
Life as Mrs. Kim Myungsoo

You looked over at Myungsoo who was sitting beside you in the car. He stared out the window with a frown on his face. Reaching over, you softly patted his hand. 

"Yah," you said quietly, smiling at him, "don't act like this. We'll figure this thing out, okay?" 

He didn't look at you. 

Sighing, you resumed reading the news article. 


Kim Myungsoo: Lied and Cheated His Way to the Top! Wife's ex-boyfriend tells all! 

Kim Myungsoo, actor and member of the group, INFINITE, is not the innocent flower boy you think he is. According to his wife's ex-boyfriend, who wished to remain anonymous, Myungsoo had a dark past. 

*Names changed due to privacy

"Myungsoo used to be a drug dealer," Jung Ryeohyun* states, "while he was training to become an idol, he would sell drugs like heroine and meth because he needed the extra cash. How he got these drugs, I have no clue. He would also bribe the entertainment company officials with the drug money. It was crazy." 

"Myungsoo was also a huge player but I guess that now that he's famous, he toned down a bit. Although I'm pretty sure he sleeps with other girls whenever he's in another country. He's just that type of person." 

When asked about his relationship with Myungsoo's wife, Ryeohyun says that it was perfect. "We both loved each other very much. I knew she was a big fan of INFINITE and Myungsoo but I didn't know that they dated in high school. When I found out, I was shocked. One day, I just got home from work and _______ arrived. Suddenly, Myungsoo comes in and takes her away from me! I was so freaked out, and I chased after them but Myungsoo wouldn't listen. He just stole her from me." 

Just before ending the interview, Ryeohyun reveals a shocking secret.

"The rumors are true. ______'s pregnant, even though they've been married for a few months. Myungsoo knocked her up, and to avoid shame from their families, they got hitched."

What a shocker! Ryeohyun swears that these events are true but who knows? Stay tuned for more celebrity secrets! 


"True stories" my .

You wanted to scream at Saehyun for telling such horrible lies. Why can't he move on? Why did he do this? Why does he want to ruin your happiness? Why? Inhaling deep breaths, you tried to calm yourself down. There's no need to get worked up on this. Saehyun's just a douche. And besides, everyone will forget about this in a week. 

The car halted to a stop, and you arrived at your destination, the Woollim headquarters. Getting out of the vehicle, you gulped at the sight of the building's exterior. As you walked toward the entrance, Myungsoo grabbed your hand, which was surprising since he was so cold towards you in the car. The two of you went up the elevator into the conference room. In the room, there was a long wooden table, lined with chairs. You saw the CEO, Myungsoo's manager, and a few other unrecognizable people.

"Hello," the Woollim CEO, Lee Junyeop, greets as you arrived, "please sit down." Obediently, you and Myungsoo situtated yourselves in the chairs.

"Myungsoo, we know these stories aren't true but the article has already generated bad publicity," Junyeop states, looking concerned. He then turned to you. "And what about you? Are you really pregnant?" 

You felt your cheeks getting hot as all the people in the room faced you, waiting for your answer. "N-no," you replied. 

"It's okay if you are, we were just wondering if-" 

"Really, I'm not," you insisted, cutting him off. 

The CEO nodded, and started discussing some important issues. You glanced over at Myungsoo, who was listening intently to Junyeop's speech. Bored out of your mind, you started zoning out, thinking about last night. Did you even use protection? What if you were pregnant? You reminded yourself to ask Minah to buy you a pregnancy test. Myungsoo's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. 

"Hey. It's time to leave." 

You looked around and noticed everyone else was gone. Myungsoo smirked. "Daydreaming again?" 

"Uh, no?" 

He rolled his eyes at your answer and led you out of the room. "What did you guys talk about?" you asked. 

"Junyeop said he was gonna talk to Saehyun. That article will be taken down. Everything's gonna be fine." He grinned. "I should have listened to you in the car," he admitted, "sorry about that."

As soon as you got into the elevator, you pecked him on the cheek. "It's okay. I know you were stressed." 

When the elevator doors opened, your grip on Myungsoo's arm tightened. Standing in front of you, head held high, was Saehyun. As soon as Myungsoo saw him, his cheerful face morphed into a scowl. "You ," Myungsoo growled as he lunged towards your ex-boyfriend. You held your husband back. "Calm and collected," you muttered. He nodded, and the two of you exited the elevator. Saehyun sneered at Myungsoo, and it took all your willpower to not to go up and punch him. 

When you and Myungsoo entered the car, Myungsoo let out a long sigh. "I never want to see that kid again." 

"Tell me about it." 


Over the next couple of weeks, life went back to normal. Your hypothesis was correct. Everyone forgot about the whole drug dealing accusations in a few days. One day, you woke up with a terrible pain in your stomach. You ran to the bathroom, accidentally waking up Myungsoo. Confused, he followed you. Kneeling in front of the toilet, you let out last night's dinner into the porcelain bowl. You heard banging on the door. 

"What's going on? Unlock the door!" he thundered. You ignored him. The last few days have been frightening. You missed your period and now this? Maybe you really were pregnant. You went through the cabinets and found the pregnancy tests. Thank you, Minah. While you waited for the tests to develop, Myungsoo knocked even louder on the door. 

"________, I'm serious, open the freaking door." 

"Go away." 

"What the hell are you even doing in there?" 

You didn't respond, leaving Myungsoo to freak out on the other side of the door. 

He's probably having a mental breakdown, you smiled to yourself. Finally, the test was done, and you looked at the results. Two lines. You sank to the floor.

Me? Pregnant? I'm too young for this. Way too young. What will Mom think? How will Myungsoo react? Oh God. 

Just then, the door opened, revealing Myungsoo holding a metal object. "AH HA! I've found the key! Now I-" he saw your worried face. "W-what's wrong?" 

A lump formed in your throat as you hugged your knees closer to your chest.

"I'm pregnant." 




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Chapter 12: pls update soon :)
iiamjaydee #2
Chapter 12: Please update soon author-nim :))
update please?!?!
Chapter 3: can't wait for the next chappie!!
will u update soon??
omg! i need an update!!!! I love this fic!
Chapter 12: Oh my my my my my my this story is adorable in so many ways. ; u ;
Please update soon, author-nim!
It's really a great story!
rilakkuma0313 #8
Chapter 11: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww myungsoooooooooooo you making me cry here