Floating Bubbles

Hello, Samsam Bubbleman!


"Mr. Kim Jiyeob, can you tell me why you applied for this position?" the Headman's sharp look pierced his eyes but rendered him no effect. Clearing his throat, he summoned his inner strength to answer the company Headman's sole question.

"First, because I know I'm beyond qualified to hold this position. Second, I think I'm practically an expert for I used to be a researcher too in the former company I worked at. Plus, the income seems convincing. The final and the ultimate reason is.... I'm saving money so that I could invest on bubbles," upon listening to Jiyeob's final remark, the Headman went petrified on his seat, gazing at him with a lopsided awkward grin plastered on his mouth. Jiyeob lifted one brow, unaware of what's happening to the Headman.

"B-Bubbles? You mean the stupid spherical thingy that kids blow? B-But what do bubbles relate to this microchip company?"

Jiyeob smiled in satisfaction. "Nothing, Sir. It's merely something that I'm attached to,"

The Headman finally nodded, invisibly waving a white flag.


Jiyeob briskly made his way out of the company, humming the joyful tune of the moment accompanied by the merry chirpings of  small birds and the smiling sunshine that peeked through the trees along the avenue.


"I must say that your answers are quite convincing. I'm particularly curious about your final answer. Why bubbles? Must've had a reason behind the kids' toy," he recalled the Headman's words. The interview kept playing in his mind like slides in the projector.

"Truth is... I met an old friend of mine merely a fortnight ago. We parted from high school 9 years past- and fate had arranged how our lives should be. I graduated magna laude from Daejeon University, but she had to drop her studies just because she thought she's stupid. She's so addicted to bubbles, and her biggest dream is to work with Samsam Bubbleman- a bubbleologist I assume? I don't even know that he exists. And Sir, pardon me for being impudent- but I don't think bubbles are made only for kids. Bubbles, they're universal. Can't you feel that genuine happiness creeping inside your heart whenever you see that so-called stupid spherical thingy floating carelessly in the air? After meeting her for several times, I finally found my pillar of strength- it's her, and that's why I want to realize her dream. I'm trying to help her out," he spoke emphatically, at the same time feeling rather embarrassed for picking up a cheesy series of words- but that was his genuine feeling, and he ain't holding it back anymore. His words left the Headman perplexed that it took him quite some time to stifle his astonishment. Clearing his throat, the Headman answered,


"Nothing much, Sir,"

"Even though your lengthy story didn't make much sense to me, well, how much pay do you wish for a month?"

Jiyeob's eyelids parted. "Pardon, Sir?"

"Aish. How can a clever person like you be so slow? You're hired, Mister Jiyeob. Welcome to our company," the Headman stretched his firm hand out, and Jiyeob gladly shook it with an ear-to-ear smile.

His feelings right at that moment were unutterable, and Hyemi's face flashed through his mind like a lightning illuminating a pitch black night. He was ecstatic to tell her that he was no longer unemployed.


The blue morning sky was flecked clouds drifting by and gentle breeze made the leaves rustle faintly the moment Jiyeob arrived at the ice-cream stall. No customer was there, but neither bubbles were being blown. He tried to convince himself that she was around, but after his 5th attempt of peeking, even her shadow was nowhere to be seen.

The last time they met was three days ago, and she looked perfectly like her usual self. She even taught him her ultimate bubble solution recipe- and together they combed the cloudy memories of their senior year in high school.

She even said that she would always be here, blowing bubbles and wait for him to come.

She promised him.


"Excuse me, Miss, do you know Pyo Hyemi? The tall lady who works here?" inquired Jiyeob, and there was a minor tremble in his voice.

"Oh, do you happen to be Mister Jiyeob? The Cabin guy?" replied the female worker, and he hesitated a bit before he finally nodded.

"How do you know? It's Kevin by the way. Not Cabin," he said with jaws clenched.

"Actually, Hyemi quitted yesterday. She said she's going to travel around the world...and she said something about bubbles. Bubbleo.....blahblah I can't remember. Oh, she left this picture for you. I wonder why so sudden....she's such an earnest worker," she handed him a polaroid picture- and it was their picture during high school, back when the Annual Sports Day was held.

Brutally punching himself, he tried desperately to wake up from this dream- but the tremendous pain had dawned upon him that he wasn't dreaming. His hands were trembling uncontrollably, but his grip on the picture seemed to tighten.

The thought of being able to share his success in getting a job with her shattered into smithreens.

"Thank you, Miss," Jiyeob expressed his gratitude to the female worker gloomily and left, knowing that it would break him into pieces if he stayed.


"That stupid Pyo Hyemi....what, you think you're that great with all those bubbles?! Now what, leaving me without prior notice? Pffft. Do you even have money to buy food for yourself? What more to travel the world? You can't even pronounce my name correctly, how are you going to survive?! Fool!" Jiyeob yelled his heart out as he kicked an empty can in fury, ignoring other pedestrians who gave him awkward gazes as if he had just escaped from a loony bin.

"Three years? Fine. Why not forever? I'd love to see you rot in starvation with that damned Samsam Bubbleman---"

He paused, and he was engulfed in surprise to see bubbles filling the atmosphere within seconds.

