
My First Love, My True Love



“Yah! Kim Myungsoo! Why the hell are you here?!” a girl in her mid 20’s yelled.

“Aish, Noona stop yelling, go do your work. I’ll just be home for today. I’ll attend school tomorrow. I’m not feeling well today.” The boy at about the age of 18 explained and rested his head down on the kitchens counter.

“Aish. Really! You--Fine! But I don’t want to see you here when school is already starting.” The boy simply replied with a nod. “I’m leaving.” She exclaimed before closing the front door.

The boy released a long sigh before walking up to his room. As he walked up the stairs, a tear rolled down his cheek. Upon reaching the top, he lifted his right hand to touch the warm water from his eyes.

“So this is what broken hearted guys feel after losing the girl they loved. Tch, pathetic.” He opened the door to his room, and closed it after entering. “Mey... Why did you have to go?” he whispered and started to sob.

[Following Day]

“Ohh, Hyung!”

“Morning Sungjong.” Myungsoo gave his dongseng a smile and ruffled his hair before walking ahead.

“Yah, Hyung!” the boy frowned when Myungsoo took a left turn, towards his homeroom.

“Wow, he’s so depressed.” Dongwoo mumbled from behind.

“Of course! Who wouldn’t? I mean, come on, they’ve been dating for two years now. And she’s his first.” Woohyun explained.

“Hyung was also Noonas first, Hyung.” Sungjong uttered.

“I know Songjong.” Woohyun nodded and patted his head before leaving for class.

“Mey…” Myungsoo, once again whispered her name.

[Flashback] Myungsoo’s P.O.V

“YAH! Kim Myungsoo! Who told you to skip class and sleep here?!” I smiled when I heard her voice again today. But frowned after I remembered what I was doing.

“Why? Who told you to eat without me?” I asked her, eyes still closed.

She released a sigh. “Didn’t I tell you already?”

“Tell me what?” now my left eye was open, taking a peek at the beauty I’ve been in love for a year now.

“That I won’t be able to eat with you.” She uttered and made a face when I chuckled.

“You did. I just wanted to see you.” I smiled and sat up before reaching for her hand and pulling her to sit next to me.

“Meanie.” She mumbled but still gave me a peck on the cheek and a genuine smile. “You should really stop doing that.”

“Wae? Don’t you like it?” I asked, looking at her face. She turned to me then shook her head.

“No, I don’t like it. Why? Because Myunsoo, you’ll fail, and you’re brining me with you.” She pouted and stood up. “Kaja, lets get to calss.” She smiled and pulled me up.

I simply replied with a smile before letting her pull me up. After she successfully brought me to my feet, I pinched her cheeks and kissed her forehead. I just can’t resist this girl.

[Back to reality]

Myungsoo released a sigh before resting his head down. “This .” He mumbled before closing his eyes, trying to forget the memory he had with her.

“Oh, Myungsoo, your early today.”

I always was… when she was here.


“Myungsoo! Why do you always come at the last minute?” Mey asked with a pissed look.

“Wae?” he replied.

“That’s not an answer!” she whined.

“Cause you always have club activities in the morning.” He mumbled.

“What did you say?” a smile crept up her face.

“Nothing.” He uttered before walking to his next class.

“I heard it though…” he stopped walking and turned to face her with a confused face. “If you come earlier than usual, I’ll ask my club mates to move me to the afternoon team, so that we can spend time in the morning.” She uttered and turned around to walk away.

A smile found its way on Myungsoo’s face and he ran to Mey and spun her around to make her face him. “Are you sure?” she nodded but with a frown.

“But if you don’t want to, I can always just stay in the morni—“

“NO! I’ll come early starting tomorrow!” he quickly said and Mey smiled at his cute reaction. She hugged him before walking to the next class.

“I’ll see you later Myungsoo.” She waved before walking away.

“Finally! I get to see her in the morning and the afternoon.” His smile reached his ears when Mey turned around and gave him a flying kiss. She giggled at the sight before turning to a corner.

