
Taekwoon sat in the waiting room staring at the wall, his eyes hardly blinking as he awaited news from the doctor that was examining Tori. The doctors that had come over to assess Tori, had since then, transferred her to a hospital. Nurse after nurse coming in and out of the room that Tori was in. Two hours. Taekwoon sat in that waiting room, heart thumping against his ribs, seldom blinking his eyes. The guys had showed up not too long after the doctors transferred Tori to the hospital, but even then Taekwoon was reluctant to socialize, to speak, to react, to display any sign of emotions. No, Taekwoon sat in complete silence as he waited for the doctor to exit the room with information on how Tori was doing. Even when Hakyeon and the others asked him how Tori was, how he was, Taekwoon did not answer, he did not utter a sound, not one peep. He did not want to make a sound, he did not want to make a peep, not until he was assured of Tori's health.
She's going to be okay, right? She's going to get better. She has to. Taekwoon thought as he peered over toward the door to the room she was in, his entire mind veering off as he thought about Tori, as he thought about all the times they spent together, both good and bad, a sad and rather painful smile gracing his lips.
What happened to her? She was...she was just fine not too many days ago. So i thought. Taekwoon wondered as the threat of tears returned, his bottom lashes b with water.
Is it my fault? Did i...is it because of me that she is like this? Taekwoon asked himself, glancing up and around the room as the tears that hung on his bottom lashes rolled down his cheeks. Even if Tori's condition was self inflicted or just an act of mother nature, the guilt that Taekwoon felt would never evade his heart. Because maybe, and just maybe, he could have taken some of the strain off her heart, he could have been there as a shoulder for Tori to cry on, to sleep on, he could have been there to hold her. But more than anything, Taekwoon could have simply been there. That alone was killing Taekwoon the most, knowing that all the time that he and Tori avoided one another, he could have been there to keep an eye on her, to argue with her, to pick on her, to talk to her, to bug her, and most of all, to love her.
Looking over at Taekwoon every now and then the guys could tell that he was having a hard time dealing with what was going on with Tori, that he was having a difficult time  knowing she was suffering. Taekwoon wasn't the only one either, Jaehwan too was having a difficult time understanding and processing that somewhere between the time Taekwoon and Tori started talking and went outside, that something happened to her. And he had no idea what, that alone pissed him off. Glaring over at Taekwoon, the hurt on his heart rather heavy. To Jaehwan, it was Taekwoon's fault that Tori was in the hospital, and there was no telling him otherwise until they figured out was wrong with her.
Tori clasped her hands together and rung them a few times, her eyes fleeting to and from the the door that lead out of the hospital room. It had been forty minutes since the doctor diagnosed her, since the doctor told her what the real reasons behind her passing out, and all she wanted to do was go out into the waiting room and tell Taekwoon that she was okay, that she was fine, and that he need not worry about her. She wanted to let everyone know that she was okay, maybe then she'd be able to stop Taekwoon and Jaehwan from talking, interacting. Because God knows what would happen if Jaehwan started asking Taekwoon about what happened to her, what it was that made her pass out, what it was the two of them were talking about that he had to drag her outside.
It'll break his heart. He'll think that i've been using him this entire time. He'll...he'll hate me. They both would. Tori thought, clutching her rapidly beating heart as the thoughts of everyone hating her settled heavily on her mind.
"Tori, do you hear me? I said you need to start taking your medication again, and regularly this time...not just when you feel like you are unstable." Tori looked away from the door and up at the small woman, her lips parting immediately as she began to retort,
"I don't want to start taking that medicine again. I don't need to..." Tori said harshly, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.
Averting her eyes from the doctor, Tori once again peered at the door, she just wanted to see Taekwoon and tell him that she was alright.
"Tori, i am not giving you an option, do you understand?! Everything on this chart says otherwise to your statement, you need to be on that medication, I'm sorry. You have had a series of three anxiety attacks so far, what makes you think that that is not sufficient enough reason for you to start taking your medication, huh?" Doctor Kim snapped back, her voice stern and demanding, motherly.
"I don't need to take it doctor Kim, i am fine with out it. I'm....i'm not like i was before...I don't need to take any medicine. I'm...i'm perfectly fine. I won't do anything rash." Tori could feel her heart rate increasing, she could feel her breathing as it became sporadic. It was happening again.
Doctor Kim glanced at Tori and sighed heavily, her hard set face relaxing as she watched the girl attempt to calm herself down, as she watched Tori draw deep steady breathes,
It's happening again. Doctor Kim thought as she walked over to the girl who was slowly losing to her illness. Taking one of Tori's hands, doctor Kim began to it, squeezing it gently in the process.
"Tori, listen to me...it's going to be alright sweetie. You're not that girl anymore, so stop being afraid. I am only telling you this for the sake of your health. I have seen you change so much since you have been here in Korea. I care about you as if you were one of my own children, the last thing i want, is to see you broken and irreparable because of your pride, because your stubbornness. Understand, that just because you will be back on your meds again does not make you that same girl you were years ago. You've come a long way since then, don't go back now. Please, just take your medication for a few weeks. You should feel better in no time, and before you know it you won't even be taking them anymore. " Doctor Kim finished calmly, giving Tori a nice firm hug, but she was far from finished speaking with the young woman.
