Somewhere in The Night

The Phantom [slow updates]

Kai still has Jill in his arms when he passionately opened his eyes and pulled back seeing her angelic face. He barely smiled then moved his right hand over her pinkish fluffy cheeks. His head suddenly shifts inch by inch closer to her with his eyes locked at her lips. He scarcely tilted and then, “Can I open my eyes already? Kai… what did you do? You still there Kai?” said Jill.

Kai on the other hand quietly laughed then took his arms and hands away from her as he steps back. He turned and said, “Yeah I’m here. Just open up your beautiful eyes anytime you want,” he sat on the bed.

At the second Jill open her eyes, “Tell me wha-” she abruptly cut her words as she saw this entire room that she is familiar with. She rubbed her eyes then made blinks while her head rotates 360 degrees. She did the same for the second time with her jaws dropped. She is trying to say a word yet nothing comes out due to her amazement.

“Welcome home!” greeted Kai.

“W-wow!” she amusingly looked around while walking towards her bed, “Je-sus Christ!” she sat beside Kai then gazed at him, “how did-how’d you…” she points her index finger at his ghost friend. She can’t properly form a sentence out of the words that keeps on popping out of her mind, “can you explain what the hell had happened-I mean did we just teleported?” she raised an eyebrow, “is this all your doing?”

Kai didn’t answer back hence narrowly stared at her straight in the eyes with his really naughty smirk.

“Tss!” she frowned then grabbed a pillow and swiftly threw it to Kai as if she’s absolutely going to hit him.

“What?!” he giggled.

“Why didn’t you tell me you’ve got powers?”

“What powers?” he laughed.

“That magic power of yours, that teleportation thing… jeez! Do all ghosts have that ability to teleport? Gosh! It makes me feel like I wanted to be a ghost too.” she laughed then slammed her back lying on the cushion.

“Psh! Trust me…” Kai lay down beside her, “you’ll never like it to be a ghost. It’s not always happy being a ghost.”

“Well as long as I have magic powers I can get along with it.”

“You’re one crazy little girl.”

“Yeah-yeah! I’ve known that a long time ago.”

They were just having a goodtime exchanging words and spreading their laughter in the entire room as they lock eye smiles at one another. Their moment together was suddenly disturbed by a meow. Kai struggled to get off the bed which eventually ended up stumbling on the floor. Jill is merely laughing as she reaches for her phone.

“You are afraid of cats?!”

Kai slowly sneaked his head up at the edge of the bed and murmured, “Ahem! It’s not in my vocabulary,” as he moves his head left and right repeatedly. It is quite easy to tell that he is frightened due to his facial expression.

“C’mon over it’s just my cellphone,” she placed it on the drawer beside her bed, “dad messaged me.”

“What did he say?” he hopped on the bed.

“The usual… he won’t be home tonight.”

“You mean, you’re always like this, along in the house?”

“Mhm…” she nodded.

Kai pity her in the situation she is right now. He felt that being in Jill’s position is most likely being a ghost. Although she is alive, it seems that nobody cares for her… just a few… and that few can only be counted with the hands’ fingers. He knows how it feels because he experienced it but not until he met Jill.

“So tell me, how is it to be a ghost? Serious answer please…”

“If you insist then,” he paused and then lay down next to her facing each other side by side, “to be a ghost is no dream okay so you better drop it.”

“Fine-fine, just spill your story.”

“At first, I wasn’t aware that I’m a ghost until I went down the city probably at the market place. As soon as I get there, I undoubtedly asked an old lady on where on earth I am exactly that time ‘coz I know nothing ever since I opened my eyes back then, but that old lady didn’t give any damn on me so I just assumed that maybe she’s gotten deaf of her age. Then I approached the man selling fruits on the other side of the street. He instructed me how to get into a bus only to found out that it was not me he is instructing to, but the lady behind me,” he paused for a while, “I was like and then turned back to yell at him yet he ignored me hence walked right through me as if I’m an air, that I don’t exist. After that incident, I just deemed to myself that I am a ghost and then walk and walk and walk and walk to wherever I found myself at.”