[Back to reality]

“I miss her…” he mumbled.

“Okay class is starting! I’m taking attendance. Say present when your name’s called!” the professor exclaimed.

“Deh.” Was the students reply.


“Hey, have you seen Myungsoo?” Hoya asked.

“Hyung’s not himself today… again…” Sunjong replied before sighing.

“Aish. That punk.” Sunggyu shook his head and drank his juice before smacking Dongwoos head. “Hyung! What did I do?!” he whined and rubbed the back of his head before taking a bite out of his lunch.

“Mey’s my sister, dumb head. Don’t talk bad about her.” Sunggyu uttered before hitting his forehead. “Babo.” He mumbled before eating again.

“I didn’t though.” He mumbled and continued to eat with a smile.

“Then why aren’t you depressed?” Sungyeol asked.

“He is… He’s just hiding it.” Woohyun smiled when Sunggyu stopped eating and lowered his head, indicating that he was right. “Don’t worry. We’re here.” He patted his back and started to eat.


“Oppa! I’m leaving!”

“YAH! Mey!” Sunggyu exclaimed chasing after his sister at the front door.

“Wae?” Mey whined.

“You’re going with Myungsoo… right?” he asked with a worried face. His face brightened when she nodded. “Ok, take care!” he waved.

“Yah, oppa, aren’t you going to give me a hug like the usual?” he stopped before grinning and gave his sister a warm hug. “I’m going to come back early today though. I’ll bring something for oppa!” she exclaimed and ran to Myungsoo, who was standing by the sidewalk.

He nodded and waved goodbye. “Annyong.” He smiled. He closed the door and shook his head. “I’m like the little brother rather than being the oppa. She just takes good care of everyone.” He smiled remembering her sister.

[Back to reality]

“Oi, Hyung, you okay?” Dongwoo asked.

“Hmm? Ahh, deh.” Sunggyu nodded before whipping the tear that escaped his eyes. “I’ll be going ahead you guys..” he stood up and left.

“Hmm. Hyungs upset.” Sungjong frowned.

“How do you know that?” Hoya asked.

“He didn’t finish up his lunch. He always does.” Sungyeol explained making Dongwoo, Hoya and Woohyun nodded in realization.

“He does, doesn’t he?” Woohyun uttered, still nodding.


“Yah, Myungsoo!” Sunggyu exclaimed after finally spotting Myungsoo.

“Oh, Hyung. What’s up?” he asked sitting up.

“Don’t give me what’s up.” Myungsoo chuckled as Sunggyu sat beside him. “Here.” He handed him a sandwich.

“What’s this?”

“What do you think it is?”

“A sandwich…” he mumbled, Sunggyu nodded. “You two really are siblings.” He chuckled.

“Aren’t we?” he smiled at the thought of his sister. “Eat. I know you haven’t eaten anything since this morning.”

Myungsoo nodded. “Really are siblings.” He started eating the food Sunggyu gave him and smiled. “You know—“

“What? I don’t know. Tell me so I’ll know.” Sunggyu uttered.

“Really, I was on the process of telling. Jeez, really, really are siblings.” He shook his head and took a bite. “Anyways, I was going to say, Mey always gives me sandwiches when I haven’t eaten. And she always say that when I tell her something, and she doesn’t know it yet…” he chuckled and gave his Hyung a smile. “Komawo, Hyung.”

Sunggyu nodded and ruffled Myungsoo’s hair. “No problem.”

Silence took over as Myungsoo quietly ate his sandwich.

“Myungsoo… tomorrow… you’re going… right?” he looked at Myungsoo with hopeful eyes. But Myungsoo simply sighed. “I hope to see you there though.” He gave his dongseng a smile before standing up. “Well, see you around then.” He then walked away.

“Hyung…” he watched his Hyung walk away with a sigh. “I don’t know what to do…” he mumbled before finishing his sandwich and standing up to go to the roof. “Peace and quiet.” He smiled as a breeze passed.

