
How Can I Not Love You

Eunjung was late. She was supposed to be meeting Soohyun at a dance studio where they will be shooting a CF for SPRIS together. Only last week, her manager convinced her to sign the agreement for the CF and she was happy that she’s working with Soohyun rather than some other idols that she might not get used to. As she made her way through the entrance of the building where the studio was located she wobbled slightly before her manager caught her from the back.



“Gwenchanshi?” He asked.



“Ne. Gokjongmasaeyo.” She managed a small smile. Truthfully her head was aching like hell and the memories of her brawl with Taecyeon yesterday night kept on replaying again and again like a piece of broken record.



Instead of going straight back home and lock herself away from everyone, Eunjung found herself standing in front of Gyuri crying her heart out yesterday night. Even right now her eyelids were puffed and they feel heavy. Gyuri had tried to pry the truth from her. But Eunjung was not a fool. She knew better than to tell Gyuri about Eunha’s threats. Without doubt her best friend would take this matter to Taecyeon and before you knew it everything she had tried to steer clear off will come crashing on to her head.



Damn. I hate myself right now.



Eunjung had only told Gyuri the fact that she and Taecyeon broke up…nothing more. Though it took Gyuri a few moment before she actually believe that Eunjung would be the one to initiate the break up with Taecyeon, she was still insisting that Eunjung could never have done that especially given the fact of how much both of them were in love.



Honestly she knew that Gyuri was both unsatisfied and worried since she had refused to explain to her why she had to commit to such a decision and come crying afterwards. Fearing that Gyuri will ask Taecyeon directly, Eunjung made her promise not to tell anyone about her breakdown and pretend like nothing actually happens.



“Eunjung ah, you’re here.” Soohyun’s voice welcomed her.



“Ne.” she turned to face the other crews and bowed slightly. "Jeoseonghaeyo for being late, please take care of me.” The crew greeted her back with a bow and went about their work as usual.



“How’s life after Dream High?” Soohyun chuckled when Eunjung rolled her eyes heavenward.



“Trust me…you don’t even want to know.” Eunjung replied with a smile and went along with her coordinator to get her make-up applied. Soohyun followed her.



“I didn’t even see you at the gathering yesterday night…you couldn’t make it is it?” Soohyun asked. But the truth is he did saw her that night. When he arrived at the restaurant he saw her walking from the back of the building, both eyes welled with tears, before she took a cab and left in a hurry.



“Anieyo. I did come but only for a short while. There was something I needed to take care of so I fled home early.” Eunjung said, but there was a flickr of hurt in her voice that bothered Soohyun.



Could it be Taecyeon who made her cry? Did he do something that would hurt her? Soohyun kept raking his mind with these questions. Not once she give a hint of the bitterness and heartbreak that’s churning inside of her, instead she plastered a serene smile on her face and goes about her daily life. But Soohyun was not easily fooled. He had been observing her for a long time to know when she’s troubled and when she is truly happy.



He wished he could be the one who would hold her in his arms and soothe her. Soohyun felt a pang of regret for never telling her his true feeling. Maybe then she might have a choice to make. But how is she suppose to make the right choice if all she could think about was a man who was completely wrong for her? Soohyun would have taken better care of her compared to Taecyeon and perhaps she could save herself from all this pain.



Out of the blue a small voice spoke inside his mind as he kept on staring at Eunjung having her face cleaned and make-up applied. What if I confess to her? Would that change anything? Would she throw Taecyeon aside and come to me instead?



He seriously doubt that she will come to him, but it’s better to confess to her than regret it later. Honestly he’s tired of waiting.






Taecyeon lay on the lower bunk of his double bed, earphones was stuffed into his ears and he turned the music to its highest volume, trying to shut the world away. His mind was a complete mess and none of the other 2PM members dared to approach him and right now he’s just gratefull that none of them actually started any advice giving bull with him and gave him space to sort his own problems.



The door to his room opened and Eunha stepped into his room with a sugary smile on her face. Taecyeon got up from his bed and pulled his earphone away from his ears.



“I knocked…” Eunha said.