"Tori, why...why weren't you taking care of yourself like you should have been? Is there something wrong?" Tori looked up at Doctor Kim, tears b her bottom lashes as she thought about everything that has happened to her up until now.
Shaking her head, the younger woman began to speak, but as she uttered the words she found them stuck in , replaced by heavy sobbing instead.
"I don't know what to do...i messed everything up..." Tori whispered, her voice cracking as she tried to contain her sobs.
Doctor Kim hugged Tori even closer, begging her to calm down before she began to hyperventilate,
"Tori, listen to me! Breathe. Okay? Breathe. What ever happened...we can get through it. You can get through it." Doctor Kim's voice was motherly, soothing and calming, but Tori was too far gone into herself to hear it. Shaking her head, Doctor Kim sighed. Something had to be done to help Tori before it was too late, there was no way she was going to let her return to the state in which she was when she first accepted Tori as her personal patient. When tori finally cooled off, her heavy sobs but mere whimpers, Doctor Kim unwrapped her from her arms, peering into her face, staring into her eyes.
"Doctor Kim, i do not want to take my meds again...i can handle this myself. I've learned how to...how to cope." Tori whispered as she looked into the older woman's face. 
"I know you can, but Tori you are really stressed and i know how you get when you are stressed. You don't eat not one thing, you starve yourself, you work yourself until you cannot even stand up or keep a single eye open ...you neglect your health...and I cannot let you do that. You remember what happened last time just as well as i do." Tori exhaled heavily, rolling her eyes and shaking her head,
"It's not like that this time. I'm not that insecure....I'm. Not. That. Girl. Anymore." Tori spat, her volume low, but her tone cold and harsh.
"Alright Tori, but the moment i find out that you are falling back into old habits, I am putting you on a three month prescription." Doctor Kim ended the conversation with that point, smiling brightly at the young woman before getting up to gather her things.
"And i noticed you have a few people waiting to see you?" Doctor Kim said, her eyebrows raising as she looked at Tori, her lips also turning up into a grin.
"Oh," Tori blushed,
"Those are just a few friends. Maybe I should go out there and...let them know I'm okay huh?" Doctor Kim nodded her head and smiled wide,
"Don't worry about it, I'll let them know they can come in. I'll be right back, okay? I'm about to go put in you prescription, okay?" Tori nodded her head and scooted to the top of the bed, taking a much needed breath before pulling the blanket up to her chin. Tori shut her eyes and focused only on breathing, she didn't know that things would ever get this bad for her. Not so long after everything happened with her back at home years ago. Opening her eyes after calming herself down some, Tori glanced at the door, watching for the silhouettes of six young men. No matter how much she said she was, Tori was not prepared to face Taekwoon just yet, or Jaehwan for that matter; but they needed to know she was okay, they needed to know the truth behind her passing out. Especially Jaehwan since he had no idea what happened after Taekwoon yanked her outside to talk. Closing her eyes again, Tori rested her head on her knees, the sound of a door knob bolts turning making her jump in her skin.
Here goes nothing. Tori thought as she took a deep breath and opened her eyes, her head still resting on her knees.
"Tori?" Hyuk whispered as he walked in at the rear of the group, the awkward silence that had followed them into the room making him irritated.
"Hey guys..." Tori whispered as she looked up at the group of boys standing in the doorway, her lips tugging into a small smile.
"Oh my god! Tori! What happened to you? One moment you were beside me and the next you are pulled away to talk. And all I hear is a phone call moments later on how you passed out." Tori bit her bottom lip and shook her head as Jaehwan walked up to her bed,
"I'm sorry Jaehwan, I...I guess I wasn't feeling too good after all." Tori forced a giggle, but not one of the guys saw anything humorous about the situation.
"Tori, what happened to you back there?" Hyuk asked curiously, concern evident in his tone. Tori glanced over at Taekwoon and blushed, her eyes darting to the floor the moment their eyes met,
"Um. I guess I was just really fatigue from my run. I'm sorry if I scared you all." Tori said quietly, looking at each guy for a brief second, all except Taekwoon.
"Tori, you were in here for a long time. So don't sit here and tell us it's only because you were fatigue from your run. It's more than that, isn't it?" Hongbin asked, his voice gentle and pleasant.
"Oh." Tori breathed, looking down at her feet and twiddling her thumbs. The last thing Tori wanted was for the guys to hear her and Dr. Kim talking about her condition.
"Tori,we saw the doctor walk out of here with a prescription. What's going on, are you okay? What happened?" Hakyeon asked, a brotherly tone invading his calm voice.
Tori looked at each male's face, even Taekwoon's, nibbling her bottom lip as tears collected at her lashes,
"I'm fine. It's nothing that you guys need to worry about." Tori chirped, wiping away the tears that collected in her eyes before they could fall.
"Tori, don't lie to us, please. What's the matter?" Jaehwan blurted, his voice cracking with a plethora of emotions.
Tori looked up at the boys again, avoiding eye contact with Taekwoon once again.
None of this ever would have happened had I kept my distance from him in the first place. Tori thought as she shook her head, her lips trembling as she prepared her words. 