He stayed there for almost half an hour without uttering a word, and just gazed at the view from there. The smile planted across his face faded when the school bell rang, indicating the end of today’s classes. “Should I go?” he asked to no one in particular.

“Mey?” he mumbled. A reply came; a wind that blew his hair away from his face, revealing his handsome face. A smile found its way on his lips. “You listening, huh?” he again mumbled.


“Hey, Myungsoo…”

“I told you. Start calling me Oppa already! We’ve been dating for almost 2 years now.” Mey giggled when she turned to look at Myungsoo and found him pouting.

“Why do you want me to call you Oppa so badly?” she asked facing him with a curious face.

“Because you call everyone Oppa.” He uttered the continued to pout.

“I don’t call Sungjong, Oppa.” She uttered.

“Fine! Do whatever you want.” He exclaimed then looked the other way while folding his arms.

“Oppa~ why won’t you listen? I wasn’t done talking.” Mey whined and shook Myungsoo.

“That’s because you didn’t call me Op—did you just say ‘Oppa’?” he asked facing Mey. She replied by blinking her eyes three times. “You did, did you?” his smile reached his ears when Mey nodded after a few moments of thinking, although she already knew the answer.

“Now can I continue?” Myungsoo nodded and sat facing her. “What do you want to be when you die? Not a person, more of an animal or a tree. You get right?”

“Why the hell are you asking that?” he asked, a bit pissed.

“Why? We’re all destined to die though.” She replied.

“I know. But were still too young to talk about death, don’t you think?”

She shook her head before opening . “I want to be like the wind. Free to go wherever it wants.” She smiled.

Myungsoo couldn’t help getting angry at her, seeing her smiling like that made his anger fade and it turned into a smile. “I’ll be fine with anything. As long as you’re there, I’m good.” He uttered giving her a smile.

“Then Oppa, if someday I’ll be the wind, you’ll be the tree!” she exclaimed like a kid, throwing her hands in the air and drew a big tree with her hands.


“So that you and I will always be together.” She smiled before resting her head on Myungsoo’s shoulder.

“That’ll be awesome.” He smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Mey?”


“Saranghae.” He uttered.

She looked up and meet Myungsoo’s smiling eyes. “I love you too, Oppa.” She smiled.

[Back to reality]

Myungsoo cried remembering that memory. “Why did you have to leave so early?” he sobbed and covered his face, squatting down, he felt someone patting his back. He looked up and saw her. “Mey?”

She smiled before squatting down nest to him. “Oppa, I don’t want you to cry and be absentminded because of me. You should spend time with the guys like always and smile.” She pinched Myungsoo’s cheeks. “And Oppa, I don’t mind if you don’t come to my funeral tomorrow.” She uttered looking at the blue sky. “Ah! And you shouldn’t skip classes and school too!” she scolded and looked at Myungsoo, who was staring at her. “What?”

“I missed you.” He uttered.

“I missed you too, Oppa. Promise me you won’t do this again, arasso? Be yourself.” She smiled when Myungsoo nodded. “Don’t worry Oppa.”


“I’ll always be by your side.” She smiled.

“Yeah.” He smiled before kissing her forehead while a tear rolled down his cheek.

“Annyong Oppa.” She whispered before disappearing with the wind.

[Following Day]

“Myungsoo! You made it!” Sunggyu greeted him with a smile. He replied with a wave and walked towards the group of boys waiting for his arrival.

“Hyung, you’re here.” Sungjong smiled when Myungsoo ruffled his hair with a smile.

“I promised someone I’d come.” He uttered and looked up at the blue sky. “Such a wonderful weather.” He smiled when a gust of wind passed by.

“He’s back to being himself.” Dongwoo smiled when all five nodded with smile planted on their lips.

“Hyung! I missed you!” Sunjong exclaimed hugging Myungsoo.

“YAH!” was his reaction before laughing with his friends.



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Chapter 1: Was she died the whole time how I don't get this story but it was good
Wooooo . She died .. WOooo . Why ? Myungsoo was really hurt ~ anyway nice story ^^