Fish Guts

Cooking with Woohyun


 “Oh my gosh! Guys guess what!” Woohyun shouted, slamming the front door of Infinite’s dorm open as he came back from meeting the CEO. The other members where laying and sitting around on the living room floor, relaxing as their one-on-one meeting with the CEO had already ended some time ago.

“Holy , Woohyun. Just break down the door, why don’t you?” Sungyeol asked sarcastically, spread out on the floor. Woohyun was too excited to care about the younger’s mood as he quickly flung his shoes off and set a bag near the kitchen. Instead of replying, he sat on the younger’s back, earning a muffled surprised cry in reply.

“Guess what the CEO told me?!” He asked, hopping up and down in excitement and making Sungyeol groan. “You guys would not believe it!”

“What, did he say we could get a vacation soon?” Sungjong asked in a monotone voice, too busy watching running man on the TV to actually care. It was Woohyun; any news were amazing news to him.

“No, it’s even better!” Seeing s’ bored faces, Woohyun’s smile dropped slightly. “Come on! Guess! Guess!”

“A bonus?” Sunggyu asked, his nose deep in a book.


“Meat?” Dongwoo asked, his stomach growling in response.


“Just spit it out Woohyun!” Myungsoo groaned in annoyance, smacking his bamboo toy.

“Oh fine! You guys are no fun!” He wailed. “So… the CEO told me that I get my own cooking show! It’s going to be called Cooking with Woohyun!”

The other six members looked at him with blank faces, then at each other. Except for Sungyeol. His was still pressed against the floor. Woohyun glanced around at them, his eyes sparkling with excitement and his smile nearly splitting his face.

“Isn’t it awesome! I get to star in my own show!”

“Can you even cook?” Hoya asked the question that was on all of their minds. As far as they knew, Woohyun only knew how to be greasy, not cook.

“Of course! I’ve always wanted to be a chef!”

“But can you actually cook edible food?” Sungyeol asked, struggling to get out from under Woohyun.

Woohyun clicked his tongue in disbelief that his own members doubted his cooking abilities. He had lived with them for three years and yet they still doubted him?!

“No offense, Woo, but it’s not like you have actually cooked anything other than ramyun.” Sunggyu added quickly, noticing the diminishing mood of the younger.

“Well I’ve never had the chance!” He replied back, a soft pout forming on his lips.

“Then cook dinner tonight and we’ll see. We don’t want you embarrassing us on TV by making something poisonous.” Hoya said.

“I will!” Woohyun shouted, standing up. Sungyeol groaned in relief as the dead weight vanished from his back. “And just you wait! I’m going to make food so amazing, you’ll be begging to come on my show with me!” With that, he grabbed a bag and stomped to their kitchen, leaving the other six in the silent room to await their doom.

“Argh! We’re all gonna be poisoned!” Sungyeol wailed, rolling over to where Myungsoo sat with his bamboo toy to steal it. He was kicked away in return.

“At least we don’t have a schedule tomorrow.” Dongwoo replied.

“Great. So we can clean out our bowels all day long. Just what I want to do on my day off.” Myungsoo grunted, still trying to kick the chodding away from his toy.

“Sunggyu, please make sure he doesn’t poison us. He’ll only listen to you.” Sungjong gave the leader his puppy dog eyes look, hoping to God he would intervene. When Woohyun became moody, only the leader could deal with him and his antics without killing him.

Sunggyu glanced up from his book and shrugged. “Why do I have to deal with him? I wasn’t the one who gave him the idea to cook tonight.”

Everyone turned to glare at Hoya, who was watching running man, too oblivious to realize their glares. Dongwoo wacked him upside the head.

“Ow! What the hell?!” he exclaimed, glaring at Dongwoo and rubbing his head furiously in pain. Dongwoo’s hits were no joke; he had freaking guns for arms.

“This is all your fault.” Sungjong remarked, giving him another smack on the back of the head.

“Argh! Jeez! Just stop!” Hoya cried out, covering his head with his arms. “And it’s not my fault! You guys were doubting him when he was so happy! You would have made him cry!”

“It doesn’t matter whose fault it is.” Sunggyu remarked, annoyed with all of the shouting. He just wanted to read his book, that was all. “Just Hoya, go and check on what he’s doing to shut these brats up.” Hoya stood up and sighed as he made his way to the kitchen. This is freaking mutiny, he thought.

Dongwoo and Sungjong turned back to running man when their piñata left, although it wasn’t a particularly funny episode. Sungyeol gave up on stealing Myungsoo’s toy and rolled over to annoy his next target: the leader.

“Sunggyu~” He called in a sugar-coated voice.

“What do you want Sungyeol?” He glared down at his book, irritated that he couldn’t enjoy himself for a single second.

“Whatcha reading?” He asked, lying on the leader’s lap.

“A book.”

“What kind of book?” He pestered him.

Sunggyu let out an annoyed sigh. “A book you wouldn’t enjoy.”

“Eh?” He rolled his head to face upwards in order to read the cover. “Dude, I love The Breaker.”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes and continued reading, ignoring the child on his lap.

“Wait a minute…” Sungyeol squinted his eyes as he studied the cover. “Oh my gosh! This is the newest volume! Why didn’t you say you got it?!” He sat up and tried to grab the book from the older.

“I’m reading it first, then you can.” Sunggyu said, swatting at the chodding to keep him from snatching the book.

