
The Change Of My Heart. (ONESHOT)


She was just connecting the stars with her fingers as she lied down on the roof with her legs folded up half way. She started to connect the stars and formed many shapes that came into her mind. “There’s a horse. Over there’s a pig. Oh, and a cup of nice coco.” She smiled as she continued going on with her wild imagination. She was somewhat one of those creative people in her school that took creativity to a whole new level.

When a teacher asks them to make a paper mache, she would end up making a miniature sculpture with just newspaper, water and PVA glue. There was one time she was given a task to make just a few hand-knitted bags for some teachers for Teacher’s Day but she ended up making one for all the teachers. It’s not to say she liked all the teachers, she just appreciated what they were doing for the community. Of course, now some of you would wonder. A girl who is talented, creative, who seems to have a good heart, doesn’t she have a boyfriend? Well yes, but her boyfriend is someone no one else thought would be her boyfriend.

That was Do Kyungsoo. The new kid that lived down the street. He was quite, big-eyed and was known to be a good cook. One thing about this kid was whenever someone tried to be nice to him, he would give them a cold shoulder. Sometimes along with a sarcastic remark if he was that moody. Out of all people, he was partners with Hae Lynn in almost every class. Even though he was blunt, rude and cold to everyone including Hae Lynn, she would never change the way she treated Kyungsoo. That was one of the reasons out of the many that Kyungsoo fell in love with her.

“Hey, I’m Hae Lynn! You are?” She beamed as she turned to her partner who was just zoning out into space. He gulped and turned to look at her. “What does my name have to do with you?” he narrowed his eyes to look at her nametag. “Miss, Hae Lynn?” he cocked an eyebrow and she flashed a smile. “Well, considering that we’re going to be partners until the end of the year, might as well we get to know each other just in case for future projects or pair work.” She smiled before she looked away. “I’ll still find your name out anyway. Mr.. Cold Shoulder.” She chuckled before he looked away from her.

“Weird girl.” He muttered under his breath and she caught that. “Thank you, stop flattering me.” She joked before he turned his attention to her again. “What?” he blurted out and she smiled. “Nothing, Mr.Do Kyungsoo.” She gave him one last smile before she faced front as the teacher came in.

“Good morning!” she chimed when she reached her table that she shared with Kyungsoo. It’s been a few months since they’ve known each other and he was slowly opening up to her. Or, well maybe he was just getting used to her cheerful aura around her that he was just trying to adjust to it every morning.

“Well someone seems happy.” He snapped at her and she turned to look at him. “Yes! Yes I am. It’s a special day today!” she grinned and he raised an eyebrow. “What day is that?” he asked her as she signaled him to come closer. “Why can’t you just tell me like this?” he asked but she rolled her eyes at him before she dragged her chair closer towards his and his eyes widened at the sudden skin contact when her hand brushed on his thigh.

She leaned closer until their faces were millimeters apart from one another. It would really look like the two were kissing if someone were to look at them from a distance. “It’s a secret.” She whispered and he pushed her away. “W-What the heck?” he scoffed before he used his shirt to fan himself as he suddenly felt like it was getting hot in the room but it was impossible considering it was raining heavily outside.

“Stupid girl comes near me like that and doesn’t tell me.” He muttered to himself softly before she slid a paper across the table to put it in front of him. He looked down on the paper and lifted it up before he opened it.

Come by my house later, I’ll tell you why. :) Oh oh, come by at 9.30p.m.! :D

He shook his head as he folded the paper and shoved it into his pocket. For some reason, he could actually imagine her saying those words with those exact same emoticons plastered on her face.

“Y-Yah!” Kyungsoo shouted as he opened the door to her room. Her mother, knew Kyungsoo ever since he moved here because she was friends with his mother and let’s just say they’re best friends now. They would actually kill to know whether their kids were dating one another but they clarified and made it clear they weren’t. “Y-Your mom let me in and she said you were in your room!” he raised his voice as he shut the door before he glanced at the bathroom door. “She’s not even here and she wants me to come over. What a freak.” He cursed before he turned around.

He placed his hand on the doorknob when he heard grunts from the balcony. He turned around to widen his eyes when he saw her standing there with a smile on her face. He felt his heart skip a beat when he could see her features clearly under the moonlight. “Come out here!” she shouted and he gulped before he pulled his hand away from the doorknob.

If someone back in his hometown were to pull something off like this, he would definitely just leave but with her, everything felt like nothing was impossible to try out something new. Considering that even back in his hometown, no one would even try to converse with him after the first encounter because he was always so cold. He opened the balcony door and he furrowed his eyebrows when he realized she wasn’t there anymore. “What the hell?” He cursed and he jerked up when he heard her shout “Up here!” He walked further out on the balcony to jump and caught a glimpse of Hae Lynn on the roof. “What are you doing up there?” he shouted and he could hear her chuckle.

“What are you doing down there?” she shouted at him back and he cracked into a smile. “I asked you first!” he shouted and he jerked backwards when she came to the edge and smiled at him. “Come up here with me.” She said as she offered a hand. When he saw her hand, he wanted to just leave immediately as everything like this was just like deja vu for him all over again.

No one really knew why Kyungsoo was so cold ever since he went to primary school back at his hometown and carried the exact same character to where he moved but deep down inside, he was just dying to tell it all out to someone. When he was younger, he had a younger sister. He and his sister were so tight and they had a special bond with one another that even their parents found it cute. One day, when he was just taking her out to play to the playground when he was six and she was five.

