Chapter One

The Acquiescence


Everywhere he set his eyes on, was white, ivory white.
The boy kept his stare steadily on the endless seam of white, splashed on every space of the room. The flooring was white, the walls were white except for four things that caught his attention. A light source (well, it wasn't actually needed since the place was perfectly lit up). An antique chair and what it seems to hold pieces of beige colored material bounded tight together, also the mahogany colored... Thing...
"You want to ask what are those, don't you?" 
The boy flinched at the sound of the voice bouncing and repeating simultaneously, getting deeper and deeper each echo until the last two deepest syllables faded away. He unclenched his fists and firmly stood on the right footing. He took a deep breath, at the same time closing his eyes before exhaling all the uneasiness built for a moment, away from his chest. Though it must be irrational talking to a voice he does not know where it came from, he answered with no doubts.
"Yes I would want to ask, if you don't actually mind." 
"An expected answer," said the voice in a thick accent then chuckled. "Go ahead and do touch the book for the knowledge that you seek."
Book? What is that? 
The boy wanted to questioned the voice but he kept that inquiry by his mind but so much to his surprise, the voice laughed which made him lift a judging eyebrow.
"You see that thing on top of that other mahogany thingy you were thinking." The voice suggested
The boy nodded once.
"That's a book."
The boy blinked animatedly twice and bobbed his head as a signal that he  finally absorbed and understood what the voice just said. He took no hesitant steps towards the only things that occupied space as of this moment; he walked casually, no rush intended. But doing so, the fire swirling in his body was getting hotter, moving faster through his veins, twining in his burning blood as one. The pumps pulsated in his ears, so does the beating of his heart. 
He looked at what the voice called 'Book' and the ends of his lips lifted to a grin of hunger for what so called knowledge would be ingested in his mind once his eyes would set foot on those beige leaves, the inner power and satisfaction he may possibly feel when he gains that said knowledge. God, he was dying for it. His grin spread wider. His fingers trembled. His lips twitched. Slowly, his hand reaches out for the leather bounded book, inching closer and closer but at the moment his index finger grazes on the black cover, the lights closed one by one.
The boy heard the switching clicking in his ears but much louder. It was like boulders of metal clashing against each other. It was so deafening that the boy was dragged to stand on his knees, his hands tightly cupped on either ears. The lights shut off, darkness ate all the ivory and black swarmed through the infinity of white until the only spot lit up was the book and the boy watched as the final speck of light died.
Zitao gasped and sat up quickly from his position. His fingers were curled on a mess of black and grey hovered on his legs. He was panting, cold sweat dripping down his temples and his heartbeat was also well heard by his throbbing eardrums. He closed his eyes for a second then darting across the familiar room; the grass lawn on his floor, the same as the color of Emerald, different species of flowers and shrubs sprung up, his nightstand was in the form of a miniature acacia tree and his ceilings were mounted with moving clouds with a background brighter than Sapphire. He sighed and leaned on the cotton headrest in a slight discontentment.
This was Earth, 600 years ago, before the human race abused it and compensated for what they did.
And what also caused USA in a sudden wildfire.
Zitao furrowed his eyebrows and clicked his tongue, as he remembered the old footage he unintentionally saw on the anti-gravity television, a rough prototype made by his father, when he was even barely five, tainting his innocent mind with images that he shouldn't have attained at such an age. Trees turned into huge needles pinned to the dried gravel, animals desperately escaping from the flames that burned their homes to ashes, and people screaming...for help...
"Master, breakfast is ready." 
Zitao hadn't realized that tears were streaming on his cheeks then dripping on his bed sheets. He sniffed and wiped them away.
"Y-Yes, I'll be there Kai."
Project Kai, a program that his father left him as a memento. He was more of a personal secretary of the house and the main controller of all of Zitao's equipment whenever he's in his private laboratory for the new invention he was working on, but pretty much, he's like a lab partner. So much of that, Kai was also known to make mean pancakes and an annoying alarm clock as well.
"Are you going down or not?"
"Aren't you supposed to be waking up Xi Che and Luhan as well rather than nagging me so early in the morning?" Zitao looked up at the ceiling, where he always had imagine Kai was placed but after years of investigating for traces of his father's masterpiece, Kai was actually installed in the foundations of the house; so basically, Kai can see everything.
