her tragic face is all i can see, a drop of tears fall, sunny quickly stand up and run out, leaving me and tiffany.

I slowly stand up, when i finally up, i look at her, or eyes lock in each other, her tears continue to beam in her cheeks, i took a step forward wanting to touch her hands "let me explain tiffany. I was just wa--" i didnt finish my sentence when i felt a hot feelings in my cheeks.




I've been slap for two in a row today. that's a record.


I shook my head and touch My cheek were she slap me a while ago. it did make me shock but if i thought all of this is about to happen, I’m IN for a surprise, 


I saw her running away from me, i quickly collect my thought and chase her, i use all of my energy to caught her, i finally grab her wrist that makes her faced me "I thought your something, i thought your good for me..." she continue to cry on my shoulders 


"tiffany, Stop crying taeyeon might scold m--"


"can you stop it, you keep on pushing me to taeyeon when all i need is you!"


"E-eh? tiff"


"Taeyeon is just my bestfriend, Jessica are you numb and oblivious enough?




That makes me shut up. I look at her intensely searching for the right word to utter. I slowly let her hands go from my grip


“Jessica I hate to say this but

…… I Love you”

I immediately look at her, she’s about to cry again I, and I don’t want it to happen so I embrace her tightly obviously not wanting her to let go

“I hate you. I hate you so much. Because I love you!” she says, she start to hit my chest and cry hardly

I pin her at the wall, I saw her shock eyes. “don’t hate saying I love you. Because from now on your start loving it when I says I love you too!”

I said before finally kissing her deeply and passionately


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 1: How many times do i have to say that i love ur jeti stories??? Goshhhh....
Hope u still write about them.... I wish...
Chapter 1: Your fic made me sing like, "And I hate how much I love you, girl. I can’t stand how much I need you. And I hate how much I love you, girl. But I just can’t let you go and I hate that I love you so ~" XD

More JeTi fics to come :-D
Nice story ! ^^ I like it . Thanks
Chapter 1: Awesome!!♥
Chapter 1: Aaawww...ma JeTi TOGETHER!
These two cuuuties had to suffer a lot...