Chapter 2

The Wolf and the Beauty

Baekhyun woke to light. He groaned as he turned around in his sleeping bag. Wait, he wasn't in his sleeping bag. He was sleeping on the cold hard ground to be exact, and every inch of his body hurt from sleeping in the wrong position at night. He didn't realize something was very wrong until someone came into view.

"Morning, Baekhyun." greeted Chanyeol. Baekhyun then widened his eyes and sat up straight, looking around him. He wasn't in his tent; he wasn't with his family; he was sleeping in some sort of cave or whatever this place could be. He frantically got up and looked at Chanyeol, who was smiling happily at him. Baekhyun was intimidated by him, and he tried to look for an escape.

"If you're wondering where you are, I can tell you you're in a wolf pack right now." said Chanyeol, smiling as if there's nothing wrong with that.

"Wo.wo..wolf...pack?" stuttered Baekhyun. He can feel himself tremble from his toes to the very tip of his hair. He tried to remembered what happened last night: he went scouting in the forest, met a guy, and everything was black. Now, he is in a wolf pack. None of it makes sense. 

"Sure, I can't wait to introduce you to my friends!" exclaimed Chanyeol, giggling and looking at Baekhyun in an excited way.

"And they would be..." asked Baekhyun.

"Wolves, of course." said Chanyeol. That made things creepier.

"And why are you friends with wolves?" asked Baekhyun.

"Because...I'm a wolf too." said Chanyeol. To show his point, he stepped back, crouched down, and transformed into a wolf.

"Ahhh!" screamed Baekhyun. How did he get into such a mess? Is there anyway he can escape?

"Look, um, you're uh, Chanyeol right? Listen, please get me out of here. My parents are probably wondering where I went and I really have to go back because I have school tomorrow and my friends will be wondering where I was—"

Chanyeol changed back into human form. "You have friends? Can I meet them?" he said.

Baekhyun was getting more and more frustrated by the moment. Talking to Chanyeol is useless, and if he wants to get back he'll just have to figure it out by himself, which is pretty much why he needs Chanyeol to get him out because he had no idea how.

Chanyeol seems to have finally notice the older's problems when Baekhyun sat down and buried his face in his hands. He crouched down beside him and tried to comfort him. He blamed himself for making Baekhyun upset because if he hadn't made the decision to bring him here, this would be just another typical day for the both of them.

"Are there any human in this pack?" asked Baekhyun. 

"Of course, most of the females are human, because female werewolves can't have babies."

"So I'm the only male human here?" 


Baekhyun heaved a great sigh. As much as he wants to go back, he'll have to stay here for a while and sort things out. It's good to know there are other humans around here, now he doesn't feel that lonely. And Chanyeol seems pretty nice...He could make do life in the wild for a few days, before he can get back to the human world. 


(in the pack's clearing)

"Hey, I heard Chanyeol brought home a pet!" squealed Kyungsoo. "Last night, I heard him dragging something alive into our place!"

"That's not fair, why does he get to keep a pet?" pouted Xiumin. 

"What are you guys talking about?" asked Kris, joining the pack. Kris is the alpha of the pack, and he has great leadership skills and everyone listens to him. 

"Nothing." chirped Kyungsoo. If Kris finds out about the pet, he'll probably get mad since it's against the rules bring outsiders into the pack.

Kis sensed something wrong. "Kyungsoo..." he started, with a powerful force that sent shivers down Kyungsoo's spine. "What is it?"

"Like I said, nothing." lied Kyungsoo, trying to keep a straight face while avoiding Kris's stare.

"Kyungsoo, you know what happens if you lie, right?" said Kris.

"Um-hmm." whimpered Kyungsoo. The rest of the pack tried very hard not to laugh.

"Xiumin, mind sharing?" asked Kris, turning his head to tiny wolf who was snickering in the corner.

"W-what?" he stammered. "I—I—he-—, Chanyeol has a pet!" he blurted. 

"What?!" yelled Kris. "Bring Chanyeol and his pet to my cave now!" then he stormed off.

Kyungsoo kicked Xiumin. "You moron! Do you ever think before you talk?" 

"Sheesh, I wonder who started the convo." retorted Xiumin sarcastically.

The two wolves went to find Chanyeol and his pet.


A/N: Hey there guys!! I think I wrote a bad chapter.....Aish anyway please comment to tell me your ideas on  how I can improve this:)


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 24: Update if u can :3
Pabo-sshi #2
Chapter 24: Ohhh Taetae is so cute here aahhh my baby! And yayy mommy Baek and daddy Channie are the best!

Are you also including other BTS and Big Bang characters aside from Taehyung and GD? Just curious, it would be cool to see other members too though. :)

Anyways, I am looking forward to your next update, fighting!

footballgang #3
Chapter 24: yaaa!!Taetae..omooo~how miserable his life is T^T can't wait 2 read the next chap.. >,< luv ya author..update soon~
Chapter 23: Omg! How old is our taetae? Omo yeollie is jealous of his future son! XD
Chapter 21: Welcome back =) I reread it again as well XD It's been a while. I am open for ever think so just go ahead XD
Chapter 20: Can't wait for next update <3
Dumbasian #7
Totally reading it
Hitherekids1118 #8
Chapter 20: please update soon I really like it
Hater-nim #9
Update soon. It's great.