"Oh cmon master, it's my duty. Didn't you read the handbook?"
"It's your duty to nag your master. Is that it?" Zitao grinned and shot a glare at one of the security cameras. "And yes. I read the handbook probably more than I had to adjust your voice tune. Thank you very much." He smiled at the camera and he was also sure that Kai just snorted.
"Hey! My voice is y enough before you just had to adjust it. Now it's much more ier." The camera received another glare. "Tch. Fine master," if Kai was a human being, he would've been rolling his eyes. "Just please go down. I don't want to keep Lady Xi Che waiting. She's like a monster!"
Zitao laughed. "You mean that in the most whimsical way possible and I would not tolerate your argument about this or I'll have to adjust your tune again." 
"Is that worth of a threat, master?" Another glare. "Very well. Lady Xi Che and Sir Luhan is already awake and they're waiting for you at the dining hall. Would you like to be transported there master?"
"Surely," Zitao's eyes softened then his lips curled into a smirk, resembling a feline. He shoved the blanket from his legs and once his feet touched the ground, every nature related design and furniture morphed back to their original form.
"Test run for the new room theme, ready for check out. Send it to the office immediately for marketing purposes." Zitao stretches his arms overhead, but when he released them, he had nips of clouds stuck between his fingers. Zitao sighed and rubbed his nape. "On the second thought, hold the theme and deliver it over to Baekhyun's team for retouching."
"Earth theme 2.0 loading to 100% and sent." 
Almost 2 minutes passed and Zitao was still standing.
"Umm.. Can you transport me now?"
"Ah yes, right away, master." One portion of the ceiling slid open and an orange transparent tube, diameter thrice of an average human, captured Zitao in it. It was like being by a vacuum, only it was larger than an average scale. 
"What's my schedule today?" Zitao faced the colored glass, seeing his reflection on it nearly silver yet light brown pixie hair falling just before his eyebrows. Through the years, he never noticed the build up on his eye-bags. Xi Che always told him that his eyes were his best asset, but now, he has doubts over her comment because there's the dark circles contradicting the said beauty
He shook his head and focused the true beauty of his creations. The crystal tube's wires were glowing like gems hit by light, a compliment to his original design; it was running in vivid colors, connecting to each other. Zitao traced the red wire and smiled at this accomplishment because this invention was his first that proved that he had more than just potential and he was not a man who rode on his family's background coattails. Also, doing this at the tender age of 15 was just an added bonus.
"I'm sorry to ask this master, but were you listening?" 
Zitao slowly retracted his hand from the tube and replied, "I apologize. Can you repeat it?"
"Of course. Even if this is the 3rd time, I would do it, master; as if I have the right to complain." Zitao sheepishly smiled. "Okay. Team Leader Baekhyun is calling you over to check the adjustments by 1100 and a meeting regarding the flaws of the other division's inventions, suggestions of other team leaders are also included by 1900..."
As soon as Kai finishes the reminders, the tube was split in half then the glass sunk down, descending on the flooring until it disappeared from everyone's sight, including those momentary gaps between the ash grey carpets. Zitao didn't expect what he's seeing now, for he knew Xi Che disliked cooking but her she was now, on the stove with Luhan.
"Oh, you're there already!" Xi Che beamed and scooped the last piece of pancake from the pan. Even if the technology of the world has advanced so much through the decades has passed, the culinary state of the Metropolis kept a stable motion, explains the use of a pan and spatula but none of the ingredients were organic, they're carefully synthesized in the lab and planted on one of the last vegetations of the world.
"Ah yes, good morning," Zitao flashed a smile to his wife, Xi Che. Luhan came running to him, placing the plate of pancakes first on the table before launching himself on his father, wrapping both of his arms and legs around Zitao's. "Good Morning to you, too, Luhan," He cheerfully greeted his son, age about three. "Come here, you big guy." Luhan released his grasp on his father and Zitao picked him up on his feet, carrying him in one arm to the dining table. Luhan laughed and kissed his father's cheek and Zitao chuckled, also placing a kiss on his son's cheek.