"I um...i have anxiety disorder. Specifically panic and generalized anxiety disorder." Tori whispered, looking away from the guys and back toward the room from which she came, her heart practically palpitating as she awaited a response from the guys.
"W-why didn't you tell us this earlier, we would have made sure that you were taking care of yourself properly, we would have checked on you more often! We could've done our part to make you comfortable." Ravi exclaimed calmly,
"I didn't want to scare you guys. Besides, it wasn't that serious...before..." Tori breathed, slipping her hands into the sleeves of her shirt and shrinking back against the head of the bed.
Taekwoon looked up at Tori to see her backing herself against the head of the bed, her face twisted into that of fear and confusion. He wanted to just run over to the girl and wrap his arms around her, hold her closer to his heart, with no intention of ever letting her go. But Jaehwan had beat him to the punch before Taekwoon could even take a step toward Tori.
Jaehwan was the first one to make a move toward Tori, taking gentle steps across the room until he stood towering over the short girl, his lips curled up into a faint reassuring smile. Wrapping his arms around Tori's petite frame, Jaehwan pulled her in for a warm hug. Everyone in the room was silent as they watched the two hug, Hakyeon glancing over at Taekwoon to see how he was handling the intimate body contact between the couple. Peering over at Hyuk, Hongbin, and Wonsik, Hakyeon sighed heavily, he knew as well as anyone else in the room, that this was going to be a bit of a problem.
"We're not upset with you Tori, so don't be scared. We just wanna help and make sure that you are alright. We care about you a lot...i care about you a lot..." Jaehwan whispered against Tori's hair, his hand resting at the back of her head, his arms firmly wrapped around her. Tori could not stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks as Jaehwan held her tenderly, her heart breaking as each second passed. And the worst part of it was that while Tori shared this intimate hug with Jaehwan, she could see Taekwoon's face, she could the heart break, the conflict, in his eyes. Burying her face in Jaehwan's shirt, averting her eyes from the somber Taekwoon, Tori began to sob. She did not know what she was going to do about Taekwoon, or Jaehwan. But it was up to her to fix it, up to her to mend it, and she had no idea where to begin.
Taekwoon glanced at Hyuk, Ravi, Hongbin, and Hakyeon, inhaling deeply before running his fingers through his hair and turning away from Tori and Jaehwan. Groaning under his breath, Taekwoon stalked out of the hospital room and out into the hallway to the right of her room, the walls shaking from the impact of the door being slammed shut. Tori jumped in Jaehwan's arms, her heart stopping and her breath catching. She pushed away from Jaehwan to see what all the commotion was about when she noticed that Taekwoon had disappeared from the scene.
"Taekwoon." Tori whispered breathlessly, bringing a hand up to as even more tears gathered in her eyes.
"I have to go talk to him." Tori muttered as she hastened toward the edge of her bed, snatching needles out of her hand before jumping down to her feet, Jaehwan bumbling in right behind her.
"Tori, where are you going?" Jaehwan asked, catching the girl's hand and pulling her back into his chest. Tori yanked away from Jaehwan and turned to face him completely,
"I have to go see what's wrong with Taekwoon...i...i didn't want to scare him. I don't want him to think..." Tori shook her head and began to chew on her lip guiltily. It was all her fault that things were falling apart, so she thought, and she hated herself for it.
"I don't want him to think that he is the reason I passed out. I want him to understand that it is not his fault. I...we were talking when it happened and i just don't want him to think it was his fault." Jaehwan looked up at the door in which Taekwoon exited, chewing his own lip as he thought about it.
Jaehwan had no way of knowing what it was that exactly happened while Tori and Taekwoon were talking earlier, he had no way of knowing the real underlying reason behind Tori collapsing, and he was feeling very reluctant in letting her go out there with him by herself.
"He'll be okay. He's a big boy, he can take care of himself. You really shouldn't be on your feet so soon after waking up from having fainted. And it's really cold out there. " Tori shook her head and began toward the door once more,
"I'm fine Jaehwan, i promise...i just really need to see if he is alright." Jaehwan was about to say more but was silenced when Tori slipped out into the corridor, the door shutting gently behind her.
"Don't worry Jaehwan, she'll be alright i'm sure. Taekwoon will make sure she is okay, I'm certain of it." Hyuk exclaimed suddenly when he saw the frustration creep into Jaehwan's face.
"...Tori and Taekwoon are really close with one another. They are like best friends...so I understand why she is so worried about him." The youngest of the bunch said as he walked over to Jaehwan and laid a hand upon his shoulder. Jaehwan looked over at Hyuk and smiled softly,
"Yeah I know... I'm just worried about her. She's pushing herself too much for someone who just passed out from an anxiety attack. She needs to be resting, trying to get better. Not stressing even more. Especially over Taekwoon." Jaehwan spat rather bitterly, his eyes trained on the door as he waited for Tori to reenter.
"I have a feeling that no matter what you tell her, no matter how much you try, Tori will do whatever it is she has her mind set to in that moment. And nothing any of us say or do, is going to keep her from doing what she wants." Ravi said from his seat, looking at Jaehwan for a few seconds before glancing at Hakyeon, a small sigh leaving the latter's lips.
"And that's what scares me the most." Jaehwan whispered as he walked over to one of the vacant chairs in the room and plopped down, waiting for Tori and Taekwoon to come back inside.
