Chapter 14

Love at War

Youngjae felt a kiss on his forehead. He opened his eyes to see Yongguk. "Good morning." He said as his eyes got heavier. Yongguk smiled at him.

Youngjae sat up to face him. He could see out the window, it was still dark. "What time is it?" Youngjae asked rubbing his eyes. Yongguk took out his phone.

"Almost 3 o'clock." He answered. Youngjae's eyes got big.


Youngjae POV

Why the hell did he wake me up this early. His smile was cute when he woke me up so I can't complain. "Why did you wake me?" I asked him.

"I have somewhere to take you." Yongguk said to me. Why now, I was asleep and he wakes me up to take me somewhere.


Soon we were in the car. He was holding ny hand while he smiled at himself. Something was going on and he wouldn't even explain one tiny part to me.

He park in the middle of nowhere. At least it looked like nowhere. He came and opened the door for me. I got out. "So what are we doing here?" I asked him taking his hand.

"You alwways wanted to go to Paris right?" Yongguk asked me with a smirk on his face. I was scared but then I nodded.

"Since it's your birthday soon I wanted to take you somewhere." Yongguk told me. A huge light suddenly flashed on. I could see an airplane ( more like a privae jet.)

I smiled and gave him a huge hug and a kiss. "But why so early?" I asked. He shrugged and we went in the private jet. I sat down next to a window and he sat next to me.

I didn't realize it but I fell asleep.



Daehyun, Jongup and Zelo were all at the table eating breakfast. They all laughed at something Zelo said. Jongup was leaning back in his chair playing with aa shoe lace.

"Himchan hwas been hanging out with your sister for a long time." Zelo said twirling his cereal around. "They do go out." Jongup reminded him.

Daehyun smirked at them both. "You don't care if he goes out with her?" Daehyun asked him texting on his phone. Jongup shrugged. She was his little sister but she wouldn't do anything wrong.



Himchan was at Chun Hei house. He was sitting on her couch. She told him to come over cause she had bad news. She walked down the steps with her head down.

She sat by him. "Himchannie I don't know how to tell you." Chun Hei said. She was about to cry. Himchan put her head in his chest.

She finally told him. "I'm pregnet." She told him. Himchan got big eyed at the news. "What?" Himchan yelled at her. She looked at him.

"When?" Himchan asked her. Chun Hei took a while to answer. "For about two weeks." Chun Hei whispered. Himchan was scared.

"And you didn't tell me." Himchan said. Chun Hei shrugged. Himchan didn't say a thing he just kissed her and gave her a hug.


Jongup was laying in bed when Himchan came home. Daehyun and Zelo were watching war movies. "Hey." Daehyun said not even putting a eye on him.

He was so focused on the movie that he forgot how much he hated Himchan. Himchan sat next to them. He looked at the movie but all he could think about was Chun Hei and what she had said to him.

Youngjae called Zelo as he went to the back of the plane. Yongguk was sleeping. Zelo picked up his phone. "Hi, Youngjae." Zelo said.

Youngjae told him about what happened last night. "Really, that's so cute." Zelo told him. He was out the porch so Daehyun and Himchan didn't here him.

"I know, he said he's doing for my birthday." Youngjae told Zelo with a big smile on his face. Zelo and him talked forever.

"Wait why didn't Yongguk say anything to us before you guys left?" Zelo asked. Youngjae didn't know the answer to that.

They got off the phone and Youngjae began looking at himself in the mirror. Yongguk came up behind him and kissed Youngjae cheek.

Yongguk had a smile on his face as his eyes looked half away opened. Youngjae grabbed his hand. "Yongguk why didn't tell anyonre that we were leaving?" Youngjae suddenly asked.

"I don't know, it's not their buisness right." Yongguk said to him. Youngjae nodded then went back to his seat.

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