Investigation 101 - Act 1

The Phantom [slow updates]

Thanks to Kai for comforting me. He’s such a big help. I mean it! It’s like I am the one who needs his help and not him who needed me. Hehehe! Now I feel stupid because I haven’t done anything for Kai yet. I haven’t achieved my goal for him yet aside from these names we got at Melville Academy.

After doing my hygienic routines, I grabbed my mini backpack and took everything from it – the papers, pen, and some girly junk. Kai on the otherhand is obviously gone missing as of the moment. Well, what do I expect, he is a ghost anyway, he can poof to wherever place he wants to go.

“Let’s see…” I bit my lower lip corner then played with it.

I reached for the paper where I wrote the names of the suspected Kais.

“Aha! Haha!” I giggled as I scan the paper.

There are eleven people we assumed as the real Kai; eleven names and eleven contacts. Hopefully one of them is him.

The first on the list is Jonathan Wong who lives at #4 Cardinal apartment cor. 39th avenue, Global City. His contact number is 0917-846-7720.

“Should I make a call first or drop by to this address already?” I pouted while looking at the paper and then take a hold on my phone.

A minute later, while I am still in the momentum of whether to call or not, Kai scarcely popped up in front of me carrying his big smile. Wow! He’s having a good day hah!

“How’s it going sugarbabe?”

I slightly furrowed my eyebrows and sharply glared at him, “Excuse me? Sugarbabe?”

“You,” he pointed his index finger at me, “you are sugarbabe,” he chuckled.

What the hell was that sugarbabe all about? Psh! I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t you know that you have this sweet scent?” he breathed in, “ahh! You smell like a sweet vanilla ice cream which makes me want to you,” he played with his eyebrows then his lips in a natural tempting y way.

Kyia! What kind of ghost is he? Why does he appear so charismatic to me? Why is he doing this? Jeez! He is mouth-watering! Like seriously! His body language just- it’s freakin’ hot! Sizzling hot! His hot-red aura filled the entire four corners of the room. Phew! This should stop at once! I swear it’s getting hard to breathe already.

“Will you knock it off you ert ghost?!” I rolled my eyes at him then headed straight to my study table.

I can’t imagine myself being by a ghost. Yikes! That would be nasty! But if he’s the one who is going to me then… perhaps… that will be… ugh! No-no-no! Erase-erase! No good Jillian! Not a good idea…

Anyways, while I’m still in the process of deleting Kai’s effin’ iness in my mind, I started to dial the numbers indicated on the paper I am holding on my right hand. As I touched the green button on the flat glass screen, I immediately put it over my left ear and waited for the ringing to stop until someone answered my call. A few seconds later, a guy with a high-pitched voice suddenly speak up. I almost laughed by the time I heard him but then I kept it for he might get offended or something.

“Yes hello! Jonathan speaking…” he greeted excitingly.

“Ahm… is this Mr. Jonathan Wong sir?”

“Yes, to whom?”

I abruptly dropped the phone call and then crossed out his name on the list, “Ok he’s eliminated. It couldn’t be him because he’s alive. Hehe! One down, ten more to go.”

“So who are you gonna call next?” asked Kai then stood beside me.

“It would be Kristoph… Jones,” I whistled as I dialed his digits, “what a handsome name,” I placed the phone over my ear.

“Oh yeah! I suppose it was me for I am handsome too.”

“Psh! P-lease Kai…” I giggled.

The ringing stopped in a matter of 5 seconds and then, “Hello! Kris here! Just leave a message right after the tone. Thanks!” followed by a toot. I pressed the red button and looked at Kai.

“It’s just the answering machine. What are we supposed to do with it?” I looked at Kai.

“Leave it… we have the address right? Then maybe it’s better if we just go and drop by to his place.”

“Good idea though,” I blew air on my cheeks then looked back to what I’m doing.

Like what Kai said, I didn’t cross it out on the list hence moved to the next name which is Michael Kansas, who lives at apartment #42 New York St. Phase 6, Forbes Village, Taguig City. Whew! Rich kid I must say. Those people who live in Forbes Village were multi-millionaires – bachelors, bachelorettes – even though the apartment rentals there are expensive. Cool! I turned to Kai with a smirk and asked him if he can feel he was this Michael.