Tori stood at the end of the hallway, her arms wrapped around herself as she looked down the corridor at the man who stalked out of the room. Her lips trembling as she contemplated what to say, Tori took a step forward,
"Taekwoon?" Tori whispered his name, her voice sweet music to Taekwoon's ears, but this was not enough to make him turn around and face her.
"Taekwoon please, look at me. What's the matter?  Why did you leave like that? Are you alright? " Tori asked, knowing well before Taekwoon opened his mouth what his response would be.
"You shouldn't be out here." Taekwoon whispered, completely dodging Tori's questions.
"Look, we'll talk later okay? You need to go back inside and rest." Taekwoon added quickly, turning around only slightly to catch a quick glimpse of her.
"I'll be fine. I came out here to see how you were doing. You left kind of abruptly, i just wanted to make sure you were alright. You know, with everything happening between us and all...i just wanted to make sure you were alright." Tori knew that she was pushing it a little by adding the last part to her reason of concern, but figured she had nothing left to lose. She already couldn't be with the man she loved, not without breaking another's heart.
Taekwoon turned around swiftly, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked over at the small female, his lips parting and closing as he tried his best not to lose patience with her. 
"What? Wh-what do you mean make sure I'm alright? Tori, you already know how i feel...about you...about us... How am i supposed to be alright!? You're with Jaehwan!" Taekwoon exclaimed quietly, taking a few steps toward Tori, his hands flying up into his hair.
The few people who were lingering around glared at Taekwoon, only to glance at Tori and disappear doors shutting and footsteps growing distant.
Tori looked down at her feet and then up at Taekwoon, her heart beating rapidly the closer he came to her,
"I was just...I just...wanted  to talk...i think we should talk about what happened back at the skating rink. We never did..." Tori said timidly, not exactly knowing what to say in return.
Taekwoon exhaled heavily and groaned a bit,
"Talk about what?! We kissed and i confessed my feelings for you...and what an idiot mistake that was." Taekwoon muttered, raking his hands through his hair and shaking his head.
The tension was thick in the air as Tori and Taekwoon dwelled in each other's presence. There were just so many things left unsaid between the two, and neither one of them knew where to begin.
"...so you didn't mean it?" Tori asked as she watched Taekwoon from across the way, chewing her lip as she awaited his answer.
Turning around abruptly once more, Taekwoon stared Tori in her eyes, a cold glare flickering in his eyes, his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink,
"Of course i meant it! What, do you take me for? Some kind of joke? I would never say anything as serious and meaningful as 'I love you', if i did not mean it!" Taekwoon exclaimed, stalking over to Tori, making her jump.
Tori didn't know what to say to Taekwoon, all she knew was that in that heated moment, she was cross. She didn't want to upset him or anything like that, but she wanted answers. No, she wanted to hold and kiss him, make his pain disappear. She wanted to do any and everything she possibly could to let him know that she felt the exact same way about him. But she couldn't, and that was killing Tori the most, knowing that the very guy that she fretted over for so long actually returned the feeling she wished him to have for her. Taekwoon stared into Tori's face, immediately noting the many emotions that flowed through her, every single one of them animating in her eyes and on her face. Like an open book her heart was, at least it was to Taekwoon.
She's so vulnerable and transparent. Why? Taekwoon said mentally, exhaling heavily before taking a few more steps closer to Tori, the heat on his body emanating to her even hotter body.
"Tori, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you like that. It's just really hard for me to see you like this and not be able to do anything about it. Well, not without upsetting a certain individual." Taekwoon mumbled quietly, placing a hand on Tori's cheek only to draw it back.
Tori looked up at Taekwoon, her eyes glistening with the threat of tears,
"It's all my fault that it's like this Taekwoon. I messed this up, i messed up everything for Jaehwan and most of all...for you...so don't apologize." Tori whispered, trying to keep her emotions under control, her body shaking slightly as the peak of a breakdown trickled into her body.
"Don't do that, don't blame yourself," Taekwoon said hurriedly, again taking steps to further approach Tori, reaching out to touch her now wet cheeks.
"I need you to calm down. You're going to hurt yourself." Taekwoon said as he felt how much Tori was shaking. It was already bad enough she came outside in in the overly chilled hallway with out shoes, socks, or a blanket.
"I'm really sorry for putting you through so much. I mean that from the bottom of my heart." Tori whispered as Taekwoon wiped her tears away with his thumbs, her eyes wandering to his.
"Stop apologizing to me...you weren't the only one at faul-" Tori cut Taekwoon off,
"But i was...i'm the one who made this mess. I'm the reason why it's so hard for you right now, and i can't apologize enough. If i could, I would turn back the time so that we never would have met. At least that way you wouldn't be suffering so much because of me. You...and the guys for that matter...were better off never having met me..." Tori whispered, her face a blank canvas, her voice an emotionless tone. Although Tori was displaying no emotions, tears still found a way to roll down her cheeks.
Taekwoon wiped Tori's face until her cheeks were only just a little red and damp. His broken heart withering away as he listened to Tori's claims. Settling one hand at Tori's neck and an arm around her waist, Taekwoon pulled her into him.