Luhan had more of his mother's features; the same doe eyes, small pouty pink lips and the smile that always made Zitao's day better. He has this black silky hair, styled up like his father's until his mother decided to cut a week ago. Even though he looked more like his mother, he got Zitao's flexibility and love for martial arts, as well as his facial expressions, specifically his glare, only it was not scary but very adorable that everyone could melt on their feet and follow whatever he wished.
"Appa, stay for breakfast please," he whispered.
"But appa has a schedule to follow," Zitao playfully whispered back.
"Luhan understands," he buried his face on the crook of his father's neck. "But can appa at least take a bite. Luhan and eomma made it together. We also mixed a secret ingredient to it," Luhan exclaimed.
"What is that ingredient then?" Luhan looked up and faced his father.
"Ai!" Luhan giggled and Zitao settled him on a chair, painted in sky blue. He pressed the button beside the exquisitely designed armrests, similarly around those designs dated back in 1800s and it suddenly boosted up into a high chair.
"We added Love Appa!"
Zitao stared oddly at his son then glanced at his wife then turning back to Luhan. He bursted chuckling then ruffled Luhan's disheveled bed hair, because what his son said was such a cheesy thing but of course, it sounded so sweet when it came out of his son's lips.
"Wow, then Luhan's pancakes should be delicious!" 
"How should we know without tasting?" Xi Che lowly muttered but Zitao caught all of them. He looked at the pancakes laid on the table and guessed they were Luhan's because most of them were burnt to the crisp. 
"They are and will be delicious because as Luhan said, they're made-" Zitao fished a pancake from the plate. "-with Love." It was bitter and sweet at the same time but Luhan's just a kid. It's pretty much excusable and Zitao can't stand breaking his son's heart, with such a comment. 
"Amazing Luhan! You've even beaten Kai's special pancakes!" 
"Master!" Kai retorted by the speakers
Zitao snuggled Luhan in his arms, hugging the younger boy tight and swaying him from left to right. 
"T-Thank you, Appa!" Luhan squeaked as he was squished hard. On the other hand, Xi Che sighed and quickly apologized. She placed the rest of the remaining pancakes on the dining table and sat across Zitao. 
"Cut Luhan some slack will you, Kai!" Zitao shouted back and pulled his son closer to him. 
"Appa must prepare to go now Luhan or he'll be scolded by uncle Baek again," whispered Zitao and a frown swathed his son's lips. 
"Okay Appa," Luham grumbled.
"Study hard okay! So you can be like Appa." Zitao kissed Luhan's cheek and the tube started to rise from the carpet.
"B-But Zitao. Brea-" 
Xi Che tried to convince him but the tube already locked her husband. Zitao mouthed a sorry and his wife could only watch Zitao being pulled upward by a strong wind until he was out of sight. Luhan walked towards his mom, and held his mother's shivering hands in place, stirred with different colored bandages, cuts and even burns. Xi Che smiled and kissed Luhan's forehead.
"Appa will be home for dinner, don't worry."
"You could've been infected with what you Just ingested in your system. Are you fully aware of that, Master?" Zitao stepped out of the dresser, turning left to right, judging his reflection on the mirror. "Those are burnt and if those materials aren't cooked properly, it could cause food poisoning and I heard, Master, that it's quite frequent these days."
"Don't start with me, Kai." He twirled his fingers to adjust his tie. "Who do you think you're talking to. Of course, I know it. But you see, it's Luhan. I could not stand seeing him in the verge of crying because I said something that's quite negative."
There was a long pause in between and the silence was so bad that you would've thought that you were deaf. Zitao glanced at the camera but quickly looked down to grab his earpiece from his desk.
"You remember that time right?" Zitao bit his lower lip. "Who am I kidding. Surely, you do."
"I have the footage of it, if you want me to further prove it to you that I truly do remember, master."
"Urgh, never mind," sighed Zitao. "I'm going to get killed by Baekhyun if I'll show up late. Let's go now, shall we?"
"Yes, Master. Destination to Xi Jinping building right on target," 
Swirls of peach light floated around Zitao's body, slowly at first until it picked up its pace, getting ready for teleportation. Little by little, Zitao's molecules were transported into another place in an inhuman speed; it was quite uncomfortable for him since he couldn't feel any of his body parts at all. In about 2 minutes, the vision of his room was completely a blur and he was now in front of the Xi Jinping building; a laboratory built for the sake of experimentation and fix ups. 