“Yeah…I’m sorry I didn’t hear it.”



“It’s okay.” She smiled at him. “Did something happen? I saw you were having a fight with Eunjung at the restaurant yesterday.”



“Anieyo, it’s just a small misunderstanding. Everything will be fine. You don’t have to worry about that.” Taecyeon said.



“But, is it because of the rumors?” Eunha asked, her face was the perfect picture of concern.



“Rumors? What rumors?” Taecyeon asked befuddled by Eunha’s words.



“Omo, I thought you knew…I thought that’s the reason you guys fought…ah, I should have never said it out.” Mortified, Eunha put her hand over as if she had said something she shouldn’t have.



Something gnawed inside Taecyeon. He knew it was not only suspicion but his unconscious plea to figure what the hell is going on with Eunjung. “Tell me about it noona.” He said in a hard tone. Just as he had suspected, something did happen.



Eunha pretended to give it a long thought before opening to speak again. “Taec I’m only telling you because I care about you and I don’t want you to be stuck with the wrong type of girl.”



“What the hell is this about?” He asked, his voice was strangely hoarse.



“There had been rumors that…that Eunjung had affairs with other guys.” She said tightly.



Taecyeon’s emotions bubbled dangerously close to the surface. “Surely she’s not that type of person noona. I don’t believe…” Before he could finish Eunha intercepted.



“I would not have told you if I wasn’t sure about it myself.”



“Mworagoyo?”  Taecyeon met Eunha’s gaze with puzzlement.



“I had a friend of mine who is a private investigator and I asked him to look into it…” She plunged her hand into her hand bag and took out an ipad. She tapped it a couple of times and handed it to Taecyeon. “ Here is what he gave me.”



Taecyeon took one look at the ipad and he felt as if his heart had been cleaved in two. The vein in his neck pulsed as every muscle in his body strained with restraint. “No, it can’t be…” he breathed as he kept changing to the next picture.



The pictures were of Eunjung kissing with another unknown man. It was taken from many different angles.



Aniyo. He still won’t believe this. He need to make sure himself. He grabbed his phone and dialed Eunjung’s number but as he expected she didn’t pick up. Then he punched in Soyeon’s number and waited until someone picked up the phone.



“Soyeon ah, it’s me Taec.”



“Ah, Taecyeon oppa…I’m Jiyeon, Soyeon Unnie left her phone at home.”



“Nevermind that.” Taecyeon knew he was being rude but he didn’t care anymore. “Where is Eunjung?”



“Ah, Jungie Unnie is at the SPRIS studio, filming a CF…Wae? Is there anything important?



“Aniyo. Kamsahamnida.” Taecyeon said before hanging up. He grabbed his jacket and storm out of the house.



Eunha sat there silently as she see him dash off in anger. She could not help herself from smiling as she realized that he was already deep in the she created. It just a matter of time before he snapped and come crawling back to her.






Taecyeon entered the building where the SPRIS CF was being filmed. Despite the fact that his heart screams out of Eunjung’s betrayal, his mind doesn’t want to accept it. He needs to see it himself, hear it himself. From her. Not from someother people who he doesn’t give a damn about.



Eunjung was sweating like a pig as she took a seat beside Soohyun in the dressing room. He passed her a towel which she took gratefully from his hand to wipe her forehead carefully without ruining her make up.



“Eunjung can I ask you something?” Soohyun asked after looking at her intently for a few seconds.



“Wae?” She looked surprised at his tone.



“Would you be able to give your heart to someone other than Taecyeon?” Soohyun asked without hesitating.



Eunjung blinked several times as she tried to digest the meaning behind his question. But before she could even say anything, Soohyun cocked his head to the side and kissed her. His lips were feathery light as he cupped her face with both his hands.



One was too shocked to react, the other was basking in that heavenly moment of claiming a kiss he had longed for that both didn’t realize when Taecyeon stood by the entrance of the dressing room. His body stiffened and his jaw locked in a stubborn silence.



Conformation squeezed him like a vise. Something inside him died. She might as well slipped a knife onto his back while he was sleeping; the effect would have been the same. There was nothing left in him. Nothing but the cold, aching void where there used to be something so beautiful.