"No matter what happens, i want you to know that you were the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't change having met you for anything, even if things are a little shaky now." Taekwoon whispered against Tori's forehead before placing a sweet kiss on her skin.
"I'm sorry." Tori murmured as Taekwoon's words planted themselves in her heart and soul. She did not want this for Taekwoon, the emotional turmoil and confusion, she didn't want this for anyone and hated that she allowed things to get this out of control in the first place. In short, Tori hated herself for making things more complicated than they were.
"Shhh. It's okay." Taekwoon whispered,  leaning down so that his lips were hovering over hers, his eyes still locked with her glistening ones. Pressing a soft and fairly brief peck to Tori's lips Taekwoon smirked, the faint taste of her tears lingering on his tongue as the muscle darted across his lips.
"I don't wanna hear you say sorry ever again, Tori...i wanna hear you say that you love me. Because, I love you. I don't care about anything else" Taekwoon declared silently as he leaned down and claimed Tori's lips once more, his own lips alternating diligently between each one of hers, his tongue busy mingling with hers in the middle.
Tori sighed deeply into the kiss that Taekwoon initiated, the kiss she so desperately needed. This was what she wanted, Taekwoon. Tangling her hands in Taekwoon's shirt, Tori pulled him closer to her body, his warmth thawing her out immediately. Tori could feel her limbs shaking as the cold bit into her, but Taekwoon was so close and it felt so right to her that in that moment she was not oblivious to the piercing chill, and if she was she did not care. Taekwoon's warmth was enough for her.
"I love you." Tori murmured when Taekwoon drew back to take a breath, her eyes delving into Taekwoon's soul.
"I really do." Tori said, her hands and arms shaking as she wrapped herself around Taekwoon.
"I want us to work out with all my heart..."  Tori whispered, laying her head against Taekwoon's chest and hugging him even tighter.
"But i don't know if i can have what i want right now. Things are just so complicated." Tori whispered, running her fingers up and down Taekwoon's back, trying not to give away to anymore tears.
"I know. I know. Everything will be okay, it will get better. You just have to...hang in there, okay? For me...for us?" Tori peered up at Taekwoon then, her lips quivering with the threat of sobs,
"I don't think i will be able to do that though, Taekwoon." Tori said truthfully, her heart aching as she thought about having to exist around Taekwoon without being able to show him the affection he deserved, the affection she so longed to give him.
"Yes, you can. We've...we've went this long in the dark...i am sure we can make it a little while longer." Taekwoon said, kissing Tori's cheek, trying his best to sooth her troubled soul.
"This is different though, i can't do anything without hurting him or...hurting you." Tori whispered, glancing up at Taekwoon, her eyes sad and glistening with tears.
"Don't worry about me right now, don't worry about any of us. You just focus on you and try to get better. I'm going to be here for you no matter what, Tori." Taekwoon said in response, hugging Tori tightly and kissing her on the forehead.
"I messed up." Tori whispered after a few moments of silence, the words simply falling from her lips.
Those words were embedded in her mind because to her, she did mess up,and now it was up to her alone to fix the mess she made. Even if that meant possibly removing herself from the equation for a bit.
"How serious are you and Jaehwan?" Taekwoon asked, knowing that the reason Tori was so conflicted was because of Jaehwan, because up until now she was supposedly 'talking' to him.
"We aren't that serious...but we aren't...not serious either..." Tori said, taking a few steps back and looking at her feet.
"He'll be so devastated...but so will you. No one wins. Maybe it would be better if I weren't in the picture for a little while..." Tori said with a suggestive tone, wiping away the tears before they could roll down her cheek and setting her lips in a straight line
"Don't say that! I can't let you just go like that. I won't." Taekwoon exclaimed quietly, taking Tori's hand and pulling her back toward him.
"I won't let you go." Taekwoon whispered against Tori's ear as he embraced her once more, her tense frozen body melting again. With that last embrace, Taekwoon and Tori both knew that their time together outside in the cold hallway had come to an end, they had to go inside before anything grave could happen, before any further speculations could be made. Considering they had not been made already.
I know. Which is why this is so hard for me. Tori thought to herself.
"I told the guys i was coming out here to make sure you know that none of what happened to me was your fault. So if they ask are you okay...answer them honestly, okay? There is no need to cover anything up, they already know you're pretty upset..." Tori said softly, taking a few steps away from Taekwoon, who smiled warmly at her. But Tori was no fool, she could see the pain in Taekwoon's eyes and that tore her up inside.
"Thanks for the heads up." Taekwoon mused as he walked in behind her, keeping his distance as she opened the door and entered the hospital room once more.
Tori kept her head tilted toward the ground as she walked into the living, the feeling of gazes making her grow warm with embarrassment. She must have looked like a weak and rather foolish girl to them, and she could not stand having displayed such vulnerability to them. Looking up slowly, Tori gazes with Jaehwan, who was leaning against the far wall, his arms folded across his chest, his ankles crossed. He wore a rather angry expression on his face, and she knew, right then and there that he was pissed that she ran out after Taekwoon.
"Tori, is everything okay. Are you okay?" Jaehwan exclaimed, standing up to his full height and hurrying over to hug her. His expression of fury melting from his face,
"I don't know Jaehwan." Tori whispered as he squeezed her, answering as honestly as she possibly could.
