Bitter Easter

It Started With A Contract
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Kim Haejin’s POV

He’s Kim Himchan. The Kim Himchan. He’s good-looking, talented, and passionate. Just being able to stand in front of him, having his full attention adverted to me, made my knees go weak. He’s a senior of 3 years to me – a majority of girls in my grade adore him. I bet they’d do anything to be in my shoes at that moment.

“So your name is Haejin, isn’t it?” he grinned and shook my hand. “Yun had told us a lot about you.”

I nervously glanced over to Yun, who was a year older than Himchan. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t even be here. I wouldn’t have ever had the opportunity to be with him.

“Stop flirting, Himchan. The little girl’s here to fawn over Yun’s violin skills, just like the two of us,” another guy in the small, abandoned music class snapped. He was Insoo, an equally known senior of the same age as Yun. Yun smiled at her boyfriend and started playing the violin.

It was breathtaking.

All 3 of us audience were silenced by the beautiful melody. She ended it with a gentle bow, followed by our clapping and standing ovation. She jumped into Insoo’s awaiting arms and hugged him tightly.  

“So do you play the violin, too?” Himchan asked as he looked away from the affectionate couple.

I shook my head, nervously trying to look anywhere but at him. It’s embarrassing. I’m nothing close to Yun. I’m not as gorgeous as her. She manages to make the school uniform look like it’s a runaway outfit. And I could never create such beautiful music as she did. I’m just plain and boring.

Himchan took me by surprise as he pulled my hand to reveal the portrait I was working on. A sketch of Yun-eonni playing the violin. I tried to hide it, but he snatched it away. I felt like dying of embarrassment. Yun’s like the sky in comparison to me, who’s probably just a puddle of mud.

Himchan glanced over at me with a small smile. I felt like burying my head in a hole. “You’re left-handed, huh?” he noticed I’ve been twirling my pencil out of nervousness.

I nodded in response, afraid that my voice would come out weird.  

“There’s a saying that left-handed people are creative. You may not be able to make music,” he slouched down to my level, “but you obviously have the talent in drawing.”

My whole being warmed up at that, “You really think so?”

 “I know so,” he chuckled. 




“So the rule is simple – you have to collect all 6 of these mini eggs in 20 minutes,” I held up thumb-sized egg-shaped chocolates wrapped in six different colours which I had made according to their respective ‘Matoki’s. “And make sure they are of different colours. You’ll get 1 point for each colour you obtain – and demerit 2 points if you take two of the same colour.”

“Demerit?!” Daehyun whined, throwing a tantrum.

“Why?? You wanna give up now??” Youngjae challenged.

“Haejin, this is stupid. Why do we have to play games.”

“Because if you don’t participate, noona won’t let you have dinner,” Zelo replied sympathetically to the leader.    

Yongguk grumbled, “I’m too old for this kind of stuff.”

“Oh don’t be such a sour puss, Yongguk. This is gonna be fun. Searching for tiny chocolate-eggs in this messy dorm as an Easter celebration – joy,” Himchan yawned.

“Why are we celebrating Easter though,” Haemi frowned.

“Because we have nothing better to do for this holiday. And because I say so. But mainly just because this rice group apparently has rabbit mascots and I’m just trying to make fun of you people.”

“I’m touched of the fact that you actually know that B.A.P has individual Matokis,” Yongguk remarked monotonously.

“If you have a younger sister who pastes huge posters of uglies on the wall of your shared room, you’d understand.”

Yongguk had a grim expression. “Well, anyways, it’s Bee.Aye.Peeh. Not bap. Please stop making the same, lame joke.”

“Not as lame as your face though.”

I smiled in content upon seeing his flustered face. His priceless expressions always manage to make my day.  “So, yeah, you all can get started now. Just remember – all you need are skills and luck.”

“Luck?? Ahahahhahaaaha that’s something Yongguk-hyung doesn’t have,” Daehyun said before sprinting after Himchan to their room.

