I Knew You Were Trouble

Just Love Me Could You ?

Chapter 4 : I Knew You Were In Trouble



Kai went to his room , slammed the door hard behind .


" There he goes again .. " Mdm Kim sighed .

*So thats his damn attitude huh ? * You  thought .


" Did .. you try urging him ? " I asked .

" Urghing him , will make the problem worst . For me ." 


" Oh . " I said , showing the sign of giving up urghing him .


" How about you trying to go urge him ? "

" erm . I will try . " I said and got up.


I hesistately walk to Kai ' s door .

When I  was hesistating whether to knock the door or open the door ,

" Come in . "  A husty voice was heard . It was Kai voice .


I  slowly went in , just to see him lazily lying on the bed .

" Why were you here ? "

" Your mum t- "


" Told you to come in ? Urging me ? Give up . "

Yuri gave him the ' how did you know ? ' look .

" I know my mum . " Kai replied .

" You jerk  . I thought you read minds . " Yuri said feeling annoyed .


" tskk . " Kai hissed .

" Why were you so angry just now ? " Yuri just said innocently .


" YOU . Aren't you not angry about it ?! " Kai asked her . Staring at Yuri .

" Yeahh . I got something back instead from my stupid brother . Feeling quite happy . "

I said and giggled , I only need to stay. A month ~ 


What a smart mother you have , oh yeah . 

You .


" You feel happy about this stupid marriage ? What did you got ? "

" Am I suppose to tell you ? I just feel happy about my brother not annoying me . But it will be a while . "


" A while ? " Kai asked suspicously .

" Well , aren't you gonna divoice will me sooner or later ? Idiot . " I create a excuse .

" Maybe . " Kai just replied .

" Bwoh ? Are you kidding me ? "

" Yes . " Kai just replied and continued lying on his bed .


" Somehow , my brother knows you ? "

" Whose he ? " Kai asked . With that questioning look on her face .


" Luhan ? " Yuri replied .

" Luhan ?! You are Luhan sister ? He force you with this marriage ?! " Kai stared at Yuri unbelivabably .


" Yeahh . LOL. What's the big deal ? " Yuri replied almost laughing at his stupid reaction .

" Deer Sister ?!  Woahh .. Yeah . You acted like him . Little Deer . " Kai muttered.


" tskk . Idiot . This marriage is caused . Just because of you . "

" What ? Why me ? " Kai questioned .

" You created it yourself  . " Yuri replied.


" Yah . My mum ban me from going out  ! How am I gonna have a girlfriend ? " Kai replied angrily

" You didn't even know what you did that caused your mum to that . "


" What did I did ? " Kai asked .

" Tskk . Talk back to your parents , scold them , fleeing from the country , clubs . And more . "


" How do you know that all ? "

" From your parents and internet . "


" Internet . What ?  "

"That's recent . I meant today . You were spotted in a club . Idiot . "


" OMG . Am I ? " Kai asked .

Knewing he is gonna be in deep trouble soon .

Then a voice were heard .



" uh-ohh . I knew you were in trouble . " Yuri purposely said it .


Kai just sighed .





Hellos ! StarlightSky here o.o

This idea , was fom Jongyul53 .

She helped me with this .

Good friend here .

She just gave me the idea , I just type it .

She was busy updating her story .

Playboy love . Go check it out . Neh ?


Finally after a long ? Hiatus .

I'm sorry about that .

I wrote a long chapter . [ to me ]


I hope you guys would really subscribe .

I don't want my efforts to go waste .

So , comments ?

I hope it was good .


StarlightSky :33

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Just love me could you? I've a rewritten story for it in wattpad, the previous one is aff is too crappy. So I create another one. Hope you like it!


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problematicjane #1
Chapter 22: Hey fellow KaiYul shipper! I made a story about LuYoon, KaiYul, ChanTae, KriFany and HunSica and the title is "This Is Destiny" You can read it here in this link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/872182
I Love your story and I just finished reading it last night and I hope you make more KaiYul stories. Thank you and please find time to read "This Is Destiny" by -TaeNySicfanficlover- (ME) thank you very much and also I live in the Philippines but I'm a korean. Thank you and please love my story.. bye! :)
Chapter 14: Yeay i already read this like 5 times and am addicted...
annonimous #3
Chapter 23: I have already subscribe to it ^^
starlight_ayra #4
Chapter 9: Author-nim jjang!
Chapter 9: I mean the picture in chapter 9.....
Chapter 9: that picture is actually CHANYEOL & HIS SISTER ..though...but watever I LOVE YOUR STORY....
new reader hereeeeee oh yes im kaiyul shipper muehehe
StellaBP #8
Chapter 22: #nohate first i'm kaiyul shipper but sorry to tell you but the photo was edited, because the real photo yuri is looking to the left, and next to her it was sooyoung not kai you can see it here -> http://www.wonderfulgeneration.net/2012/11/snsd-members-and-their-beautiful-photos.html

and here is the real picture, kai was sitting alone, no one beside hime, and the photo it was official from sm ent kakao talk's
, here is the link ->http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me6v9ikUjd1r8i9eqo1_500.jpg

so probably they edit it and change yuri view direction. and it said that exo and snsd depart separately for singapore sm town
Chapter 18: krisyul pleaseeeeeee.....
Miyoungssi88 #10
Chapter 3: but i think it's okay, the event's there