"What? Did everything go alright while you two were talking?" Hyuk asked innocently, glancing over at Taekwoon who had remained silent since he walked back inside.
Hyuk may have been the youngest of the guys but he was not ignorant, he could tell when something was wrong, and he knew when it was something serious. So as they all stood there, sat there, waiting for a response from either Tori or Taekwoon, he could already tell that something drastic had happened while they were outside talking.
"Yeah. I just feel like Tori is like this because of me. She told me she was fine...but I still feel guilty." Taekwoon mused quietly, looking over at Tori and then at the boys. 
"Don't feel like that, Taekwoon. I already told you i-" Tori began, only to get cut off by Taekwoon.
"I know, you're fine, right? Look, i already told you I'm just really worried." The guys all looked at Taekwoon,
"Yeah, Tori, we're all worried. I understand why he'd feel that way because he was the one who was with you when you passed out. If it were me i'd feel the same." Ravi exclaimed, glancing at Hyuk before taking a step toward the latter.
"None of this would have happened had someone not been arguing with you and dragged you outside." Jaehwan spat suddenly, his eyes narrowed as he glared at Taekwoon, who simply looked away.
"Jaehwan!" Hakyeon exclaimed, frowning at the latter before glancing at Taekwoon.
"It's alright, Hakyeon. He's completely right. None of this would have happened had it not been for me." Taekwoon said quietly, sticking his hands into his pockets before turning toward the exit.
"Taek, you don't have t-" Hongbin called out to the older boy, but the sound of the door clicking shut cut him off.
"Jaehwan, it wasn't his fault!" Tori exclaimed breathlessly, her heart racing and her chest tightening as a small amount of fear crept inside of her.
Everyone looked at Tori and Jaehwan, their brows bunched into a frown of disapproval,
"Why would you say something like that?! I'm pretty sure he already feels guilty for having been there when she fainted!" Hyuk shouted, turning around to exit the room as well.
"I'll be back." Hyuk sighed, ruffling his hair in frustration as the door shut behind him.
Tori looked up at Jaehwan, her face void of expression,
"You know it really wasn't his fault, Jaehwan."  Tori whispered, taking his hand and squeezing it.
Jaehwan looked down at Tori,
"Why are you defending him?!" Jaehwan spat, drawing the attention of Hakyeon and Ravi, who were both rather irate with the situation.
"You need to calm down." Ravi said calmly, shaking his head when Jaehwan rolled his eyes.
Tori let go of Jaehwan's hand and walked over to her bed, saying nothing more as she climbed inside and covered her entire body with the blankets,
This is all my fault. Tori thought as she tried to catch her breath, her rapidly beating heart speeding up just a tad more as Jaehwan's reaction  replayed in her head.
Soon the slight aching in Tori's head was replaced by a vicious pounding, only to  then turn into nothing. The tingle of numbness rushed through her body, consuming her, her light head and heavily beating heart becoming too much for her to bare in that moment. She didn't want to feel the pain of her mistakes. She just wanted everything and everyone to disappear, if only for a little bit.
Not one of the four remaining guys made a sound, they all simply quiet their bickering and watched Tori as she shuffled over to her bed,
"Tori? Look, i'm sorry. I know it isn't his fault, i just..." Jaehwan stopped talking when he saw that Tori was not responding to him,
"I really am sorry, don't ignore me." Jaehwan said quietly, placing a hand on her back and giving her a little shake.
When she didn't respond to him then, Jaehwan began to panic, tugging the blankets back to see that she had passed out again,
"Someone get the doctor! She passed out again!" Jaehwan exclaimed frantically, grabbing onto Tori's limp hand and hold it to his heart.
Not even few minutes after Hongbin pressed the button to call a doctor in, did Tori's doctor and a few nurses come walking through the door. The nurses went to work right way, attaching the monitor cords back onto Tori's skin, pricking her with needles and taping them down. The doctor told the boys not to let her get up again and sent Hongbin, Hakyeon, and Wonsik out shortly after giving that instruction. The three boys walked outside the room expecting to see Hyuk and Taekwoon talking. But was surprised to see that they had gone.                                       
"Hey, Taek. Wait up! How are you feeling?" Hyuk asked quietly, glancing behind his shoulder to make sure there was no one else following after him as he wet after Taekwoon who simply strolled down the hallway he and Tori were talking in moments ago.
"I'm fine." Taekwoon mumbled, slowing his pace so that the younger boy could catch up.
"Hyung, i know you are not feeling fine. I'm not stupid... I know about you and Tori, so don't try to act ignorant. It's really obvious that Tori being with Jaehwan is bothering you. I'm not the only one who has noticed it either. I think Hakyeon, Wonshik, and Hongbin has as well." Hyuk said, putting his hands into his pocket and looking at his feet.
Taekwoon stopped abruptly and glanced up at Hyuk,
"What do you mean? There's...there's nothing to notice." Taekwoon said, shaking his head and turning away from the younger.
"What happened between you and Tori when you two were talking out here?" Hyuk asked bluntly, annoyed at how Taekwoon was acting.
"Nothing." Taekwoon spat, keeping his head down as he darted toward the other end of the hallway.