“Give me it.” He sat up, crossing his arms in front of his chest and frowning.


“Why~? I’m bored.” He whined.

“No. I’m almost done. Can’t you wait like ten more minutes?” Sunggyu looked at the kid in front of him, shaking his head at his childishness.

“No! Gimme!” He reached out for it, his lips forming an exaggerated pout.

“Aish! Alright! Here!” Sunggyu handed him the book, exhausted from the younger’s annoying behavior. He stood up and started making his way towards the kitchen, away from the overgrown children. Stopping, he turned back towards a member.

“Ya, Myungsoo!” He called. The younger looked up. “Keep your pet on a leash. He gets annoying when he’s left on his own.” Myungsoo smirked over at the chodding, who had already dug his nose deep into the book, then sent a salute towards the leader.

“These brats.” He grumbled, making his way into the kitchen.


“So what exactly are you making?” Sunggyu asked, peering into the steaming pot of brownish red guck on the stove.

“Go away. It’s a secret.” Woohyun replied, shooing the elder away with a light shove. Sunggyu raised his eyes in question at Hoya, who just shook his head in reply as he too didn’t know what it was supposed to be.

Making his way to the table to join the younger member, Sunggyu sat down and observed Woohyun jump around the kitchen looking for ingredients. He had a slight frown from concentrating, but Sunggyu was surprised when it looked like he knew what he was doing. For the three years they had been a group, the only cooking anyone had ever really done was heating up instant food or grilling meat. They didn’t have enough time for any real homemade food, let alone the skills to create something edible. And yet here was Woohyun, walking around like the kitchen was his backyard.

Woohyun finished grinding some spices (though Sunggyu didn’t know how he got them), then pulled out a large fish from the fridge and slapped it on the counter. Curious, Sunggyu got up and made his way to the fish as Woohyun turned to dig around in a drawer on the other side of the kitchen.

“What kind of fish is this?” He asked, curious over the red fish.

“A red snapper.” Woohyun replied matter-of-factly.

“What? A red snapper? When did we get this?” Sunggyu asked, utterly confused with the origin of the fish. It was unusual for meat to be around without them knowing, especially since it would be devoured as soon as it was brought to the dorm.

“On my way back. I wanted to celebrate, but then you all had to ruin the fun.”

Sunggyu glanced up at him, taking note that though the younger’s tone was sad, he wore a playful expression on his face. Woohyun stepped towards the fish, forcing Sunggyu to observe him at his side. Pulling out a large knife, he brought it towards the fish.

“What are you-” With a flick of his wrist, Woohyun sent the knife deep into the fish’s body and sliced it in half, causing the guts to pour out on the counter.

“Oh my gosh!” Sunggyu yelled, jumping back in shock. Woohyun, smiling at the elder’s reaction and biting his lip to keep from laughing, continued to clean out the fish’s guts.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” He continued jumping around the kitchen. Hoya looked at him with questioning eyes and stood up to see what Woohyun was doing. Seeing the gutted fish, he looked back at Sunggyu with raised eyebrows and a thought popped in his head.

“You don’t happen to be… squeamish, right Sunggyu?” He asked, his tone having a hint of mockery.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” He continued to chant as he paced around the room. Stopping, he spun around to point a judging finger at Woohyun. “You did that on purpose! You know I don’t like seeing guts! Why didn’t you warn me!” He wailed. Woohyun couldn’t hold it anymore and burst into laughter. Sunggyu glared at him then made his way back to the living room, leaving Hoya to deal with the crazy laughing Woohyun. Plopping down next to Dongwoo, Sunggyu clamped his arms around his knees.

“Back so soon?” Dongwoo questioned him, surprised by the sudden noise in the kitchen and the prompt return of the leader.

“Yeah.” He sniffed in reply. “Woohyun’s a jerk.”

Dongwoo nodded in knowing. “So how’s dinner look?” Sungjong asked, tearing his stare away from the TV and towards the leader.

Sunggyu thought about it, but only remembered the picture of guts on the counter. “Disgusting.” He replied with a shudder.




First chapter is up! Thank you to all of you who have already subscribed! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^^

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Chapter 1: Hahaha funny xD wonder how woohyun's dinner will turn out like...
Chapter 1: So cuteee!Please update soon!
BlackParadise #3
Chapter 1: haha.. sunggyu pissed off because of fish guts.. poor gyu :D
looking forward to nexh chapter
myungyeol98 #4
Chapter 1: seriously this is so damn funny..i can't stop smiling..^__^
omg this is hilarious, i'm in. I'm looking forward to how the couples will come together xD
himerainbow #6
Chapter 1: oh my that was funny!! XDDD Sunggyu jumping in the kitchen~ i was laughing loud here. People think that im crazy -_-".
Im wainting for the next uptade! fighting author-nim!
crossing_by #7
Chapter 1: Sunggyu surely an easy pick for woohyun ...
soo namu is good on the kitchrn also ... as they said love sometimes come from the need of the stomach ^^~

Sungyeol = myungsoo`s pet = adorable
Chapter 1: ahhh please update soon!!! i need the next chapter hehe

i really hope that Woohyun is a realy great cook! (well he have to be to get his own show) and i want the others to feel bad 4 not supporting our Namu!! :3

kyaaa cant wait 4 ur update!!! ^-^
straybangfinite877 #9
Chapter 1: Hahahaha please update soon!!
Chapter 1: Interesting.. XD
Update soon~