Yongguk cracked his knuckles and had his game-face on, “I’ll show you how skilful I am.”

Zelo found a green one which I had hid behind the TV. He looked extremely happy as he gave it to Haemi. “Um, Zelo, this is supposed to be an individual contest.”

Zelo turned to me, his cheerful smile turning into a sheepish one, “I know.”

Haemi stole a quick glance over at me and winked. That sneaky little bastard.

I raised her well.

“So I’m guessing, judging by your personality,” Youngjae suddenly walked up to me and squint as he studied my face, “you must’ve hid most of all the eggs in your room!”

“Which part of my ‘personality’ made you say that?”

“Hmm. Conceited and self-centered?”

“Those are practically the same thing, smartass.”

He shrugged and went towards Haemi and I’s room. “Noona, the door is locked!”

“That means it’s off-limits. Go somewhere else,” I groaned. The original plan was that by creating this game, I’d get them occupied with something so I’d get some me-time on this holiday.

What was I expecting, really.

Daehyun was hanging onto the curtains, struggling to reach for a visible mini-egg I placed there earlier. Himchan was clinging onto the other’s leg, screaming something along the lines of ‘No Mercy’. Zelo kept on giving every single egg he found to Haemi. Youngjae found two eggs of the same colour and tried hiding it so the other members won’t find it. Yongguk – though had stated he was too old for this kind of – had fierce determination reflected in his eyes as he rummaged through the laundry basket. While Jongup...he was busy observing a trail of ants crawling on the kitchen wall.

I went over and patted the dancer’s head. He looked up at me from his crouching position and smiled, his eyes turning into crescents. He was too adorable I could just put him in my pocket.

“yESSSSSSSSSSSS!!” Daehyun’s shrill voice pierced through probably the whole building, “I’VE FOUND THE LAST ONE!!!!”

I heard Yongguk’s thunderous roar groan from another room. I rushed to the claimed vocalist who was laughing proudly as he held a tiny egg in between his fingers. He then unwrap it and popped it into his mouth.

“Um hyung you’re not supposed to do that,” Zelo commented meekly.

Daehyun munched in victorious pleasure, hands on his hips as he gave the maknae a look, “Do what?”

“I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to collect it all and hand them in for noona to evaluate,” Jongup blinked.

Colour drained off Daehyun’s face. He spat the remaining into his cupped palms and rushed towards me pleadingly, “I really did found all 6 of different colours!!”

I shrieked in disgust, “You’re eliminated!”

“YOU,” Daehyun snapped his head back to Himchan who was literally ROFL-ing, “You saw me eating from the first egg I found but you didn’t even say anything!!”

“Hey, every man for himself,” Himchan high-fived Youngjae – who apparently also had noticed what Daehyun had been doing since earlier.

Ah. Still selfish as ever, I see.

“Okay, now gather up. Time’s up. Let me count your points,” I gestured them over and they obeyed like a herd of sheep.

Yongguk peeked into H

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Chapter 42: Omo! You're back.. :D it's really Haejin?? You're not playing with us right? Am I the one being delusional and not Yongguk? xD
Thank you for keeping writing it!!! *-*
Mostly important, did you see BAP on the show?? Gosh, I'm really excited just because you saw them!! <3
Chapter 42: WHAAAAATTT?? Done? Finished? Already? BUT!!.. But... But I want mooooorreeeeee..... TT^TT
Chapter 42: Okay.. Their reunion was so cute <333
Chapter 41: Nooooooo!!!!! They can't move on!!!! Please, let my ship sail~ </3
Chapter 40: I'm gonna cry!!! It wasn't even my memories.. But i'm so sad for them... I really hope they meet again XD
Chapter 35: Aww~~ I ship them so hard <333 sooo fluffy <333
Chapter 42: Weh i legit started writing at work jn and u just posted .........i mean #soulmates or what (yes)
Chapter 17: I hate Himchan >< (this character)
Chapter 12: You're so evil!!! How can you hide what Yongguk said from me?!! *overly dramatic gasp*