"Don't lie to me, Taekwoon. I could see it all over your and Tori's face when the two of you walked back inside. Something happened between you two." Hyuk whispered, his words catching Taekwoon off guard.
There was no getting around it, Taekwoon was caught, Hyuk knew more than he expected. Sighing deeply, Taekwoon turned to face the younger,
"You can't tell Jaehwan, he'd kill me. Or maybe i'd kill him..." Taekwoon said, glancing up at Hyuk, who stopped a few feet away from him.
"I won't tell anyone, I promise." Hyuk said, smirking as he watched Taekwoon lean against the blocky pillar and inhale deeply.
"I have feelings for Tori." Taekwoon whispered, looking at Hyuk out the sides of his eyes.
"No way! I couldn't even tell." Hyuk exclaimed sarcastically, folding his arms across his broad chest as Taekwoon frowned at him,
"Yeah, Taekwoon. Doesn't take a genius to know you have it bad for her. When you first introduced Tori to us I could tell you liked her." Hyuk explained, motioning for Taekwoon to follow him down the hallway.
Taekwoon stared at Hyuk for a little while before following after him, surprised that he observed so much. Inhaling deeply, Taekwoon nodded his head and parted his lips to speak,
"Well, then i guess you know I'm not too fond of Jaehwan and Tori's relationship." Hyuk nodded at Taekwoon's assumption of his knowledge.
"Yeah, it's written all over your face. Just as much as your jealously is." Hyuk added, smiling as Taekwoon frowned at him.
"Anyway, I really messed up with her. I want to make things better, but I can't if she's with Jaehwan. Because, if I fix things between me and Tori, I'd want her to be my girlfriend. Not just a friend like I mistakenly claimed before." Taekwoon admitted softly, glancing up at Hyuk only when he mentioned wanting Tori as his girlfriend.
"Does she know that?" Hyuk asked, looking behind him to make sure the guys weren't after him.
"She does, but she doesn't want to hurt Jaehwan. She has feelings for him too." Taekwoon said, his heart aching at the sound of his own words.
"But those feelings are not as strong as her feelings for you." Taekwoon peered at Hyuk, 
"Is it obvious that she likes me that much?" Taekwoon asked incredulously.
"Yeah, it is. Especially when the two of you look at each other. I don't know, it's just something in your eyes. It's weird." Hyuk shrugged, making Taekwoon laugh a little.
But the chuckle that left Taekwoon's throat died away the moment he thought about how Tori passed out outside of the skating rink.
"I made Tori pass out, you know. It was all my fault. Ever since that day when I told you guys that she was just my friend...I things have not been the same. I lied. She wasn't, she isn't just a friend." Taekwoon blurted, stopping suddenly, his eyes trained at his feet.
"I messed up." Taekwoon mumbled more to himself than to Hyuk, repeating himself a few times.
"What do you mean your fault? Taekwoon, what exactly happened?" Taekwoon shook his head, 
"Hyuk, i can't keep her off of my mind. Not even the fact that she's with Jaehwan changes anything. I can't stop thinking about her." Taekwoon whispered, looking Hyuk dead in the eyes.
"She has been overworking herself just to forget about what I said and what happened between us when she stayed over my place. That's why she passed out. Now to learn that her anxiety attacks returned...I cannot help but blame myself. Had I not been so inconsiderate and selfish she wouldn't be suffering now." Taekwoon continued, Hyuk trying his best to piece everything together as the older boy spilled his guts.
Taekwoon told Hyuk everything, starting from the day he and Tori met all the way up until the few precious moments they had outside in the hallway not too many minutes ago. Hyuk didn't know what to say or how to even react after Taekwoon finished telling him about his and Tori's relationship. He was under the impression that they simply liked one another, but after hearing that Taekwoon and Tori already shared multiple kisses and spent a few nights together, Hyuk was convinced that it was much much more than just mutual feelings. It was so much more than that.
"You don't have to worry, okay? I won't...tell anyone. I promise...and I'm sorry that things didn't worked out between you and Tori. If there is anything I can do, you can always tell me. I'm here to help." Hyuk said, a sad smile slipping over his lips.
"Help me get Tori back?" Taekwoon whispered, the air around the both of them growing cold.
Hyuk didn't know how serious Taekwoon was being with his comment, but he did know that he hated seeing him so sad and heartbroken.
"Okay." Was Hyuk's simple reply, his voice soft and hesitant.
He didn't know what the outcomes were going to be, but Hyuk did know that Tori and Taekwoon were meant to be together. Especially after hearing Taekwoon talk about how they spent so much time together, and if his heartfelt words were not enough then the look in his eyes should have been. It was a rare thing to see Taekwoon so happy, flustered, heartbroken, and most of all in love; and the best part was that Tori was to blame for all of it. Nodding his head and smiling a little he turned toward the door to leave,
"Come on, Taekwoon. You got to be stronger than this to win her back. You know that!" Hyuk said before turning around and heading back toward Tori's hospital room.
Taekwoon sat on his bed thinking about what Hyuk said before he left.
Had I been acting weak this entire time? Taekwoon wondered, shaking his head as he thought about the ways he responded to Tori.
