04. ~Friends~

Always By Your Side

HyunAe sighed to herself when she woke up this morning, she had to obey her father’s wishes and stop going out at night. But he had a surprise for her and she had to learn responsibility fast. He might give her a new duty and she wouldn’t be able to explore anymore.

She thought about what the surprise could possibly be as she got ready for the day. Her father had to have given her a new responsibility, she had to entertain one of the elites again or something.

They, honestly, bored her, all they talked about was politics and they refused to go outside and swim around. They just wanted to stay in all day, and she couldn't live with that.

She finished brushing her hair when she heard a knock at her door, "Come in." She said, and the door opened.

She saw Yonghwa swim in and she had the biggest smile on her face. She calmed herself down before speaking, "You're still here!" She said.

"My mother and I moved closer to the city." He told her simply. He had almost forgotten the agreement that HyunAe need not be told.

"Are you the surprise?" HyunAe asked him.

"Yes, today we are now best friends." He said, "What do you want to do today?"

"I don't have any duties required of me then?” She asked back, “Are you sure this isn’t some sort of trick?” She raised her eyebrows at him suspiciously.

He laughed at her hesitation, she really was used to being told lies, just like his mother said. “Yes, princess. Come on, what do you want to do today?”

She tilted her head in curiosity, “Why don’t we go and explore some more? There are some rooms in the palace that I haven’t seen yet.” She told him.

“Sure, will we run into anyone?” He asked her hesitantly. He wasn’t sure how to handle the situation if they ran into any of the elites yet, seeing they would not like their friendship. But his mother had told him, the King had asked for him to be friends with his daughter, not the other way around.

“I’m not sure. We might but you’ll be with me, don’t worry.” She assured him and ran a finger through her hair. “Let’s go.” She took his hand and led him outside.

He tightened his grip on her hand as she swam quickly ahead to take him where she wanted. He looked at her and felt his heart skip, he was going to have some trouble with this. He took his mother’s warning very seriously, but right now they were friends.

She finally stopped swimming and he took a normal breath, they stood in front of a huge grand door in the middle of the hallway. He was in awe of the size of it, the palace had that much room for it. “Where is this?” He asked her.

“This is the place where everything is kept.” HyunAe told him, she opened the door and led him inside. The entire room glowed because of all the jewels that surrounded them. He was in the treasury but then he also saw a bunch of glass jars high up on the shelves. 

“What are those?” He asked her and she turned to look, she smiled, “Those are potions that my mom made before. They do a bunch of different magic, but most of them they just do love spells.” She explained to him.

They walked by the other jewels and he noticed that there were some pearl necklaces kept on the shelf. He heard the stories about those but he didn’t know they were real. “Are those past sirens’ necklaces?” He asked her.

“Yes, they were friends of my mother. She promised to keep their necklaces in honor of their memory, we still do it now when they pass, but only those who knew my mother. Others aren’t as kind usually.” She told him. “Do you know how they get made?”

“They must cry out their tears over a lost lover in order to make a full necklace or else they won’t become a siren.” He said, he reached out and brushed her cheek, “You haven’t made any pearls right?” He asked her.

She reached out for his hand and her mood turned sad, “I have once.” She said. His heart froze but she spoke again, “Not over a boy though.” 

Yonghwa pulled her into a hug, he knew exactly what she had cried for then, “Your mother.” He said.

She nodded her head as she wrapped her arms around him as well, “And you?” She asked.

“My father.” He told her, “He died a long time ago though, I didn’t know him that well.” He said, “They’re in a better place.”

HyunAe pulled away slightly and smiled, wiping away her tears, “I know they are. Come on, let’s talk about something else.” She said as they walked past another row of objects. He looked up and saw that they were all paintings of the past Kings and Queens.

“Are these your relatives?” He asked her, the royal line was kept sacred and only those with the blood could be crowned King or Queen. 

“Some of them I know how we are related, others I don’t but I would have to assume that we are related.” She answered him, they walked past all the old photos and Yonghwa noticed that all the women shared her bright eyes. 

They stopped right in front of the picture of her parents painted together. He looked at her mother and back at HyunAe, their resemblance was striking. The one gene that HyunAe got from her father was her hair, the reddish brown tone that her mother didn’t have.

“My mother.” She said, “Isn’t she pretty?”

“Yes, I think so. You’re just as pretty as her.” He told her with a smile that made HyunAe’s heart skip a beat.

“Shall we go back outside? We have something else to do as well, you have a friend to see.” She said, “One of my friends wants to meet you.”

“How does she even know about me?” Yonghwa asked her, “You just found out about me this morning, and I know no one else here.”

HyunAe smiled but Yonghwa could see a bit of sadness in her expression, “Yonghwa, you’re at the palace now. Secrets are really hard to keep.” She said, “That’s why I know that you’re here to protect me just as much as you’re here to be my friend.” She reached for the door but Yonghwa pulled her into his arms quickly.

“I’m not lying when I say this, I want to be your friend, I want to be here to protect you. I can help you see so much more than just the inside of this palace. And I want to make sure you never have to cry ever again.” He said with determination, “So please don’t think of me as fake.”

She smiled as she embraced him, he wasn’t just here because he had to be. He wasn’t here to take advantage of her, he was simply there, because he wanted to be. “Thank you, Yonghwa. I will do my best to protect you as well. People won’t let up if you stay by my side.” She told him, turning to look at him.

He cupped her face protectively, “I will always be here, by your side, for as long as you want me.” His stare went right through her and she froze in place, he was not someone who lied.

“Come on, let’s go.” She said, running away from his intense gaze. She had never felt that before and it scared her. She didn’t want to be in the same position that Yunho had put himself in. Then they would both lose the throne.

Over love.

Author's Note;;
Umm.. I hope this works. ><;;
I still have my Yonghwa feels. but like idk.. I feel like my writing now has much left to be desired. >.>
Siggghhh.. Anyway updates are coming more quickly I hope since it's summer.
Enjoy ^-^

P.S. DOES ANYONE WANNA MAKE ME A NEW POSTER? ><;; due to personal reasons I don't want this one anymore.


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Yonghwa: I can't double update, sorry. There's another missing piece of the puzzle that I have to write in next chapter :)


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ciel_san #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for the beautiful story. It has finally ended. TT^TT
Wait, is that your fanfic lists? You wrote that much? Woah, you're really daebak!
ciel_san #2
Chapter 25: Wedding? Woah great improvement for both of them.
I really happy that you update fast author! Hope that the next update wont take too long
ciel_san #3
Chapter 24: The conflict has finally resolved. But why do i feel that this story gonna end soon as they had reunited. Or maybe you have some sort of twist? I hope so
ciel_san #4
Chapter 22: Oh. I'm sooo glad that you update often. I'm also reading-hungry here..
Yonghwa please be okay. Maybe geunsuk poison him then it will be only hyunae's kiss which could wake him up~ just like snow white story
Chapter 21: Oh my gosh no!!!
ciel_san #6
Chapter 21: Yonghwa's missing in very last minute. Hope they could find him within 12 hours. Probably geunsuk lay hand on him that's why he's missing
Chapter 20: So cute!!!!
ciel_san #8
Chapter 19: You better give us more progress about yonghwa n hyunae, author!!
The situation under the sea is complicated as well..
Chapter 18: Hongki Oppa!
ciel_san #10
Chapter 18: No no no, geunsuk wants the money back. His men might do some violence to Wave boys to take back the money :(
It's saddening that hyunae just treat yonghwa casually. She doesnt even wonder why yonghwa on the land :/