Eunjung pushed Soohyun away softly so that she won’t hurt his feeling. She didn’t know that he had feelings for her. Had she known she would have told him not to keep his hopes high because she can never love anyone as much as she loved…



“Taec?” Eunjung breathed in disbelieve as she spotted Taecyeon standing by the entrance to the dressing room. Soohyun also turned quickly at the mention of Taecyeon’s name.



“I trusted in you and this is what you gave to me. You whored around and manipulated me to believe in you. And to think that I have been such a fool.” The force of his fury unleashed like a whip.



Eunjung recoiled at his crudely spoken word. But he didn’t care. He was hurt too much to ever care about anything again.



“Taec, what are you doing here?” she asked her head was spinning at how messed up the situation is right now. God help me.



He looked at her with all the contempt that filled his blackened heart. “You know, it’s really over now.” He said coldly.



This can’t be happening. Dear god what had I done?  Eunjung thought as she gazed onto his unyielding face. At least yesterday he looked vulnerable, broken and completely lost. But today something in him has shifted. He was cold, unforgiving and the hatred that emanated out of his eyes was like a shard of ice cutting through her.



"Taec..." There's nothing else she could say than that. She wanted to pull him in her arms and tell him that everything would be fine. But the only problem is that even she don't know if everything is going to  be fine. Bleakness shrouding her hopes.



"Taecyeon ah...this is not Eunjung's fault." Soohyun said as he realized that he had put Eunjung in a difficult position. "I was the one who..."



For some reason as Soohyun opened his mouth, the thin line that had been holding off Taecyeon's wrath snapped. He threw a solid punch right at Soohyun's jaw, sending him tumbling onto the floor.



"Taec!...Gemaneyo!" Euryung screamed. "What is wrong with you?''



''You are what's wrong with me! I wish I had never met you in the first place, never fallen in love with you, because in the end I'm the one who was hurt.'' Taecyeon said. His voice was shaky as if he was close to tear.



Eunjung could only stare as his words struck her like lightning.



"I'll never forgive you for this. So just pray that you'll never appear in front of me again." Taecyeon said stonily before he turned and walked away, not even pausing to look back. Had he looked back, he would have seen the painful tears that fall endlessly from Eunjung's eyes. 



Both were broken. Both were wounded. And the love that had been so strong and unbreakable, turned into a weapon that both had used to hurt the other, only to forget that by doing so they only ended up leaving the scars on their own heart.



Sorry that I have been hurting both Taecyeon and Eunjung so much….hope you guys can patiently support me so that I will continue writing with enthusiasm…coz truthfully even I want to know how is the ending gonna be…!! Kamsahamnida my lovely readers for all your wonderful comments that gives me all the energy that I need!!! =)

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Chapter 30: Love the story so much. But again- The scene, it was fake right?
ffajarr #2
Chapter 30: Thanks for writing this ff authornim :)
chanujee #3
Chapter 30: thnks author for anthr one ill defintly read it...<3..
kyokolover #4
Chapter 30: Nice endding~Love u authornim!XD
susyh_ #5
Chapter 30: All I can say is that I LOVE it :)
UmaMee #6
Chapter 30: delighted to have the cool uncles!
congratulations because you have to write a new story ... ^^
1119 streak #7
Chapter 30: Nice ending and what cute daughters they have this is like 2pms hello baby....hehehe ok ill check it right now chingu :-)
Chapter 30: Omo!!!!!! I want to Youngie's yeojachingu. ahem... anyway you released the new story already!!!!! sorry i can't be much help there since my classes are crazy packed. but im finishing coffee and tea soon. KY coming up!!!!
pioushej #9
Chapter 30: wah! authornim! ive been waiting for u forever hahaha! i love your ending just when i thought you might gonna surprise us with another chapter before it ends hehe i love happy endings hope taecjung will end up for real(omo i also wishing this for woojung) :) thank u for this wonderful story authornim i would definitely check your new taecjung ff! your my fave authornim fighting!