His mother was there too with them but a terrible accident happened when he dropped something on the road and wanted to take it but his sister offered to take it for him. When his sister got his toy in her hands, she turned to shout at him “Oppa! I got it for you!” She giggled and she offered her hand to her brother as she gestured him to come to her. In a split second, just like that, he saw his sister get ran over by a truck that was speeding. It scarred him for life and ever since, he couldn’t find happiness in his life anymore.

“K-Kyungsoo?” her voice rang at the back of his head and he snapped out of it. “W-What?” he asked confusedly and she grinned. “Take my hand, I won’t bite. I promise.” She placed her other hand on her chest and he cracked into a smile. She instantly smiled when he reached for her hand and he climbed up onto the roof to sit beside her under the starry night.

“Here.” She said as she passed a box to him. He furrowed his eyebrows before he looked down on the box on his lap before he gazed up to look at her. “What’s this for?” he asked as she smiled. “I hear it’s your birthday today..and, your sister’s death anniversary.” His eyes widened as his hands were getting sweaty all of a sudden. “How did you know?” he croaked out softly as she lied down on the roof with her arms folded behind her head. “Just open the box, Kyungsoo.” She smiled at the stars.

Kyungsoo opened the box and his eyes widened when he saw a brown Rilakkuma bear in the box. He gulped before he pulled the bear out. “That’s your sister’s favorite, isn’t it?” she asked and he nodded his head slowly before he glanced at her. “That was my sister’s favorite too.” She sighed as she stared at the night sky. “Y-You have a sister?” he asked as he put the bear back into the box before he looked at the girl beside him. “I used to. Until she..until she gone to a better place.”

“How are you still so happy even when your sister..when..she’s gone?” he asked and she sat up to look at him and pushed him to lie down beside her before she lied down beside him. She scooted closer towards him and tilted his head until he rested his head on her shoulder. “Sometimes, we have to look on the bright side of things and not dwell on the bad things in life. Losing her was like losing my life but my life still goes on. I’m not saying you have to forget your sister, but just be happy for her. She would want that for you.”

She could feel him trying to move his head away from her shoulder but she held onto his hand and he stopped trying. “Don’t push away people who try to care for you and make you happy. Your sister would want you to be happy too.”

He gulped before he tried to relax his body. He lifted his head to look at the girl who was just admiring the night sky. He was just looking at the girl who seemed to be an annoying partner in class a few months ago but now he saw her as nothing but a beautiful girl with a nice heart and soul. “Hae Lynn,” He called her name out softly as she turned to look down on him, letting out a soft “Hmm?”

“Thank you.”

 She was so busy indulging herself into the memories she had a few years back that she didn’t realize her boyfriend was already beside her, lying down beside her as he stared at her being deep into her thoughts. They were eighteen and it was their last year in high school. It was just four years ago when he met her and now, they’ve come a long way sharing a beautiful relationship with one another. He could still remember how he confessed to her.

“I like you.” He breathed out and her eyes widened when she heard him say that. “W-What?” she croaked out softly before he leaned closer as they were on the balcony outside her room. “Y-You what?” she stuttered through her words and he turned to face her. He placed his hands on her shoulders before he turned her to face him. “I like you. I really do, Hae Lynn.”

She gulped, not because she didn’t like him back. Because she was afraid of getting hurt, you know? Girls are insecure of things like this and though she seemed like those girls who didn’t care about all of that, she’s actually the complete opposite. “M-Me, why?” she shook her head when she realized she had put the words out wrongly. He smiled softly when he saw how flustered she was.

“W-Why me?”

He let go of her shoulders and lifted her chin up with two of his fingers. “You came and loved me when no one else did. You believed in me that a change would come for me and it did.” He said as she gulped before looking up into his brown eyes that seemed so attractive to her. “What change was that?”

“That change, was you.”

He was going to wait for her to notice him but considering she wasn't going to anytime soon, he decided to make the first move. “Aren’t you going to pay attention to me?” he said as he reached for her waist to pull her beside him closer. She jerked up but she relaxed the moment he pulled her in for a hug. “What were you thinking about?” he asked as she returned the hug to him. “You.” She answered directly and he chuckled as he hugged her tight.

“Funny, I was thinking about you too.” 



Here's a poll for you guys to answer :B I'll see you in the next oneshot! :D you can leave your request in the comment section here. Just leave your request in the comment section :B


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Rinvien_yukina #1
Chapter 2: Love love love :3
leaderline #2
Chapter 2: It's cute and so sweet
Chapter 1: so cute! I love it :)
Chapter 1: The story was simple and cute :3
I really like the poster,somehow. I even don't know why. Kkk.

Kepp the good work, Author-nim!
cyangloveo #5
Chapter 1: Omg when you said kyungsoo's sister got ran over by a truck I shut my mind cause I just watched this show where they played an accident slowmo and it wasn't a pretty scene :x other than that THIS WAS AWESOME YOUR STORIES ARE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUEEEE :333
Chapter 1: hi there ^^ i'm sorry for taking up a long time to finally read your story TT.TT anyway, this story is nice and yes, you should made a sequel for it ;)
nurinnarina #7
Chapter 2: No !!! I dont want a rival !! It would always make me mad at the rival or something and I hate it especially if the rival is just as hot as the main x) hehehe On the other hand, GOOD LUCK ! And I love ALL your stories :)
Chapter 1: I really love your story esp the ending part :)