
(Un) Happy Birthday


Sehun had to continuously remind himself that he should be happy today. It was his birthday, goddamnit, and his I-hate-people mood was something that he knew he should keep under control.


Except today, that I-hate-people mood was threatening to resurface again, no matter how much Sehun tried to force it down. He started the day early with a stupid decision. A practical person would take the day off for their birthday but Sehun had somehow lost his mind and decided to go to work. At exactly 6:01 in the morning, he was woken up by the loud shrill of his alarm on the bedside table. He instinctively forced himself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. Within minutes, he was stumbling out the front door of his house and into his car. He realized too late that he should’ve called his boss saying that he was sick or his car broke down or a relative just died or- Screw it, Sehun thought, deciding that he’ll still go to work since he was already on the way. He bought a small slice of cake at the nearby bakery as a birthday - and apology - gift to himself and hoped that his stupid decision in the morning wouldn’t affect the rest of his day.


The sixth red light of the day (there were eight traffic lights on his way to work) had him wanting to beat his head on his steering wheel. The person in the car next to his was blasting Gee in full volume - it was loud enough to be heard through closed car windows - and Sehun could’ve sworn that he heard off-key singing underneath the “Gee, gee, gee, gee, baby, baby.” When he turned his head to see who it was, he saw someone that had short black hair with a giant smile on his face. His deep, out of tune voice sang along with the high-pitched girly ones and he was trying the best he could to dance along with a seatbelt strapped across his chest. Sehun had half a mind to yell at him to shut the damn music off but reminded himself that he should be nice to others.


Because of all the red lights on the way to work, Sehun was five minutes late. He had all his papers in one hand and the box that held his cake slice was swinging from the other. Sehun had secretly hoped that nobody would notice him come in but then again, there was always one person at the front. The receptionist, a chubby-faced boy with brownish-red hair, was tapping away at the keyboard.


“You’re needed with boss. Like now.” He said without looking away from the computer screen.


Sehun nervously chuckled and hoped that, today, his boss decided to give him a raise instead of a demotion.



Sehun’s boss’s office was on the top floor of the building and Sehun couldn’t help but feel the panic rising up from his stomach as each floor passed. What was he needed for? Did his boss finally realize that he deserved a higher position and decided to promote him? Or was it because somebody had tattled on him for changing everybody’s desktop picture to a pure white background with ‘Jongin was here’ written in the middle as an April Fool’s Day prank? The elevator jerked to a stop (a bit too quickly in Sehun’s opinion) and he gingerly stepped out onto the carpeted floor, glancing around.


The secretary sitting at the desk situated near the door to Sehun’s boss’s office was wheeling around, doing nothing in particular. Sehun watched him jealously. While he and his coworkers were working their butts off on paperwork, the secretary was always doing something unproductive. The secretary was raven-haired with fierce eyes and looked like he went days without sleep because of the bags under his eyes but more than half of the office knew he would sleep on the job every few days. Sehun sometimes wondered why his boss hired him but never questioned it since the secretary fit his boss’s preference.


“Ahem.” Sehun coughed, trying to catch the secretary’s attention.


The secretary spun around in surprise and almost fell off his chair. The glasses perched on the bridge of his nose (Sehun believed they were fake) were threatening to slide off his face.


“Oh, um… may I help you?” The secretary straightened himself up and fixed his appearance.


Sehun gestured at the door next to the secretary.


“Yeah, um, go in, I think.” He scratched his head before turning towards his computer that had an unfinished game of solitaire displayed on it.


Stupid lazy people, Sehun thought to himself.



Sehun could say that he tasted death when he saw his boss seated at his desk with his hands folded and another person in front of him.


“Sehun. You’re here.” His boss stated.


“Yeah. You needed me?” Sehun awkwardly asked.




Sehun didn’t dare ask why - or to even breath - and plopped down on the chair obediently. His boss was a very intimidating-looking person. He had short, black hair (Sehun swore it was blonde a few days ago) and a blank face that showed no expression. He always seemed to be judging everything else in the room and Sehun always felt like one of those “somethings”.


“This is Kim Joonmyeon. Joonmyeon, this is Oh Sehun.” Sehun turned to shake Joonmyeon’s hand. Joonmyeon had short, black hair (slightly longer than Sehun’s boss’s) that was styled so that his forehead was showing and had a surprisingly big smile on his face. He had a strong grip, Sehun noticed, as he shook his hand.


“I’m so excited to work with you.” Joonmyeon chirped.


“Back at you.” Sehun uncertainly replied, confused as ever.


“Now, Sehun, you will be collaborating with Joonmyeon and other employees from his company. ” Sehun’s boss stated.


“Is there anybody else helping me?”


“Nope. And you're starting today.” A devious smile seemed to form on his boss’s face.


It took all of Sehun’s willpower to not flip over the table.



