Lunch with a Myungsoo

If We Ever Tie, Choose Me Instead

The weekend pasted fast bringing the start of November. You got ready for school, leaving the house with a big sweatshirt and a pair of leggings on. As the autumn wind made contact with your face you closed your eyes to enjoy the breeze. Why not enjoy it now, because once winter comes it’ll be freezing.  


Meena’s POV

              Today’s lunch was extended to 2 hours because of a poetry performance, for everyone but seniors. Totally not fair.

              After 4th period ended the class rushed out.

              “See you at the auditorium Meena, we’ll be going first.” Sungyeol said carrying his backpack on the front on his chest. I turned and waved bye as Dongwoo smiled brightly and waved back. I giggled and continued packing my things for the performance.

              “Ah, Meena!” Someone shouted while running back into the room. I quickly stopped packing and looked up realizing that it was Sungyeol and Dongwoo. “Thanks for the ice cream last week, here’s what we all owe you.” He said handing me his pocket money.

              “Oh, it’s okay. It was my treat.” I smiled pushing his hand away. He shook his head with a pout refusing to take it back. “Yah, did Woohyun put you up to this?”

              “Ani,” Sungyeol responded walking to the front with his money. “We wanted to ourselves.” He said giving me an eye smile. I fell for it and finally took their money.

              “Thanks guys. You’re actually more than I thought you guys were.” I gave them a warm smile and place my bag on my shoulders. “See ya at the performance.” I said waving bye. The both of them crossed arms and skipped out the classroom.

              I walked out of the hallway and entered the main hall, where I met up with my friend Hye Su. She gave me an awkward wave as I laughed my way towards her.

             “Hey Hye Su, are you going to the auditorium?” She nodded pushing the door open and holding it for me. “Thanks.” I walked out holding the door open for the person behind me. Without noticing who was behind me I turned around surprised as a shy smile made its way to my lips. It was Myungsoo. My heart pounded harder as he reached for the door with a warm smile. 

             “Thanks.” He said. My mouth was dried and I wasn’t able to choke out an answer so I just let out a bigger smile.

              Before my hand was off of the door handle he took a hold of it. I flinched in his sudden grip and faced him.

             “Come with me.”

             He didn’t even let me answer him when he pulled me back into the building.

             “Go Meena go.” Hye Su ordered after noticing what was happening between Myungsoo and I. She glanced down at our intertwined hands and  smiled. “I gotta go find Yuni anyway. Have fun!” She called out while running off the the green field.

             We stopped in an empty hallway as he let go of my hand and leaned on the lockers.

             “So my brother finally allowed me to borrow the car, and I was just wondering if you wanted to join me for lunch in an Italian restaurant called Bella.” He offered pausing giving me a chance to answer.The way he said Bella gave me goosebumps, it was just so perfect in his accent.

             “I don’t know Myungsoo, I’m a junior and we’re not allowed to leave school property.” I answered  never knowing that  he had a brother.

             “Don’t worry, I’ve thought about that.” He smirked and reached for my hand again. “I parked at the teacher’s parking lot and there isn’t any security so there’s no need to worry Meena.” He turned his head and gave a warm smile making me relaxed forgetting all the things that was weighing on my mind. I nodded and gave in following him through the hallway and leaving the main building.

             When we arrived at the Italian restaurant the waitress guided us to our seats. He scanned the menu as I looked around scanning the people around us. Without even knowing he dropped the menu and my eyes caught on his.

              “Have you been to an Italian restaurant before?”

              “This would be my first.” I answered quietly so that the people next to us won’t hear it. They might think it’s ridiculous. “Spaghetti and Pasta isn’t my favorite dish.” I added. Which was true but I stopped it there not wanting to make him feel bad for bringing me here.

              “Oh,” he said when he heard my reply. “Well then let’s share a plate of spaghetti. You can’t finish a whole plate can you?” I shook my head as he called the waitress over.

              I waited as he made our order and shook my head when he kindly asked me if I wanted anything else.

    Myungsoo looked at me like something was on his mind. I sat there awkwardly waiting if he’ll tell me or not. I raised my eyebrows, a way to motion him to tell me what’s wrong.   

              “What’s so special about the real me, Myungsoo not L?” He popped out asking. My eyes wondered not knowing how this question came out. “You said you preferred Myungsoo’s personality.” He added.

              I looked at him funny, not recalling if I had said that or not. Maybe he’s just playing, but if he was how would he have known the truth?

              “You talk in your sleep.” He murmured to me seeing how confused I was. Finally it made sense, Woohyun had told me that before but I never believed it. I nodded understanding. “So what is it?”

              I took a big gulp not sure if I wanted to tell him the truth. What if he misunderstands me? I don’t want to hurt his feelings because either way, Myungsoo or L it’s still is one person. He waited patiently as I thought about it and as I came to the final thought I decided to tell him.

              “Myungsoo is a dork,” I paused seeing his reaction. He narrowed his eyes having second thoughts in whether he asked the right question or not. “He laughs with his mouth wide open especially around kids, and he trips frequently in gym.” I finished with a giggle.

              He nodded approving my points.

              The food arrives a minute later. It was placed in front of him as he smiled thanking the waitress. Myungsoo prepared the silver wares and handed it to me unexpectedly. I thanked him as he pushed the plate towards me.

              “You eat first.”

              “Ani, let’s eat together.” I said quickly without thinking. He gave me a smile and agreed.

               I placed the plate between us and handed him my silverware. I then stabbed the spaghetti with my fork and twirled it around. I started playing with it as it wrapped around the fork.     

              “Yah, what are you doing?” He asked suddenly. I stopped my actions and looked up. “Why are you being so disrespectful?”

              I cleared my throat and apologized.

              “Wow you’re well-mannered.” I said in a good way giving him thumbs up. He didn’t reply and just started chewing.

We ate quietly for a minute or two when I remembered about his brother. “Oh that’s right when can I meet your brother Myungsoo?” He looked up right after taking a bite. “It’s been what, two weeks and I still haven’t met or seen your brother.”

“Oh, well I can introduce you after we finish our lunch.” He offered. I nodded as I swallowed my food.

           Once the plate was empty Myungsoo paid for the check and left a 3 dollar tip. I offered to do it but he ignored me.

“Thanks Myungsoo, for the lunch it was delicious.” I bowed and walked out of the restaurant with him following me.

“No need to thank me.” He smiled holding his hand out. I took it without hesitation. Holding hand was like a thing that we like to do. It’s not like couple holding hands but like for safely, knowing that the person beside you is actually next to you.


Finally a Myungsoo and Meena moment that didn't get interrupted by Woohyun or his friends..... lol but would it last? You 'll just have to wait till the next undate :D

How would you like to hold hands with the Kim Myungsoo?  I threw some facts about Myungsoo in there.... don't know if it's 100% true but it seemed legit though :D  kekekeke

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Chapter 17: Who would hate on Myungsoo???
Update soon^^
Teentopluver2584 #2
Chapter 17: Please update !
Chapter 10: Pleaseee authornim im so curiousss about the next chapter ..... ><
tamicchuu #4
Chapter 4: double personality of myungsoo?
wooooow loveeee it~