"Bubbles...? Could it be?"

"......PYO HYEMI!"

He sprinted across the practically empty street in search for the source of bubbles, but out of nowhere, he heard the screech of brakes and in the next second, he felt his body being launched into space as the impact of the collision hurled him into the air.

Everything was so obscure, so agonizing for Jiyeob at that moment.

He saw someone rushing towards him, but his vision started to rapidly blur.

The next moment he saw black.

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hopelesswriter #1
Chapter 4: -cont cuz word limit exceeded lol-
chap4- so he didn't die...i knew he wouldn't...just entertaining crazy thoughts. but what the...first, what's she doing handling the scooter dangerously? yah! need the traffic police here, bubbles or not there's a thing called road safety. 2. how could she leave Kevin unconscious n injured like that? whoaaa....i get that plane ticket is expensive but still...and then time flew and everyone's back. haha, Hyemi n Samsam Bubbleman guy...if only he's included i'd probly ship him with her.....erk. xD...confession: i didn't know who he was too, until this fic...thanks for the knew knowledge...lol.
and aww, sweet ending...though i thought he'd ask "Can I be your bubbleman?" lolol. totally unromantic n silly. i don't usually like cheesy lines...but bcuz it's Kevin saying it....somehow it sounded swoonworthy...*slapped* no, well, forget it. *coughs*
Congrats on completing this delightful little fic...though i wished it's longer...some of the events between chap3-4 are moving a little fast for my slow mind to grow connection to the development but that's alrite. i'm a little sad to part with a fic i've just met n grew fond of...T^T...but what else could i do then say my farewell? truthfully...now this fic had tainted my pure mind with random bubble-related thoughts. grr. n cute chap posters...i keep staring...xD
i'm just a little pissed to see no comment like c'mon ppl...i hope nobody is intimidated by my flooding spazz comment *rollseyes*
Thanks for sharing this beautiful fic that i connect emotionally n personally to..which is rare, n Congrats for completing it.
go leave happily ever after with your bubbles, hyehye n cabin~!
*wipes tears n run*
xD bubblebyes~
hopelesswriter #2
Chapter 3: Aww, it ended *cries an ocean* and i thought i'd have something to read for a long time...lately there aren't many fics to read....T^T
It's been a verrrrryyy short ride but pleasant nevertheless. sobs. Hyehye made it! i'm happy she reached her impossible sounding dream though it's too good to be true n i still doubt any of my crazy dreams would ever come true, but still..it gave some glimmer of hopes to keep dreaming.
let's talk chap 3 first...ommo, Kevin's interview abt wanting to invest in bubbles..lol. but the shock when Hyemi left just like that...woosh...disappeared with a pic. the first time i knew about you creating story for kevin-hyemi that was the picture that came to my mind...and i love how she just conteng on the words....lol. suits her personality. n then gasp, accident? kevin died after what seemed like a movie scene?
hopelesswriter #3
Chapter 2: the fudge...okay, this is like...the story of my life. this chap made me really emotional, feelings of hopelessness, loser, bleak future, peppered with illusion of optimist hope...well, i don't quite have that part, but besides her optimism, i can relate almost entirely to Hyemi n her bubble metaphors. Kevin's whiny...maybe cuz he's had luck with him all these while...n only had it bad now....not even an entire day...lol. but his gloom n inferiority, i can relate...still, their lives are better than mine. but this is probly the closest i've ever empathize with fanfic characters n connect personally, especially the pain n inner feelings. n it arrive at the right time when i'm thinking abt my y life,stuck in a rut. now i'm being whiny too...lol.
Thanks for the update n keep it up~ totally adoring this.
hopelesswriter #4
Chapter 1: sorry that i stole the first comment again...actually i've seen this fic from yesterday in draft mode...muhaha. told 'ya i'm a stalker. n i knew this would be the kevin-hyemi fic you're planning. if only you had told me the mood of the poster, wouldn't have sent all the serious/y/charismatic pics....lol.
hmm, a different feel than your other fics. while i couldn't guess where the story heading from the description... Hyemi's character sounds plenty interesting. i just happen to like slightly weirdo characters. bubble enthusiast? lol.
and that's some ty luck Kevin's having (perfect story of sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga?lol)...i love seeing him curse with swear words and all...i can so imagine Kevin doing that..haahaa. ommonaaa, the president sounds so nice, almost bankrupt can still give the pay...n Hara is sucha biatch. till debt do both of you part...lmao. i'm surprised his money/wallet didn't get stolen...
the encounter sounds like something from a romantic scene with bubbles effects coming outta the back of the stall...except the melting ice-cream doesn't sound so romantic...yah, melted ice cream doesn't taste fun, Kebin-ah.
the language is still so...you. i can count more than ten words i didn't understand*slapped* thanks to my 'extensive vocabs*coughs*' haha, but lazy to check dictionary...
lastly, i must say that i completely adore the Hyemi quote about bubbles in the poster. it's touching n evoke my mind/feelings/inspiration maybe?...
and another thing...thank you for a fairly refreshing pairing for hyemi...i keep finding hyemi-siwan/infinite/exo pairing n i was like... whut...?
ok done ranting. this is already like a chapter.
Thanks for sharing the fic n keep it up~