
Romancing The .gif


you's mom just dropped her off at school. As you walked through the halls her body felt really stiff, so she started stretching, throwing her arms up in the air. ~~~ was right behind her & she accidently elbowed him in the face. 

~~~: “Ow!”

you turns around & sees ~~~.

you: “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were right behind me. Are you ok?”

~~~: “Heh, I’m fine. And… I wanted to ask you something. Are you free this weekend?”

you: “Yeah.” (Nods furiously)

~~~: “Great! This weekend is my birthday, here’s my number. (Hands you a scrap piece of paper with his # on it)You can text me & I’ll text you my address later. Hope you can come & feel free to invite anyone you want. Uhh.. anyways, I have to go now, see you later :)”

How your feeling:

you held the paper in her hand & stared at it all during class like it was some sort of magical, gleaming diamond.

Before you never really noticed ~~~, but now, every time she looked at him, the more beautiful he was in her eyes.


you tells her friends about ~~~ inviting her to his birthday party, they decided to go with her to keep her company & try to get ~~~ together with her.

Kimi (your bff#1) “I’ll help you do make up!”

Noel (your bff#2): “I can help you pick out a dress!”

Tina (your bff#3): “I can help you curl your hair!”

you: “No way am I putting on makeup, cause I’ll look like a dude. No way am I putting on a dress, cause I’ll look like a cavewomen. No way am I curling my hair, cause I’ll look like mop.

Suddenly, ~~~ walked passed you & your tiny group of buddies. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. & before you know it, you & your friends were following him from a distance, so he wouldn’t notice. Each of you was still holding your lunch trays, still in the process of eating. He walked out the cafeteria & into the main hallways.

Noel: “OMG, we are such stalkers.”

you: “It’s called ‘Spying””

Tina: “A.K.A, Stalkinggg”

Right then, ~~~ suddenly turned around to walk back into the cafeteria. On his way back, he saw you & your friends, so he waved at you guys, oblivious that you guys were following him. you & your friends pretended not to see him. After ~~~ passed you guys, you & your buddies followed after him, watching his every move, well… mostly just you.

After he entered the cafeteria for a few seconds, he turned back around to walk back out of the cafeteria. And again, he saw you guys, so he waved at you guys again, still oblivious. But then again, you guys pretended not to see him. Your friends got tired & decided to just sit back down & enjoy their lunches. But you really wanted to get to know more about ~~~, so you just kept ‘Friendly Following’ him.


P.O.V -- ~~~ (Your Bias)

I forgot that I promised my girlfriend, that I would eat lunch with her today, instead of with my friends. As I was walking out of the cafeteria, I remembered she said, she likes to eat those special spicy chips, so I turn back around to get her some. Then I saw you & her friends :) ((Waves at you)) Hmm.. maybe they didn’t notice me.

I really don’t want to keep my girlfriend waiting though… I’ll just go to my girlfriend now & if she wants, we can go buy her spicy chips together. When I turn to go back out of the cafeteria, I see you & her friends make their way into the cafeteria :) ((Waves at you again)). Hmm… maybe they didn’t notice me again. Hah, such innocent girls.

As I was making my way towards the back of the school, where my girlfriend & her friends usually hang out, I feel someone following behind me. I slowly turned my head & I saw you :) I assume we were going the same direction, so I waited for her.

~~~: “Hey. I saw you like 3 times today already. Not to mention, we’re in the same class, next block.”

you: “Oh really? Heh, what coincidences. I think I’m gonna go look for my friends now. Bye”

Hmm… that’s weird… wasn’t she just with her friends?

After a few more steps, my girlfriend, Tashia ((From chapter 1)) walked up to me.

Tashia: “Hey where were you?”

~~~: “Sorry, I almost forgot. Please forgive me.”

Tashia: “You know you?”

~~~: “Oh, yeah. She’s my new friend :) Even though she’s a bit dorky, she’s pretty cool. I invited her to my birthday party this weekend. I will introduce her to you, I think you guys will be good friends.”




When you got home, you texted him & he texted back his address. You wanted to text him more, but didn’t because you didn’t want to annoy him :(


The next day, afterschool you & your friends went to the mall to get him some presents.


 __SATURDAY/ ~~~’s Birthday!!!__


It was only 8AM when you heard your door bell rang. So you lazily got up from bed to get the door.

When you opened the door you 3 buddies swarmed into the house.

Noel & Kimi were wearing dresses, all ready for the party & Tina, who was dressed casually, she was the one with the style most similar to yours.

They all pulled you upstairs, treating it like their own house, because you guys were like sisters. Then they started to transform you into a princess, or… atleast they ‘tried to’

When they were done with their final touches it was already 1PM, Noel handed you the mirror.

you: “Hmm.. NOT BAD!”

___Later At The Party___

When you rang the door bell of his, surprisingly gigantic house, someone immediately opened the door. It was one of his butlers.

Butler #1: “Hello miss. Welcome”

When you walked into the mansion, you saw ~~~ buried in a crowd of people, only the top of his head was seen. & surprisingly, he saw you! He rushed over to where you & your friends were.

You guys greeted each other & you introduced him to your buddies.

Right at this moment Tashia walks over to where you guys were.

~~~: “Oh! Let me introduce someone to you too. Meet my girlfriend Tashia.”

You on the OUTSIDE:

You on the INSIDE:


you: “Heheh! Tashia!”


Tashia: “Hey you.”

-- -- -- -- --          -- -- -- -- --          -- -- -- -- --          -- -- -- -- --         -- -- -- -- --

Okayy…. This chap totally suked . Sorry that it wasn’t funny at all T-T, but it was a start of the REAL drama :)

If there are any .gifs broken / notworking, please messge me ;D



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i will do my best to update every weekend . :D


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Chapter 6: It's almost 3 months since you updated.
i SHAL UPDATE ON AUG.31 , SATURDAY , USA east coast IM SO SORRY FOR TE LONG WAIT T-T u kno i luv ! yes i do!
Soomyun #3
Chapter 6: Wow... I really like your story!! Please you have to continue it!! :3 FIGHTING!!
Chapter 4: No this chapter was halarious i loved it
Haha omg you're hilarious xD
Love it!!
Chapter 6: such an awesome chapter!! i love the plot twist!! update soon!
Please update soon, I love this so called story. ^3^"