Chapter 12

Love at War

Yongguk was at the studio when Youngjae texted him to pick him up.

I'll be there.

Youngjae saw the text and waited on the bench. Daehyun came up to him and sat by him. "Hey." Daehyun said. Youngjae glanced at him and smirked.

"You waiting for someone?" Daehyun asked him. He nodded hoping that Yongguk would be here soon.

"If you're not going to talk to me it's okay." Daehyun said looking up at him. Youngjae sighed and looked at him.

"I am talking to you, it's just I have nothing to say." Youngjae told him as he tried not to look at the floor. He couldn't look at Daehyun in the eye alot but he tried.

"I'm going home you want to come?" Daehyun asked him standing up. He shook his head and Daehyun walked off.

Youngjae was about to say something but he didn't. He sat there for a while. Yongguk took forever to get there.

Youngjae was about to remind Yongguk about picking him up. Daehyun came up to him. "Come on he's not coming."

Youngjae stood up. "Whatever." Youngjae said to him. Daehyun held his hand out for Youngjae to grab.

"I'll take you." Daehyun said as he grabbed Youngjae's hand before he could say anything. Youngjae pulled his hand away.

"I don't what to go with you." Youngjae told him. Daehyun shrugged his shoulders and was about to leave. "Wait I'll go." Youngjae said. Daehyun held out his hand. Youngjae grabbed it and followed him.

Youngjae didn't what to say anything until he thought of something. "You and Chun Hei were going out?" Youngjae asked him already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, but she was cheating on me with Himchan." Daehyun said kind of uncomfortable talking about her to Youngjae.

He nodded while grinning. "You know we are over." Daehyun said grabbing Youngjae's hand. Youngjae held his hand tightly. He missed Daehyun and when they did this.

Daehyun smiled at himself. "Daehyun kiss me." Youngjae said. Daehyun pulled over the car. "What?" Daehyun asked him. Youngjae kissed him instead.

Daehyun rubbed Youngjae's body. He stuck his tongue in and Youngjae did back. Youngjae took off Daehyun shirt.

Daehyun kissed his neck and put him on top of him. Youngjae took his shirt off and kissed Daehyun chest.

Daehyun pulled him off. "What are you doing?" Daehyun asked him. "I'm sorry." He said to Youngjae.

"I just got out of hand." Youngjae told him. Daehyun hugged him. "It's okay I knd of liked it." Daehyun joked.

Youngjae and him laughed.


Himchan was holding Chun Hei's hand before he dropped her off. "I'll see you later." Chun Hei said. She opened the door and went in.

He was about to get in his car when Yongguk came. "So you're going out with her now?" Yongguk asked him.

"Yeah why do you care you go out with Youngjae." Himchan said. Yongguk laughedd and pushed Himchan on the car.

"You don't think I'm really in love with him, I'm just doing this so Daehyun would get jealous." Yongguk told him.

"But now sense he's not I can punish you." Yongguk continued. Himchan pushed Yongguk away.

"So what can you do to me?" Himchan asked with a smile.

"I'm going to make sure you guys have the worst relationship." Yongguk told him then left.



Youngjae and Yongguk moved into the house later that day. When they got everything settle Youngjae layed on his bed.

He was thinking about what happened between him and Daehyun earlier that day. His phone rang soon.

"Hey Youngjae, I'm sorry." Zelo said through the phone. "It's okay." Youngjae told him. Him and Youngjae had a long conversation.

Yongguk came in and interrupted them. Youngjae shooed him out. Yongguk lefted. "I'll call you later." Youngjae told him then hung up.

"What?" Youngjae asked when Yongguk came in. He sat next to Youngjae and held his hand. "You okay?" Yongguk asked him.

Youngjae nodded. "Why?" Youngjae asked him looking at Yongguk. Yongguk shrugged his shoulders.

"Why?" Youngjae asked him again. Yongguk didn't what to asked him did he kiss Daehyun. He knew something was wrong.

"You just seem upset about something." Yongguk said changing his thought. Youngjae kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm fine." He said then left. Yongguk sat on Youngjae bed as he debated if he should break up with him or not.

"Zelo, when have you liked him?" Youngjae asked him. "You never told me."

Zelo took a while to answer. "I don't know, for a while though." He finally told Youngjae. "But since you are going out with him it's okay."

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