Yes, I have. Taekwoon admitted to himself as he thought about the moment he claimed that he and Tori were only friends when they both knew they were more than that.
Much, much more.
Sighing deeply, Taekwoon turned around, jogging down the hallway so that he could catch up with Hyuk. Who had already disappeared into Tori's room. Taekwoon was expecting to see Tori and the guys sitting around and chatting, maybe even dosing off for the evening. However, when Taekwoon walked into Tori's hospital room, he saw a few nurses surrounding her bed, one of them pushing a needle into her hand and tapping it down.
"What happened?" Taekwoon asked quietly, drawing the attention of the doctor who was talking with Jaehwan. 
"Hi, um I just sent another one of your friends out of here. I can't have more than the two of you in here at a time. I figured that she'd want you and her boyfriend to stay." The doctor said softly, her lips set into a straight line,
"Oh, okay. What happened to her? I thought she was doing fine..." Taekwoon said, looking over at Jaehwan, who was now sitting on the edge of Tori's bed, holding her hand.
"She out. I don't know what happened exactly, her monitor was not hooked up to her so i have nothing charted. I suspect she had a shock or maybe was feeling a little too stressed. She'll be okay, so don't worry. I just need her to tell me why or what it was that triggered these again." The doctor said, giving Taekwoon a small smile.
Taekwoon nodded his head at the doctor before glancing over at Tori, who was looking at him through half open eyes, 
"I'm sorry." Taekwoon mouthed, a faint smile slipping across his lips when he saw he lazy eyes light up. 
"Thank you, for letting me stay. But i think she needs some time to rest...and i don't know if she can do that if i am in here." Taekwoon told the doctor, giving her a small bow before walking over to Tori's hospital bed. 
"Hey, I'm gonna go out there with the others. If you two need anything let me know. Do you know when you will be released to go home?" Taekwoon asked, looking between Tori and Jaehwan, who had not tore his eyes away from his girlfriend's face. 
"Um, the doctor said something about maybe tomorrow afternoon. She just wants to watch her a little more before letting her go back home." Jaehwan said, turning to look up at Taekwoon, who only glanced at him. 
"Oh. Okay then, maybe I'll just let the guys know and we'll go home." Taekwoon said, stuffing his hands into his pockets and shifting his weight from his left leg to his right leg. 
"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea." Jaehwan said, looking away from Taekwoon when he realized he wasn't going to look at him. 
Tori stayed silent, observing how to the two males were treating one another. She couldn't help but blame herself for what was happening between those two, and the more she watched things unfold between them, the more she hated herself. 
"Y'all are going to come back though, right?" Tori asked abruptly, pulling the blanket up to cover her face as she awaited the answer. 
Jaehwan looked down at Tori, his eyebrows dipping into a slight frown.
"If you want us to, we will." Taekwoon said, flashing Tori a sweet heartfelt smile. 
"Then I'll see you guys again tomorrow. Now, get outta here and get some sleep...I'm sure you're exhausted." Tori said quietly, hiding the blush that crept over her cheeks with her blanket. 
Taekwoon nodded his head, 
"I will." He muttered, holding Tori's gaze for a brief second before looking over toward the door. 
"I'll um...get going then. See you two tomorrow." Taekwoon whispered, walking away from the hospital bed and out of the door without so much as a glance back.
Taekwoon held onto the door knob for a little while, his lips automatically tugging into a grin as he thought about all of the fun times he and Tori had together.
Will we ever have times like that again? Taekwoon wondered as he walked over to his friends, who were all sitting in the waiting chairs, their faces buried in their phones. Thinking about all of those moments that he and Tori shared, Taekwoon could almost feel her feathery touches, feel her soft gazes as they lingered on his face, on his skin. Bringing a hand up to his lips, Taekwoon smiled, the feeling of Tori's soft supple lips still very present on his. Even if they had just shared a kiss not to long ago, Taekwoon still craved to feel Tori's lips against his, he desired to hold her in his arms. If not one more time, every chance he could get. Shaking his head free of the veering thoughts, Taekwoon took a seat in one of the far vacant chairs, separating himself from the rest of the group. No matter what he told himself, not matter how much he distracted himself, Taekwoon couldn't stop the thoughts of Tori from crossing his mind. That's when Taekwoon knew that he'd never be able to stop thinking about her. Tori was embedded in his heart. 
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Hi guys~^^ I am back w/ an update. I hope you all enjoy. Sorry for keeping y'all waiting so long. I'll try to be more consistent with updates. I promise.


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lexiki #1
Chapter 13: Omg I'm so in love with this story
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 13: This is like my favorite favorite favorite story and I am going crazy because I get so involved reading it.... I cant wait for an update... im already about to fall off my bed with feels! !!!
SF5_ParkHyuRa #3
Chapter 13: the amount of feels i felt man author-nim i flipped at every chapter haha

update soon :)
Chapter 13: welcome back >3<
Jungkoyoung #5
Mianeyo #6
Chapter 12: Oh that was so beautiful a bit sad but beautiful
Mianeyo #7
Chapter 11: Here comes the hurt...
Mianeyo #8
Chapter 10: What we have here mina is a classic case of a misunderstanding
Mianeyo #9
Chapter 9: Every chapter they inch a bit closer