〔 ✰ admins

〔 ✰ homeostasis┊revamped+open ↷ where everything feels just right o/ (we have music by ed sheeran) only accepting guys for the time being (for our upcoming matchmaking event) c:

982319w0yuo5k43x.gif 〔 ✰ Introducing our Admins~



the aweshume dinosaur; bang minah <3

only the best admin around. pshh /bricked; jkay jkay. the other admins are pretty aweshume too c: the crajji dinosaur minrawr who will intimidate everyone that comes her way. /shot jkay no. i like e'ryone c: lub lub~ spread da loooveeee. /starts singing to can you feel the love tonight/ OTL guise. come talk to meee, well i'll probably talk to you first.. eheh, just a warning c; bye bye for now~ /rolls away/

the smashing yura <3

i am very nice and want you to join this RP KAY? XD nah i am very nice and i would love to see you around i am helpful and always there for you, you can trust me <3 ;) i wil lub you just like how Minah lubs you~ ~ so let us just lub you down kay? <3 



the pwetty geum hee <3 
I will be nice if you join the RP, otherwise I am very mean~ JUST KIDDING! No but seriously, join the RP, I don't bite (yet). I'll try to help you as much as I can and hope you will feel very welcomed, We love everyone who join. I will give you nice food if you join~ <3






derpy ljoee (edited soon)
MERP. Don't be shy, I will give you all hugs if you join (I mean, who doesn't want a hug from the awesome ljoe?). I talk to everyone (or at least try to). If you don't talk to me, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND ATTACK YOU WITH NUTELLA BRAHH. yeshhhhh <3 





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Chapter 4: Annyeong! This is Nana, I'm really sorry but I have to leave the rp. I know I've only been here for a short time but I just really have to go. It's been nice. Again, I'm sorry
Hey ! Yura is leaving..i am terrible sorry but i have tests and exams coming up and i really have to study for them hard it was nice, i'm sorry
JellyMountain #3
Chapter 11: May I be the Ulzzang Park Hyung Seok?

Never change baby :3
Chapter 4: taeyeon here.
Chapter 5: may i be snsd's taeyeon please?

never change baby! c:
Chapter 4: may i be Xiumin of Exo-m please?

never change baby
may i be baekhyun from exok please?
(i think he's open, it's kind of hard to read the master list though ; u ; sorry)

+ never change baby
smilerp #8
Checked and updated by Yura~ <3
Xander88 #9
admin im luhan rper
luhan will be semi hiatus for a week
im busy ;A;
Kaelyn #10
Chapter 4: May I be Kris from Exom pleasee?
~never change baby