“Wait. I don’t get it. If you’ve been a walking soul back then… then why isn’t the Lord spoke to you and bring you above to His kingdom?”

“Me neither.”

“Was there a light or something that takes you just like in the movies?”

“Nothing… but I have had a conversation with this one soul I get to cross by with along my eternal journey. He told me that not all who passed away had accomplished their respective missions yet and for us souls to enter Heaven, we should make that unfinished business to happen or there will be a consequence…”

“What consequence?”

“If a soul hasn’t finished his duties in a matter of time, that soul will become one of those spirits we encountered at the school.”

“Jeez! That’s awful…” she whispered. All the thoughts of the forgotten synched thru her head and don’t want Kai to be one of them. And so she promised herself that she’s going to help him no matter what it’ll cost, “I swear to you, I’ll help you finish what you have left here on earth. I won’t let you be like them. Promise!”

Kai just stared at her momentarily and felt a little bit of awkwardness when he saw Jill’s lips form a curve. He abruptly looked away and murmured, “Thank you…”

“Can I ask you one more before I go to sleep?”

“Go ahead!”

“Do ghosts sleep too? I’m just curious…”

“Seriously? That was your question?” he laughed.

“Hey! What’s so funny?” she blew air on her cheeks which made it like a balloon as she reasoned out, “I’m just worried that you might leave me alone here…”

“I’m not going to leave you Jill, I swear… I’ll just be here next to you, alright? Don’t worry… when you wake up tomorrow morning, you’ll see me lying next to you. Ok?”

“Ok,” she smiled, “goodnight… my ghostfriend,” she turned her back at Kai.

Kai was just smiling as he looks at her back, and when he is about to turn to his left side, Jill moved then turned around to face him and said, “One more thing…”

“You’re still awake?”

“Half awake,” she moved closer to Kai, “you mentioned that you have had a conversation with your kind right?”

Kai nodded.

“Well, if there’s a chance for you to meet my mom I-I…” she paused forcing her right eye to open, “can you please tell her that I love and miss her so much…” she spoke with her eyes closed.

“No problem. I’ll tell her that,” he smirked at the peacefully sleeping Jill, “sweet dreams…” he whispered.

Jill preferably heard him say that and replied to Kai her great snore. He almost laugh but still tried his best to keep it instead then looked at her; he just then noticed that she’s still wearing her shoes. He suddenly shook his head and sat up.

“If I can only be here to take care of you at all times,” he mumbled.

Kai is doing all his might to take off Jill’s shoes. He even focused his mind on taking it off and tried and tried and tried…





Here's an update for you readers and subbies ^o^ kekeke!

Another chepter next week so keep yourself updated!

Enjoy! Ppyong!

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Saranghaja~ EXO! Fighting!


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Chapter 16: I really missed reading this... That last part about Benjamin has me curious, hope you update soon.
Chapter 16: This story is addictive, it's interesting learning more about Mike. All you characters are complex and their stories are all great to read.
Thank you for updating :)
MiniMiya #3
Chapter 16: Oh goodness.. whats going on with Benjamin @.@
Very interesting :)
Chapter 16: I really missed this story, thanks for the update :)
That last part was creeping me out... in a good way though XD
Chapter 15: Finally caught up to current, such a good story.
It has a real detective novel feel to it.
Chapter 15: Love the mystery, everything you have written is very cool.
I don't even mind Mike's sister complex, it's kinda cute (yeah I dig it).
Happy Jill escaped but now Benj is back!? What's the deal with him now, argh gonna die from curiosity.
Chapter 15: Really love how this story is unfolding, the characters, storyline, everything is is interesting.
Benjamin is back, wonder if he has his memories as a ghost... Curious about his and Jill's relationship... And so many other things. Until the next update :)
Chapter 15: This story is the best seriously, I couldn't stop reading it. I hope Benj and Jill can meet again soon.
Chapter 15: I really feel for Baek, he really loves his sis >_<
So happy you updated, this story is great~
Looking forward to the next chapter~