[ 01. ] plots & application

❝ The Pursuit of Happiness ❞ — apply open!

The Pursuit of Happiness

application | source code 

01. the format of the application must be kept neat and clean. all fonts/spacing/everything needs to be in the same way I have formatted it.
02. you must do your application in blog form and make it public so I can see it. you will turn your link in to the application blog post comments. NOWHERE ELSE!!!!!
03. delete all brackets while filling in your application, but don't forget to read them! I put them there for a reason.
04. I will most likely be choosing 5 girls, so be creative, detailed, and stand out!
05. the password is  your birthday and hyperlink that to a picture of your chosen lover. put this in the "last words:" section. 
06.  title your application "❝ character name ❞ — POH"
07.  make your character match your chosen plotline well so she is more likely to be chosen for that certain role.
08. this story isn't all about love, just letting you know.
09. all kpop male idols are available, but you must provide a detailed paragraph for your chosen lover.
09. have fun, be creative, be detailed, and good luck! have fun applying!!!!!



❝ most likely to succeed 


Keeping her rank in the top 10 of her class and making sure her grades were in tip top shape were things she always worried about. She's the girl that, instead of going out to watch a movie with her friends, she'd rather study for a test that's next week. Not only does she have to keep her grades up for herself, but she also has parents who are extremely strict about school and having the best grades. She spends most of her time studying, at school and at home. Although she does have a few friends she goes out with, she doesn't go out often, and when she does, it's only for special occasions. She wants to live the life of being a regular teenager and feel what it's like to be free of all the worries of school. The only thing that's stopping her from doing so is the constant pressure her parents put on her about school.


❝ most likely to become famous 


Singing, dancing, acting, this girl can do just about anything you can think of. She has been training her whole life just for a moment in the spotlight, and her life dream is to become famous. She wants her name to be known and her picture covering all of the walls in Seoul, and she won't stop at nothing to make that dream come true. Auditioning for talent agencies wasn't anything new to her, she has done so a million times, and although many have called her back, none have followed her through with a career in the entertainment industry. She has amazing and every talent that a talent agency could ask for, and even the looks of a korean idol star, but nothing about her really pops out. She's nothing special, she just has the talents that anyone else could gain with a few lessons. With her never dying will to become an idol, it really is a wonder if she could really make it into the crazy world of the entertainment industry.


❝ cutest couple that never was 


They've been best friends since they came out of the womb, and they're never seen without each other. She's grown up her whole life with her best friend, who was of the other , and she doesn't know what she would do without him. Everyone knows their best friends, but everyone loves to title this pair as the "cutest couple that could never be". I mean, if you've grown up your whole life with someone, you can't possibly start growing feelings now, right? That's how everyone saw it, no matter how cute they were together. But starting from her first year in high school, her feelings started to change towards him. Every time she saw him, she would get this weird, tingly feelings that she would never get before. Although she knows what these feelings are, she chooses to deny them altogether. She knows it's rather cliche to say, but she doesn't want to ruin their friendship over some stupid feelings that were going to fade away in a day or two.


❝ biggest flirt 


Talking to the opposite was always something that came natural to her. Her first boyfriend was in the 4th grade and had her first kiss in the 6th grade, and even if it meant nothing, it's still impressive to girls who haven't had both. Some girls see her as a big flirt, others as a , and the boys just bow down to the ground she walks on. She was drop-dead gorgeous; no one in the whole school could deny that. The way she dates is like this: she goes out with someone, likes them for a while, then drop them because she gets bored. Although she seems to go around from boy to boy a lot, she never puts herself out there in situations she might regret later on in life. Basically, she isn't a . She just doesn't know what she wants. She wants to find happiness, but first she needs to realize that the first step to finding happiness is that you can't rely on others to make you happy.


❝ most fabulous 


She can't ever go leave the house without applying makeup or wearing her best clothes. You will never see her wearing running or tennis shoes. She's the most fabulous girl that walks down the school's halls. Her image means everything to her, if she doesn't look good, then what's the point of being seen? She may not have anyone to impress, but she hates to be seen if she doesn't look her best. The only way she thinks she finds happiness is in putting on some eye shadow or going shopping for more clothes to add in her already huge closet. What she really doesn't know is that she's empty on the inside. She worries so much about her outer appearance that she doesn't realize what is going on inside. She needs something to fill up that emptiness. Not only does she not realize that she's empty, but when she does, she has no idea what can make her feel truly happy.


❝ most gullible 


If you tell her anything, she's most likely to believe it, no matter how stupid it may sounds. She may not seem like that smartest crayon in the box, but she's too innocent for her own being. Her parents sheltered her and raised her in a way that she was never "street" smart. Now that it's senior year in high school, she feels as if she's ready to enter into the real world. She doesn't need protection from her parents or anyone else, she wants to become an independent adult. Although she may think that life just gets easier after high school, she is completely wrong. She doesn't know right from wrong, and she's the kind of person that she needs someone to depend on. Being who she is, it's more than likely impossible to get anywhere without being supported by someone. If she can just become independent and strong, I'm sure she will be able to handle life independently.


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[061313] i'm currently working on plotlines and application form so don't worry!


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mushiromigal #1
Chapter 1: Update soon?
mushiromigal #2
Chapter 1: Applied! :D Let me know if I have to edit anything
nunchii #3
Chapter 1: Are actors available as love interests?
I will most definitely apply tommorow. OTL. I'm obsessed with your apply stories. ♥
AliceHwang1 #5
Chapter 1: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/571759
Hi. Here my application. Sorry if have something wrong, is that I am Brazilian and my English is not very good, but if have something wrong, let me know that I put right. Anyway, I hope you like me. ^.^
AliceHwang1 #6
Chapter 1: Aah, and if I choose the cutest couple that never was, this best friend can be my love interest? Sorry for being boring and have many questions. :(
AliceHwang1 #7
Chapter 1: The password is the true anniversary date or character? Sorry for the silly question. :/
mushiromigal #8
Chapter 1: I want to apply but will be away for one week :)
What's the approximate age for the ladies? c:
wolflaire #10
Chapter 1: uwahhhhhh I'm going to apply for it!! The plotlines!! <3<3<3