One Last Time

How Can I Not Love You

Eunha was getting impatient by the moment. Where the hell is this guy? She thought desperately as she sat in her car by Nonhyung-dong where Gyuri’s dance studio was located. It was already twenty minutes past eleven. Thankfully Jiyeon and Wooyoung was still nowhere to be found. This means they have time to do this. She have already put her mind into this, better finish it till the end.


The sound of someone knocking her car window made her jump in her seat. She closed her eyes in frustration as she realized it was Goonwoo. Stepping out of her car, she glared at the man and let out an exasperated breath. “Did you bring the thing I ask you to?” She asked.


“Yeah, that’s why I was late actually.” Goonwoo said as he lifted both his hand to reveal the small tank bottles filled with petrol. “Let’s do this.”


Eunha smacked his head with her clutch. Damn he was stupid. “The other two is not here yet, so be patient. Put the damned bottles in the car and hop in. We’ll wait until all of them are gathered inside and when it’s pushing midnight, then we’ll do it!”


“Ah…algesumnida.” He said with a stupid grin tugging at his lips.


After what seemed like an hour of waiting, a cab gradually stopped in front of the building that Eunha was targeting. Wooyoung came out together with Jiyeon. Though both of them did a good job in hiding their identities with the neck warmer, shades and hats, Eunha recognized them within the first glance. “They are here.” She said as she turned to look at Goonwoo, but the man was sleeping. UGH!


Goonwoo, jolted awake when he felt Eunha’s hand landing nicely on his face. “Get the freaking bottles and follow me out.” She retorted.


She is committing one of the biggest crime a person could ever do and yet she was doing it with an utter idiot. He luck is really down the drain. She was already upset as it is with the fact that she was turned down by Taecyeon last night and tonight she had to put up with this knuckle head.


Both got out of their car and inched closer to the building. There wasn’t anyone around this late of night at this part of the town. It was completely empty. As they went through the main entrance of the building, Eunha felt a little relieve that they might be able to finish the job without so much of a glitch.


Ordering Goonwoo to pour the petrol over the entrance of the dance studio. Eunha stood aside, watching intently. Once he had done with his part of the job, Eunha took out a small match box from her handbag, lighted it up and said “Burn, baby, burn.” Before throwing it onto the petrol laden floor. It didn’t even take a full one minute for the fire to spread out. Before they know it, the outside part of the studio was burning.


Satisfied, Eunha left the place calmly, a small sneer formed on her lips. Now it was only a matter of time. Eunha could be a patient woman, a very patient woman. Because she knows the reward will be well worth the wait. She’d finally have the means to take care of an annoying loose end from her life.




Gyuri, Wooyoung and Jiyeon were fussing over the information that they had managed to gather so far when Jiyeon sensed something was wrong. ‘Unnie, is it me or it smells like something is burning in here?”


All three of them were actually sitting with their backs to the door. But when Gyuri turned to take a peek at the entrance of the studio, she panicked. “, it’s really burning.” Wooyoung and Jiyeon also turned back to see that half of the building was already on fire.


They got to their feet. Adrenaline pumping, sweat dripping and eyes going wide with frantic


Gyuri could feel her heart pounding with truckload of pressure. The endless red vistas of shimmering fire seemed the enemy at this moment and they were, stuck with no where to go.


Fumes from the burning seemed to clogg their senses and it was getting worse by the moment. Jiyeon could not stand the smell of the burning petrol, she clutched her nose tightly and dropped to her knees.


Gyuri took out her phone and quickly dialed 911, but she knew it was going to be too late. With the rate at which the place was burning, they would only be taken out of this place as dead bodies.


Wooyoung looked around and saw another door near them. Quickly dashing to it, he tried to wrench the door open with all of his strength, Jiyeon moved closer to help, but in the end, escape proved futile. The door was locked, and there seem to be no way of opening it.


“Stop, there is nothing we could do.” Gyuri said as she hang up the phone.


Wooyoung turned to her. “But we can try…”


“There is no way out.” She said, shaking her head.


Wooyoung knew they were trapped, but he refused to give up. The fumes were burning his eyes, but he tilted his head upward to see if there was any way out at all. Any.


That’s when he spotted the small window by the western wall of the studio, right behind them. It was so high up that it may need the combination of two person’s height to reach the window. Something clicked inside of Wooyoung. That’s it.


“Gyuri ah, get on me, faster!” Wooyoung exclaimed.


“Wae?” Gyuri asked confused, her head seemed to swirl as she inhaled so much of the fumes already.


“There’s a window up there, I’ll carry you and Jiyeon up, so you guys can escape from there.” Wooyoung said.