The building was as tall as the Chiang Kai Shek tower, formerly known as Taipei 101, but the floors were a whole lot different than other companies. Each floor was equivalent to almost 5 floors of a regular building and the floor for the testing was divided into two; a normal floor for a safe run through for 80% sure devices and an underground facility for huge scale devices that mostly have high radiations when testing.
The moment Zitao stepped on the flat glass transporter, inches hovered from the ground; the huge digital banner, stretching on the entrance, featuring the latest products of PND Technology, pixelated and dropped on the floor, shone like crystals as it crashed animatedly to fragments. As he entered the lobby, the personnel bowed down to him and Zitao also bowed down to them as a sign of respect. 
Zitao hopped down from his place(a slight exaggeration because actually, transporter was only 2 inches high) and walked towards the front desk. "Nice morning, neh, Takeru-san?" Zitao spoke in Japanese to the new staff.  
"Ah, Hai! It's my honour working for someone who marked history and well known to the industry. My daughter is a big fan of yours and my wife to-" He was cut off when the other staff suddenly nudged him by the elbow. "I apologize. Did I talk too much, sir?" 
"No. No. Not at all. To be frank, I'm quite flattered to hear your enthusiasm, Takeru-san," Zitao smiled again. "Bring your family here once in a while," He leaned closer to the desk and whispered. "But make sure to get them inspected first. You know how we run things here." The Japanese man shivered at the seriousness of his boss's tune, while on the other hand; when Zitao retracted away from the desk, he smiled at both of the personnel and walked back to the glass transporter.
But before doing so, he pressed his earpiece, in a form of a tiny black piercing on the upper right of his ear. It hovered a huge sky blue translucent screen  and Zitao swiped the contents towards the front desk. "Do not panic," reassured Zitao. "Kai will somehow take over the systems for a weekly check. Continue what you're doing." Zitao finished and returned to the transporter but he couldn't help but snigger at the expression of awe of his new personnel. His snigger turned into a smirk and he snapped his fingers, surprising everyone, especially Takeru, with a loud burst of music coming out of the speakers mounted on every corner. 
He couldn't help himself from laughing at Takeru, who had his mouth hung wide open.
"You shouldn't have done that, Master," Kai communicated in his head through the earpiece.
"But I just did," He replied and swallowed a dry laugh. "And I'm so not sorry."
Same floor looked exactly as the previous ones, same white colored walls, the same murals painted on the ceiling. If it was the first time of a new staff here, he or she would've been lost already. The reason for this was to conceal valuable information about the upcoming and ongoing products. Without an I. D., unauthorized personnel or even a staff could not reveal the try identity of the room. 
The movement of the square glass transporter stopped from going up. "Level 10, you have arrived to your destination," it was Kai. 
When Zitao fished out his identification card from his trench coat, red lasers from the transporter scanned him then the square transporter extended into a narrow bridge. He walked to the end of the it and he brought his hand up to touch the barrier. His fingers poked it and the image rippled like a stone disturbing a stagnant water. A cylindrical metal rose up from the thin bridge and once it was on the same level of his hip, Zitao swiped the card on the gap. The cylinder descended and the barrier split, rounding the whole place until it finally revealed the testing area.
Music suddenly boomed Zitao right on the face, one of the songs in the playlist that he sent on the buildings system. More than that, what actually welcomed him was an agitated red headed scientist stomping towards his way. Zitao could've escaped but it was too late since he was already inside the testing area and the barrier has surrounded them. 
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Stop it Baek! Ow ow ow, I'm sorry! For the love everyth- ow!" Zitao squirmed under his great friend, and co-worker, Byun Baekhyun. He has twisted the taller man's ear and dragged him away from the room's entrance then shove him on one chair while the rest of the people of Baekhyun's team laughed at Zitao, the head of all science related teams. Who knew someone who was as high as Zitao, literally, and position based, can bring him down panting on the chair, rubbing his pink tainted ear.
"For the love everything, be on time with the rechecking just for once," Baek crossed his arms.
"E-Eh, I talked to the newbie on the front desk," Zitao tried to reason even if he knew Baekhyun would not tolerate any of his excuses and what proved that was being hit by Baekhyun on the forehead while he just hissed in pain, surprisingly, not actually complaining.
