is it?

Too much gap


New pNew people in this chapter-Dae(Hara's elder sister)



The Next Day

Trring Trring Hara's Mobile Rings

"Hello Hara this is me donghae oppa"
"Oh yes oppa why did you call?"
"Hara tell me one thing you are really close to your un-ni right?"
"Yea but why do you ask?"
"I need your help"
"hmmm you see i'm going on a date with your un-ni and i wanna know what food,colour she likes and all that"
"Your going on a date with my un-ni? Haha"
"Hey stop laughing i'm serious"
"Ok Ok I'll tell you what she likes"

After The Talk

Hara thought to herself- Ha i still can't believe donghae oppa is going on a date with my un-ni.......wait why are my eyes tearing up?am i crying?Why am i crying?

After intense thought........Hara thinks to herself
am i crying because i have feelings for donghae oppa and hearing about them going on a date hurt me?
but why do i have feelings for him, he's like a brother to me....ugh i hate myself for this
knock knock...a knock on the door
Hara: "Who is it?"
"Hara its me Dae, open the door i want to talk to you!!"
"just a minute un-ni'

Hara opens the door
"Yes un-ni? come in"
"Hara tell me were you crying because of Donghae oppa?"
"Huh? No un-ni"
"Oh come on Hara i'm your un-ni i know all about your feelings"
"Un-ni i'm just confused"
"I know... I knew about your feelings toward Donghae oppa much before you did"
"Un-ni the why the date"
"I did that just so you realise your feelings before it was too late"
"Thanks un-ni i love you ,but what should i do now?"
"You just have to win his heart but don't worry that will be easy Donghae oppa has always had a soft side for you"
"Thanks for the advice btw are you still going on that date"
"Yes i am"
"You are?"
"Yes but only for you"
"For me?"
"Yes because through this date i'll get to know more about donghae oppa's likes and dislikes"
"But i already know all of them"
"Well more information does not harm"
"Wait there is one problem"
"Our age difference, oppa is 8 years older to me"
"Oh silly age does not matter"

Though Dae said she's going on the date for Hara the truth is she want's to go on the date because she likes Donghae but she's giving this sacrifice for her sister!!

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zxcvbnma #1
congrats for being the story of the day!
shabbyears #2
luhans-vaqina #3
You should be unapologetic lol ^^
congrats :D
Congratulations!! :)
milkytwilight_ #8
Congrats!! :)
Chenfirmed #9
Congrats! ^^