“Guess so…” he stiffened his shoulders.

I typed the numbers on my phone’s screen and then clicked the green button. The other line started to ring. Ring-ring-ring! The curious Kai asked me to turn it into a speaker mode. He wants to know what’s happening. So I made it hands-free. I placed the phone over the table as it keeps on ringing when three knocks at the front door interrupted us.



“I am so going to rip off his when I see him,” the guy with a messy styled hair monologue and repeatedly slammed his right clenched fist unto his left palm.

“We better gather the others,” said the man with a black cap and tiny diamond earrings.

These two tough men walked along the streetsides with angst. Everyone they tend to get passed through by just cornered themselves and gives way to them due to fright of them. They are like wolves; once you blocked their way you’ll be torn immediately into pieces and shreds. Always ready to smack anyone down, always on-the-go to eat their prey.

At the very moment they went by Bo’s Café, the guy wearing cap stopped walking and looked at someone inside the said café who is actually sitting alone and solely enjoying his milktea. He merely nailed a curve on his lips and then called out for his friend.

“Look who’s there,” the guy in cap tilted his head to the direction of the man inside.

The messy haired guy stepped backwards and drew his head unto the object his friend is pertaining to. The boy inside the Bo’s Café is currently having a conversation over the phone. The cool dude smirked then walked in as he raised his right hand in the air gesturing his friend to come over with him inside. The bell at the doorway suddenly rings as soon as the two fearsome dudes entered the hub.

“Welcome to Bo’s Café!” greeted the girl attendant.

They approached the guy who happened to be their target.

“Hey dude! How’s life?” said the messy haired guy as locked his sharp killing glare at the man with dark trembling eyes due to his eyeliner.

“What’s up yo?” the boy with black cap saluted.

The eyeliner guy slowly put down his phone from his right ear hence placed it over the table beside his glass of milktea. Hu just stared back at them in a serious look; not even spilling any word out of his mouth.

“Min to share a table with you?” asked the messy haired dude.


Jill left her cellphone along with Kai in her room to check on someone who is knocking downstairs until the ringing over the phone stopped suddenly. Kai panicked when he heard someone speaking on the other line.

“Hello! Who’s this? Hello?” says the guy over the phone.

The man’s voice kept on echoing all over the room but since Jill wasn’t there to answer back, Kai tried all his might if that someone can hear him. He said, “Hello”, but then the guy obviously didn’t recognize him.

“Hello? Who are you? Speak up! Hel-” the man on the next line cut his own words then followed by a beep sound.




Here is my last update for the week! Hope you all enjoyed it ^o^

So who do you think those wolves are? Kekeke! Pretty obvious with their descriptions huh?

Keep updated my dear readers and subbies!

Ppyong :*

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Saranghaja~ EXO! Fighting!


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Chapter 16: I really missed reading this... That last part about Benjamin has me curious, hope you update soon.
Chapter 16: This story is addictive, it's interesting learning more about Mike. All you characters are complex and their stories are all great to read.
Thank you for updating :)
MiniMiya #3
Chapter 16: Oh goodness.. whats going on with Benjamin @.@
Very interesting :)
Chapter 16: I really missed this story, thanks for the update :)
That last part was creeping me out... in a good way though XD
Chapter 15: Finally caught up to current, such a good story.
It has a real detective novel feel to it.
Chapter 15: Love the mystery, everything you have written is very cool.
I don't even mind Mike's sister complex, it's kinda cute (yeah I dig it).
Happy Jill escaped but now Benj is back!? What's the deal with him now, argh gonna die from curiosity.
Chapter 15: Really love how this story is unfolding, the characters, storyline, everything is is interesting.
Benjamin is back, wonder if he has his memories as a ghost... Curious about his and Jill's relationship... And so many other things. Until the next update :)
Chapter 15: This story is the best seriously, I couldn't stop reading it. I hope Benj and Jill can meet again soon.
Chapter 15: I really feel for Baek, he really loves his sis >_<
So happy you updated, this story is great~
Looking forward to the next chapter~