"And it took you what, an hour?"
"Aish Baek, I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry. I had stuff with Luhan and Xi Che at home."
"Okay, you're half-way excused, but I know you're going to do it again, no doubt," Baekhyun muttered under his breath. "Fetch him a lab coat, Chanyeol, please." 
It may not be obvious, but Baekhyun was the head of the testing department, group 3. He maybe short and adorable looking (especially to Chanyeol, but we'll get back to that later), due to the height difference in the department, also his quite amusing fashion sense; but he was one of the strictest head out there, even a top scientist like Huang Zitao can fall under him. 
Chanyeol came running and threw a newly washed coat from the stock room to Zitao, who immediately caught it then swung the lab coat to slip it by his arms(also minding his tiny hair flips he made that Baekhyun envies). "So, let's start now, shall we?" Zitao suggested.
"The sooner the better!" Baekhyun stomped away as far away as possible from Zitao, dragging Chanyeol with him until they're at the glass walls of the room. The other members of the team scattered and it was late till Zitao realized that. When he was about to move away also, he caught glares from Baekhyun, and he was forced to be idled on the middle like Baekhyun attached Zitao's feet on the floor.
"Earth theme, on," Zitao barely whispered, but at the immediate time he said 'on', the floor sprang green, extending to the farthest part of the room; clouds reappeared higher than usual and blue painted the ceiling and pixels of other wildlife flashing before his eyes. Zitao ran his slender fingers on the 1 feet wide river and felt the cold pixels seep between the gaps of his fingers. He looked up at Baekhyun and gave a thumbs up while Baekhyun just grinned.
ㅇ ㅅ ㅇ
Finished with the last test run and a few adjustments with Group 3 and other test departments, Zitao stretched his arms over head and shoves his labcoat away from his shoulders. It had been a long day, there were a lot of minor casualties discussed but Zitao said only few information about it and told the group leader that it would be better discussed on the meeting later. 
"Master, would you like to go out for dinner? Meeting doesn't start till 1900," asked Kai. "I'm almost done with scanning the team 11's folders, Master."
"No need Kai. Just let me sleep and wake me up once the folders are cleared of doubled dcouments." Zitao pushed the button of his earpiece and curled himself on his chiair, burying his head on his knees and swaying left to right as if lulling himself to sleep. Zitao commanded the chair to spin around, facing the breathtaking skyline of Xiang Yu, named after a military commander of the late Qin dynasty. This place used to be Beijing, one of the most productive cities of China and still was. 
Zitao fluttered his eyes open, the light bloody orange sky setting, painted in a dark blue blanket. The sun was illuminating Xiang Yu's infrastructures, also the fountains, squirting water as high as other buildings. Zitao found himself smiling, wondering, what could've been the face of Xiang Yu long before man modified it in concrete. A better question was, what was Earth before man's desires consumpted mother earth. What would they actually feel when they're allowed to see wildlife up close? How long would it possibly take before man can finally find their satisfaction with the world?
Right now, in this era, no one has a clue.
The music from the speakers sounded bleary at this moment. Zitao almost had his eyes shut, until he could barely move a muscle. 
And a thin mail floated down, right on his desk. 
Zitao and Kai were back on track as they just arrived in front of PND headquarters. Every staff was fully checked by scanner and manually. Though some refused and insisted that they wouldn't like to be touched, PND has to make safety measures since the head scientists of PND were the main factors why this company was even running high in the world as the top company on terms of technology. So, the staff and media who backed down on getting scanned manually had no choice but to leave the building.
The media weren't exactly in for the meeting but for Huang Zitao. Since he's the icon for technology, he had also caught the attention of young teenagers to be interested in technology as well, not just by his vast knowledge and passion for it but also for his attractive looks and kindness towards the general public. He even sent donations to other countries of PND's new technology as a sign of generosity.
"Do you really need to sign those master? They'd know lot of information just by a single handwriting, especially your attitude," Kai asked as one girl held out a paper and a pen behind the barricade.
"I know. I won't," Zitao firmly replied and smiled at the girl and gave her a wink. The girl's hand quivered and slowly rertracted her arms and hold the paper and pen dearly on her chest, her eyes following as Zitao dissapeared by the entrance of the building.
