I love you

Love letter
Baekho's POV It's hot day. I'm in park waiting my friend, Ren. Sun is shining and everything is perfect. No. One thing is missing, Aron. The boy, who I'm in love with. I want tell him about my feelings, but I don't dare. "Where is Ren? I think. He's late. As usual. I see someone behind the tree. It's Ren. "Hello", Ren say. "Hi!" I answer. "Let's eat ice-cream!" Ren say happily. "Yep", I answer. I love food. Specially sweets. I buy vanilla ice cream. It's my favourite. "What's wrong?" Ren ask. "Aron" I answer. "What?" Ren shout. " I'm in love with him and I don't dare say it", I explain. " I have a plan. Write a love letter and put it in Aron's bag tomorrow in school. "Yes. I do it. The best plan ever, thanks" I say. "No problem, Baekho", Ren say and hug me. I smile. That was a really good plan. I'm so crateful to Ren. "Let's go home", Ren say. "Ok", I say and we walk togheter home. I see Aron and my heart beats my chest. I walk my room with Ren. " What should I write", I ask. " What you want", Ren answer. "I know. I'm crazy. But still. I love you. Next day in school. I'm in classroom there isn't anyone else. I fastly put a letter under the book, what's in te table. I go in my place. I hear, that someone is going. Aron. He takes his book and see my letter. He opens and reads it. He runs up to me and hugs me. "I love you too" He say.
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