It felt like days until lunch break came. Despite Joonmyeon’s happy-go-lucky outer personality, he was strict with time and refused to let Sehun do anything else besides work on the project. Sehun decided halfway through working with Joonmyeon that his boss knew of Joonmyeon’s evil personality change and decided to torture him with it. To add to that, Joonmyeon seemed to have a right-hand man. He had a similar hairstyle as Joonmyeon (except flatter and blonde) and a kind face. All throughout working on the project, however, Joonmyeon’s right-hand man (Yixing was his name, Sehun later learned) would reach over and either smack Sehun or kick him in the shin if he ever slowed down his pace. A few minutes before lunch break was going to start, Sehun was sure he was a spider in his past life. Nothing else could explain why he was cursed with having to work with workaholics.


When Joonmyeon finally dismissed Sehun and the other employees, Sehun grabbed his lunch and his slice of cake and sprinted to the elevator, terrified that Joonmyeon would call him back. When the elevator doors slid open, Sehun quickly jumped on and pressed the first floor button repeatedly, glancing around to make sure nobody was following him.


“And Oh Sehun is on the run again. Today, he has murdered five people and bombed a whole office building.”


Sehun turned to find his friend, Jongin, biting back a chuckle that was going to spill over fast. And he was right because Jongin doubled over in laughter seconds later, clutching at his stomach, and wheezing in between.


“I’m about to murder one more person today.” Sehun hissed.


“Calm down, man. I was just kidding.”


“And I was just kidding when I saw Kyungsoo hanging out with that guy from Sales.”


“Wait, what.” Jongin straightened up, the playfulness that he had before immediately disappearing at the mention of his crush’s name.


“You know who I’m talking about. Short, fluffy hair. Nice fingers. Smooth cheeks. Beautiful smile and voice.” Sehun listed off with his fingers.


“And he’s hanging out with Kyungsoo? Where are they right now? When did you see them hanging out? Did they look close? TELL ME, SEHUN.”


Sehun didn’t know what to feel about his friend’s completely changed personality (Jongin didn’t even wish him a happy birthday) but he knew for a fact that he shouldn’t let the people- statement get to his head.


Stay positive, Oh Sehun. He reminded himself. Today’s going to be over soon.



“A little birdie might or might not have told me that you have cake.”


Sehun looked up from his sandwich to see a coworker, Jongdae, sliding into the seat across from his.


“How did you know that? Did Jongin tell you or something? I swear, I'm going to kill him one day." Sehun grumbled.


“Again. A little birdie might or might not ha-“


“Okay. We get it.”


“So. Where’s the cake?” Jongdae leaned forward.


“Um…” Sehun finished off his sandwich and brushed the crumbs off his fingers.


“The cake?” Jongdae urged.


Sehun sighed and grabbed his box of cake, placing it on the table. He opened it to reveal the small piece of chocolate cake he had bought that morning.


“That looks so small. It would be a shame…” Jongdae suddenly brought out a fork. “If somebody ate it.”


Then, the small piece of chocolate cake was swiped from Sehun’s view and plopped into Jongdae’s wide-open mouth. How it fit into his mouth, Sehun didn't exactly want to know.


“Very big shame.” Jongdae said through his mouth full of cake.


You shouldn’t murder anybody on your birthday. Sehun reminded himself as he glanced upwards to avoid seeing Jongdae eating his cake.



Sehun was glad he managed to leave the office building in one piece. He didn’t think it was possible to survive the load of work Joonmyeon had given him or even the amount of smacks he got from Yixing. In fact, he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to survive that day at all but he managed to reach his car with only his papers hastily made into a pile in his hands as the worst possible damage.


As he was driving past the seventh red light home, Sehun was sure that he would flop onto the floor and just fall asleep immediately. His eyelids were already drooping closed and no matter how many times he told himself it was dangerous to fall asleep while driving, he just couldn’t stop himself from nodding off once in a while.


However, when he pulled up to his driveway and saw the sleek, white car parked in front of his house, his drowsiness was thrown out the window. Once his car was parked safely, he threw his papers down on the shotgun seat (screw Joonmyeon and Yixing and his boss and the stupid project) and sprinted towards his front door, fumbling for his keys. He clumsily jabbed his house key into the lock, cursing himself every time he missed.


After about five tries, he managed to successfully open his front door and threw it open to be greeted with darkness. The smile that he unknowingly had on his face disappeared. He glanced back and the white car in front of his house gleamed under the light of the streetlamp. It couldn’t be a dream; the white car was evidence that he was there.


“Lu?” Sehun called into the darkness.


When he received no reply, his frown deepened and he slowly walked into the house, closing the door behind him. He fumbled for the hallway light once he was consumed in darkness and flicked it on.


“Lu?” Sehun repeated.


He reached his living room in a matter of seconds and couldn’t help but let the grin that had disappeared moments before settle onto his face again. Luhan was draped over Sehun’s couch, his mouth hanging slightly open and his eyes tightly shut. When Sehun approached his sleeping boyfriend, he noticed the cake lying next to Luhan on the coffee table. The icing read ‘Happy Birthday, Sehunnie’ and Sehun couldn’t help but smile. No matter how much he hated humanity, he loved Luhan (even when he was all the reasons why Sehun hated people in the first place) and there was no one to replace him.


Lame ending, I know OTL Endings are terrible things. Anyways, it's been edited because the original oneshot didn't satisfy me that much.


Thanks to megumi543 for helping me beta ^^

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