"You still got it, master," Kai complimented and Zitao chuckled under his breath.
"Of course, it's Huang Zitao's charms we're talking about!" Sadly, Zitao exclaimed it quite loud enough for other people to hear, despite the chaos outside the building. Some laughed and other just stared at him. "Now this is embarrassing," Zitao muttered.
"Sorry everyone. You may go back to what you're doing now."
Most of them shrugged it off and did what Zitao just said. While on the other side, he felt his composure crumble for a second when a hand touched his shoulder. Zitao flinched and staggered on his left, his heart almost popping out from his chest. 
"It's just me, chill," Baekhyun held his hands up in the air and Zitao sighed.
"How come there's more media than usual? Not that I have the right to complain," Zitao asked and rubbed his nape.
"Because the rumour said that there's going to be a new project of PND," Baekhyun whispered then tugged Zitao to the transporter. 
"That's not a surprise. Though they are right about the new project but it won't be out until next month," he grinned and Baekhyun as well. 
Minutes after, the transporter stopped and both headed out from the glass. Baekhyun entered the code and let the red rays scan his eye and Zitao did the same. The translucent glass split ontp half and they were welcomed with the other board members, who have seemed to start the meeting quite earlier.
"You're late!" Suho shouted and slapped the pointer on the conference table. "But on the other hand," he darted his eyes to Zitao. "I just subbed for you. Take your place please. Go to your seat, Baekhyun."
Suho was a senior to all of the 20s aged staff in the room. He has this 'never say die' attitude that proved of how he entered and got his position. 7 years since he was 15, he pursued this career, leaving everything behind. 3rd time wasn't a charm; his 7th time was. But for some reasons, the other juniors thought so lowly of him.
"So Mrs. Kwon Yuri filed a case to sue our company because when they used the teleportation device, her husband's head and were switched. Is that it?" Zitao let Suho read the paper until the last sentence. This situation was quite funny yet serious at the same time.
"Goddammit, where's their footage of Mr. Kwon transporting," Zitao palmed his face. "I'm sure you have, Suho."
"O-Oh yes,"he clears his throat. "Video number 1, Zitao-ssi."
Everyone focused on the clear footage of Mr. Kwon on the teleportation device. It was replayed more than twice and each replay was slower than the former. It continued until Zitao paused the video. "Look here," he drew a small circle on the screen. "Here on the upper part. He held something, surely it's a phone because he's lifting up to his ear," Zitao pointed out, letting the video at that certain loop and the other members nodded in agreement.
Baekhyun was dead spot on his seat. Zitao's observation skills were truly remarkable like a detective or some sort. That part was almost 5% visible from the eye yet he still noticed that very tiny detail. Baekhyun saluted Zitao of that. "She has no right to sue us," he continued and Baekhyun flinched back to consciousness.
"Because it's stated on the manual. Section 1 number 3, in all bold red capslock letters that no cellphones or communication devices shall be used in the teleportation device to avoid misplacing of body parts and Mr. Kwon did the opposite of that."
Zitao swiped the contents of the screen back in the folder. "Next agenda please!"
"B-But wait!" Suho stood up. "Shouldn't we do something for them like paying the bills since it was out of their inconvenience."
"Excuses!" Zitao slapped the pointer on the table. "Mr. Kwon didn't abide by the manual. Why do you think manuals are made? Isn't it to avoid these kinds of situations? This is ignorance of the law, Suho-ssi. Is it right to accuse the Department of Public Works and Highways if a driver crashes his or her car on the stop sign? No. That's why the driver took driving lessons in the first place. It is to use the car properly. There's the law. There's the rules. But here's just a simple manual."
"Now give me a proper explanation for consideration." Suho descended back on his seat while Zitao adjusted his tie. 
"I'm sorry, Zitao-ssi." 
Zitao turned his back at Suho and the other heads were silenced. He tapped the next folder and expanded it to the whole screen, "Don't worry Suho. We already paid for his hospital bills," Zitao glanced then smiled while Suho let out a sigh of relief.
"Your turn, Kyuhyun-ssi."
ㅇ ㅅ ㅇ
Zitao returned to his office to recollect what he has left. He had scheduled Kai for a clean up drive for excess information in his own desktop. It was already 11 pm and most of the teams has already left. Zitao crashed his back on his seat and spun around. Once it stopped, he hopped to stare down the skyline of Xiang Yu. 
