Chapter 1

Rain Sound

Yongguk woke up to a loud banging on his apartment door. He blinked his eyes wearily, upset that the person outside the door had disturbed his sleep. He blindly reached for his phone, which he kept on a small table right beside his bed. As soon as he saw the time, 3:46 pm, he sighed wearily and his annoyance immediately disappeared. Instead he was overcome with a certain sadness. Yongguk ran his hand through his hair and slowly lifted himself out of bed

The banging continued and Yongguk paid it no mind. If they were being this persistent he already knew who was outside the door. Instead he went to draw open the curtains in the main room of his small apartment. He regretted it instantly. It was a dreary day. Rain fell from the sky like never ending tears and splattered against the ground in an almost horrific fashion. Yongguk wondered what it would feel like to be those rain drops splattering against the pavement, breaking into a million pieces with one touch. Annoyed with himself for being so depressing he went to open the door.


“You’re annoying my neighbors.” Yongguk said unhappily as he opened the door.


The man in front of him looked displeased, his lips were drawn into a thin line and his eyes were narrowed in a way that didn’t even look human.


“Fifteen minutes.” He said as he scowled at Yongguk.




“It took you exactly fifteen minutes to answer the door.”


“You woke me up Himchan. Besides, I wasn’t exactly in a hurry to open the door.”


Himchan’s scowl seemed to deepen at the response and he pushed past Yongguk and into his apartment. He immediately made a beeline towards Yongguk’s bedroom. Yongguk just followed the man knowing that nothing he could say would distract him from his mission, whatever it was. Himchan went directly for the closet and started rummaging through Yongguk’s clothes he carefully selected various pieces of clothing before ing them unceremoniously into Yongguk’s arms. Yongguk looked down at the items he now held in confusion.


“What are these for?” He asked blankly. Himchan shot him an irritated look.


“We,” Himchan began unhappily, “Are going out to get coffee and then go to a movie, so you should get dressed unless you feel like wandering around in pajamas. Now I was thinking that we could go see an action movie, and there’s this romantic comedy showing that’s supposed to be really good-“


“I’m not going anywhere.” Yongguk stated firmly as he dumped the clothes onto his bed. “You can’t make me.”

Himchan’s face softened and he looked at Yongguk with something akin to pity in his eyes.


“Yongguk, it’s been six months. I know that it hurts and I know that you’re upset, but you have to do something more than lying here all day in this apartment. All you do is go to work and sleep. You’re scaring me Gukkie, you’re acting like a zombie.” Yongguk closed his eyes and began to clench his fists as Himchan began his little tirade. He nearly winced at the use of the old nickname, he never imagined that cute little nickname would ever be accompanied by so many painful memories. Himchan, being Himchan, was unable to sense the tension coming from his best friend and continued his rant.


“It’s no wonder you haven’t had any closure, you didn’t even come to the funeral. When his parents asked me where you were I had no idea what to tell them. You can’t keep doing this you know, pushing everyone away. You’re only hurting yourself in the end and-“


“Get out.” Yongguk interrupted for the second time.


Himchan looked visibly offended, “Look Gukkie I’m only trying to help you.”


“Get out and don’t use that name! Don’t ever use that name!” Yongguk shouted violently. His head dropped down and he stared at the floor dejectedly as he uttered one last, “Get out.”


Himchan looked like he was about to say something more before thinking better of it and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.


As soon as he was gone Yongguk dropped down to the floor and tried to keep his tears in check. He looked towards his window to stare at the scenery outside and just for a second he indulged himself and imagined a red umbrella among the crowd.

“Rain and red are my two favourite things. What are yours Gukkie Hyung?”

“Huh? Well I guess I don’t really have any.” It’s you.


“You’re so weird Gukkie Hyung.” Bright smiles.

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