
Jessica's Birthday


"So have you decided what you want for your birthday yet?" Yuri asked. We had left the SNSD dorm to go grocery shopping. I turned over a package of beef, thinking about the question at hand.

"No, not really. I don't want to make a big deal out of it, you know?" I set the meat in the basket and headed to the section that had milk, Yuri close behind.

"Well, what about that dress we saw earlier? I know how much you liked it." She grabbed a carton of milk while I set a crate of eggs in the basket.

"Yuri, how often do you see me wearing dresses? Really, I don't need it." I pecked her on the cheek and headed to the checkout area.

"Okay well, what about jewelry? Or a new phone? Or a cat?! We can get a cat if you want!" We had just finished paying. I placed the basket on the stack where it belonged and slipped my hand into Yuri's as we exited the store.

"Yuri, all I've ever wanted was to be happy. And I am. Not because of the material things I have, but because of the people in my life. They make me happy." We reached the dorm at this point.

"So let me get this straight. You don't want anything from me? Or from anyone?" 

"I'd be happy with a small cake, to be honest with you. I'm going to shower, want to join?" I smirked at her as she followed behind me with blushing cheeks.



"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA-EONIE!" Seoyeon said as she jumped on my mattress, shaking it like there was an earthquake. I groaned and rolled over, hoping she'd just go back to bein Justg the shy and quiet maknae everyone thinks she is.

But no.

The next person to come in was Sooyoung. She just patted my head and told me happy birthday. One by one, each member came in, wishing me happy birthday. But there was one person who didn't come.


After finding the will power to get out of bed, I trudged into the main room where everyone was eating breakfast. I was going to make a bowl of cereal before Tiffany stopped me and said, 

"Jessica, your plate is over on that table." I gave her a suspicious look but she just cuddled Taeyeon more and pecked her cheek. I rolled my eyes and headed over to the table. Sitting on it was a plate with pancakes and eggs on there. A rose in a vase was next to my fork and knife. Sticking to the glass was a sticky note that read:

Sicaaaa. If you're reading this then it means you saw my breakfast for you. I tried to make some American food so I hope I did okay. Eat up and meet me in the park at 1:30. And don't be late! -Yuri

I bit my smiling lip and sat down. Yuri's pancakes were surprisingly good. I checked the time. 12:45. Rinsing off my plate and utensils, I hopped into the shower and washed, hoping that I'd still have enough time to pick a decent looking outfit. I had no idea what Yuri was up to, but I still wanted to look nice for it. Drying off, I headed to my closet, tossing different articles of clothing every which way until I decided on a sundress. It's been hot recently and I felt like a sundress would be appropiate for the season. Slipping it on and curling my hair, I yelled,

"See you guys later!"

And just like that, I was off.

I didn't know where Yuri wanted me to meet her so I settled myself on the swings. It was 1:28 and Yuri still hadn't made her grand apperance. Just when I was about to give up hope, Yuri walks up and hands me a small box with a ribbon on it. I look at her, unsure if I should take it or not.

"Yuri I-" She shushes me then smiles.

"Just open it."

I untie the ribbon and pry the box open gently, revealing a gold locket with the letter 'J' carved into the front. Carefully picking it up, I press the button on the side. The front part of the locket opened to reveal a picture of me kissing Yuri's cheeck, and Yuri smiling like she had just won the lottery or something.

"Let me put it on." I handed her the necklace. She walked behind me, placed the pendant around my neck and hooking it in the back. Making her way back to where I could see her I said,

"Yuri, it's beautiful. I really don't deserve this."

"You deserve the best. And I'm here to make sure you get it." I smiled and blushed a little when she said that. She stood up and placed her hand on my cheek, her thumb rubbing small circles on my cheekbone.

"I love you." I leaned more into her touch before I said,

"I love you too." She bent down and pecked my lips before tugging me along into the city.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."


"A hotel Yuri? Really, this is too much."

I had been taken to a five star hotel. You know, one of those fancy hotels that fancy people stay in with their fancy jobs and fancy things like that. We got our room keys and were now headed up to the 15th floor to see what kind of room we'll be staying in.

"Oh come on Sica. It's just one night and I have a friend who works here who gave me a huge discount. You have nothing to worry about. Just enjoy yourself." She smiled as we reached our floor.

"Room 1578....Ah! Here it is." Yuri said as she slid her grey card into the slot. The machine beeped and she opened the door quickly before it could turn red.

"Whoa...Sica you have to check this out." I walked into a room. The first thing I noticed was the bed. It was located towards the left of the entire room. It was covered in fluffy-looking pillows and a maroon comforter. Adjacent to it was a nightstand with a lamp and above it was a pinkish-red headboard. Below the window was a cream colored, teardroped shaped sofa with a single black pillow. The television hung on the wall across from the bed.

"Look at this view! It's like I can see all of Korea from here." Yuri said. After checking out the room, we settled in the large bed and the flatscreen.

"So is this all we're going to do today?" I asked, cuddling closer to her. She chuckled.

"Hmm, not exactly." She got up, leaving me with a pout on my face. I sat up.

"Well then, what are we going to do then?" She grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the room.

"Yuri, where are we going?"

"You'll see." We rode down the elevator and left the hotel. A few blocks down the street was a small café. Yuri pushed me inside and I was invited by all kinds of different smells. Muffins. Bread. Cakes. Coffee. Bubble tea. She took me to a table in the back that was covered in candles and flowers. I must've looked confused because before we sat down she said,

"The other members set this up."

I smiled, wondering what the other members were doing right now. Tiffany and Taeyeon are probably cuddling. Yoona and Sunny are more than likely having a tickle fight that ends with a makeout session. And hopefully the rest of them are relaxing.

"This is a really nice place, Yuri. I'm impressed."

"I'm just trying to give you what you deserve." She grinned.

"There's one more thing I have for you." Yuri said, reaching into her purse.

"No really, you've done enough for me today."

"Jessica. Trust me, it's okay." I nodded and quietly sipped my coffee. She handed me a black box and sat back as if to watch my reaction to whatever she gave me. I lifted the lid and I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

"'s amazing. It's beautiful." She had given me a diamond ring. Engraved in the band were our initials: KY + JJ.

"Sica, why're you crying?"

"Because, I'm so happy." I wiped my eyes and blew my nose.

"Jessica, I love you so much. More than the sun loves the moon. More than the clouds love the bright blue sky. More than anything in this whole entire world. I just wanted you to know that. Happy birthday."

A/N: I'm sorry it ends so abruptly. I'm so tired right now. I just hope you guys enjoyed it. :) If you did, awesome! If not, I'm sorry I wasted your time.


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Chapter 1: Tan bello
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 1: It was seohyun, right?
Cute story <3
fxAsha #4
Chapter 1: lol jessica's sister called seoyeon here? i thought it was "Soojung" haha happy birthday author!
Chapter 1: nice fluffy n warm..thanks for writing it!
Chapter 1: This is a nice shot ♡ ;; Happy bday btw author! \o/
ellanor #7
happy b'day author