"Cup of coffee, master?" Kai offered through his earpiece.
"Please," huffed Zitao. It had been a long day and he really deserved one. A cup of coffee rose on the table and the aroma of freshly brew beans wafted the cold air. When he approached the table to hook the handle by his fingers, one thing made his heart drop and his breathing hitched. Sweat built on his forehead and slid down on his cheeks and his lips quivered terribly.
He pulled the package from its folder and it was so familiar.
That everything may have been a dream for him.
"But master, the sources were said to date back in 2100s and good thing. The sender is here, waiting for your signal to come talk to him."
"Then so be it," Zitao muttered. "Let him in!"
He took a big gulp of his coffee and placed it back on the desk. "What's your motive sending me this? To frame me of stealing? To threaten me? Or to make my head mix up so I'd like to kill myself in my sleep. Your reasons state it now." He looked at him; tall, few inches taller than Zitao. He wore an out of date suit, ragged and ripped. His hair was disheveled and its dye was quite faded. But his face, he couldn't recognize it clearly.
"Why would I do such a childish thing like framing you up. What I need is your help, nothing less." Zitao's short patience was cut into half then he pulled the man by his dress shirt.
"If you'd ask for help, why me? Why on Earth would you bring me a piece of paper in my office. Papers are banned in metropolis and I could call the police right now."
"Then do it," Zitao's hand shivered. "You can't? You won't? You don't?"
"Shut up! There are no factories that are capable of paper production. You stole this. Didn't you? From the museum?"
"Why would I do that, hmm? I am here to ask for help. Not to get myself in prison. You're the only one who I can approach. You're the only one who I can trust."
"How are you so sure of me?" It was a bluff and Zitao knew that the man knew it. Judging by his attitude, the glint of his eyes; it cannot be denied that this man was pouring of confidence that Zitao can surely help him.
"You will. Your curiosity is way dangerous so as your thirst for knowledge and it is very pitiful but you keep it to yourself. Now, do you want to help or not?" The man grinned and Zitao squinted his eyes. He could barely stand on the right footing, the stress was as if eating him alive and the fact of the man was saying was even painful.
"What would you do if I won't?"
"I know you will. You won't decline the urge inside you. It hurts. Doesn't it?" The man grinned and Zitao tightened his grip on the man's shirt. "1 minute or I'll be leaving."
The flare of the man's hazelnut eyes struck Zitao the most. They were very open and clear yet he could not feel the man's actual intention. It was neither bad or good. Nothing felt wrong. Nothing felt right. It confused him and all that he was sure of at this moment were juggled up. The man stared. Zitao glared. It tore Zitao apart. He released his grip and offered him to leave.
The man shoved Zitao away and took the folder from the desk. He held the man's wrist, preventing him from doing so. The man tried to snatch it away but Zitao's reflexes was quite scary at the moment that he cornered the man on the desk, letting him lean on the illuminated glass. Zitao was panting, out of confusion, out of his inner rage. Whilst, the man kept staring but didn't drop the folder.
"I'm leaving," he firmly said. "I'm taking everything with me." Zitao's hands,  cuffed on both wrists, pressed them harder on the desk. 
"And when I say everything. I mean it as everything."
Zitao flinched when the large glass panes shattered and the deafening sound of the alarm mixed with the man's chuckle pierced righ through his soul. That senseless statement he said before everything in Zitao's mind was cleared and he was set off flying on the walls will never.. Ever.. Get out of his head.
I mean it as 'everything', as well as your dead body.
a/n : i am done with the first chap. I hope you've enjoyed it so far
*Xi Che - Heechul's chinese name
*7 years of Suho - said to be his training years
*Chiang Kai Shek - he replaced Sun Yat Sen as the leader of Republic of China
*Xi Jinping - China's current prime minister(?) ((correct me if I'm wrong))
*Xiang Yu - one of China's popular ancient generals ((said to be))
*PND - PANDA without the vowels
proofread will be tomorrow
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_chxnbxek #1
Chapter 1: Heechul?!?!?!?! Srlsly?!?!?!?!?!?! Hahahahahhahaah hope he meets Baekhyun
_chxnbxek #2
Capital EXCITED.