“Then…how…” Jiyeon coughed several times before continueing. “about you…oppa?”


“You guys get out first, and then get help from outside; I’ll be waiting in here.”


“But…” Gyuri opened to protest.


“There is no time to argue, just do it…” Wooyoung extended his hand, which Gyuri took and used it as a platform to heave her body onto his. She stood on his shoulders and used every bit of her strength to open the window, which was proved to be a really hard task since it hasn’t been opened for such a long time. Once it was opened, she climbed through it and jumped out.


Wooyoung turned to face Jiyeon who was on the floor; he gently pulled her up and said. “Your turn.” Jiyeon was already coughing soo badly, so was Wooyoung. He used the same method that he used on Gyuri to get Jiyeon onto the other side of safety, this time it was a little easy though because the window was already opened.


“Oppa hold on! We’ll get you out!” Jiyeon voice came from the window. And honestly Wooyoung wanted to feel happy, but he can feel his stomach churning so badly and his airway started to clogg.  His cornea felt like they were melting. He was suffocating from the heavy fumes and the heat was scorching his skin.


“Oppa?” Jiyoen called out again, but Wooyoung could not muster enough energy to answer her back. “Oh god, he’s not answering…Gyuri unnie! Palli!” Jiyeon was clearly flustered now. Her mind was going in a thousand directions as something close to hysteria descended over her. This couldn’t be happening, there had to be something they could do. She couldn’t just leave him to die.


. Worst way to die. Wooyoung thought. As he slowly slumped onto the ground. At that moment every single one of his thought was pushed aside, with the exception of one.




The Thai seemed to be lingering in his head causing his heart to tighten even more. With every stretching second, he fought to hold on to the hope of seeing Nichkhun again. His voice rang strong and steady, prevecating in his mind. Wooyoung felt a sharp pang of regret for all those things he had not done with Nichkhun.


No. God please no. He hadn’t even said goodbye to Nichkhun.


His stomach lurched. His own need to have Nichkhun near him, holding him, warred with the knowledge of what is going to happen next. He knew all together what was at stake here. No matter how tight he wanted to hold on to the Thai, no matter how much he needed him, it was too late-damn late.


He needed to hear, the voice of the man he so dearly loved, for one last time.


Pulling out his handphone, he dialed Nichkhuns number. Despairingly it went into voicemail. Wooyoung felt tears flowing down his cheeks despite the burning heat. Today was the culmination of all the love and devotion he had felt for the Thai Prince. He felt squesy and unbearably weak. But he forced himself to be strong and fought the nausea rising in his throat. His eyes were hurting terribly.


“Leave a message after the beep.” Beeeeep. Came a crisp reply by the voice machine from the other end.


“Khun hyung…” A series of coughing. “Whatever happens, just know that I have loved you…” Wooyoung choked on his words as his throat tightens. He could feel himself slipping away. Like a small child he started to weep as the next words stumble out of his mouth. “…I wanted to see you for one last time…I don’t want to go yet…hyung…just one last time...”


So many things to say. So little time.




And that was it. That was the last word he uttered before his body completely gave away. He lay there motionlessly, as the darkness unmercifully engulfed him and his memoeries of Nichkhun fading away like mist...


This is like the memories that lastly came into Wooyoung's mind...mian...after torturing Eunjung to a point of satisfaction, i'm now turning my attention to torture Wooyoung...hahaha....Mian yumi143...n sorry for the late update!

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Chapter 30: Love the story so much. But again- The scene, it was fake right?
ffajarr #2
Chapter 30: Thanks for writing this ff authornim :)
chanujee #3
Chapter 30: thnks author for anthr one ill defintly read it...<3..
kyokolover #4
Chapter 30: Nice endding~Love u authornim!XD
susyh_ #5
Chapter 30: All I can say is that I LOVE it :)
UmaMee #6
Chapter 30: delighted to have the cool uncles!
congratulations because you have to write a new story ... ^^
1126 streak #7
Chapter 30: Nice ending and what cute daughters they have this is like 2pms hello baby....hehehe ok ill check it right now chingu :-)
Chapter 30: Omo!!!!!! I want to Youngie's yeojachingu. ahem... anyway you released the new story already!!!!! sorry i can't be much help there since my classes are crazy packed. but im finishing coffee and tea soon. KY coming up!!!!
pioushej #9
Chapter 30: wah! authornim! ive been waiting for u forever hahaha! i love your ending just when i thought you might gonna surprise us with another chapter before it ends hehe i love happy endings hope taecjung will end up for real(omo i also wishing this for woojung) :) thank u for this wonderful story authornim i would definitely check your new taecjung ff! your my fave authornim fighting!