Get the Number

My Overprotective Brother

Sunggyu pouts a little since he is too short to get that stupid stack that was on top of the rack on groceries store…

“How can I get it now?? This is the last item on the list…”Sunggyu says and pouts

Sunggyu starts to tip toeing once more but it is useless since the stack is still too high for him,until the other hand grabs the thing which make Sunggyu turns around to see the person that just grab the stack…

“Hi,Sunggyu… Need this??”

Sunggyu smiles as he recognize the face of his new neighbor

“Good afternoon Woohyun-hyung…”Sunggyu greets and smiles cutely

“Do you need this??”Woohyun asks once more

“Yes but I can’t reach that at all…”Sunggyu says and pouts

Woohyun wants to squeals at the cute sight in front of him how Sunggyu can be so adorable make him want to hugs the live of him or keep him in the pocket…

“Here take this I grab this for you anyway since I see you trying so hard to get it…”Woohyun smiles widely as he gives Sunggyu the stack

Sunggyu looks at Woohyun and smiles widely until his eyes turn into the crescent shape of moon that make him look more angelic in Woohyun’s eyes

“Thank you so much Hyung…”Sunggyu says

“You’re most welcome… Anyway are you here alone??”Woohyun asks

“Yes,Hyungdeuls has something to do and all of them send me to do a groceries for the first time ever…”Sunggyu says as he starts walking to cashier follow by Woohyun who coming to by some snack for himself

“First time??”Woohyun asks as he raises his eyebrow

“Yes… My brothers never let me go out alone or buy something by myself so I always have a company all the time…They never give me some errand to do too…”Sunggyu says

“Well,aren’t you a princess then??”Woohyun teases a little

Sunggyu pouts at the comment and says,”I am not a princess I am not even a girl,hyung… Why are you so stupid??” Sunggyu whispers the last part softly but Woohyun still hears it

Woohyun just grins at the comment since how can you be mad if the one who said that is having such a cute and beautiful face that make you hard to even focus at anything

“I am not stupid and I think it’s not nice saying something like that to someone older than you don’t you thinks so…”Woohyun says softly

Sunggyu smiles sheepishly at the older and says,”Sorry hyung don’t mean it…”

Woohyun chuckles at that and says,”its okay I don’t mad about that anyway and I just think that your brother is spoiled you a lot like a princess…”

“They may be spoiled me but that’s not make me like a princess since princess is a girl… Woohyun hyung is meanie…”Sunggyu whines and pouts more

“You are so unbearable cute…”Woohyun says and pinches Sunggyu cheeks

Sunggyu blushes at the comment,he often hears that from his brother but this is the first time other than his brother said that he is cute,sure L.Joe also said that but he doesn’t have to be count…

“Stop it Hyung… it’s hurt…”Sunggyu says and puffs out his cheek more

Woohyun really need to hold himself to start fan boying over this adorable boy in front of him and Woohyun just can’t hold himself to grins at the faint beautiful pink blush on Sunggyu’s chubby cheek which make him look cute but still beautiful… How come he not falls in love with him??

“Hyung??”Sungyu asks as he waves his hand in front of Woohyun’s face when he notices Woohyun just smiles stupidly and not walking with him

“Yes??”Woohyun asks back

“Nothing you just stop walking for a moment…”Sunggyu says as he puts his grocery at the cashier

“Oh I just remember about something suddenly that’s all… So Sunggyu does your brother pick you up from here??”Woohyun asks

“I don’t think so,Myungsoo hyung suppose to be pick me up but he said that he is busy and I say to him that I can walk home by my own so I will walk home by my own I think…”Sunggyu says

“How about we walk together then??”Woohyun asks

“Sure why not??”Sunggyu says and smiles which make Woohyun smiles back instantly

The both of them on their way to their home together as their promise before to walk home together and for Woohyun this is a bright chance to get to know Sunggyu better

 “Yes,but I will be university student next year…”Sunggyu says

“Oh then which college you will go?? Anything in mind…”Woohyun says

“I don’t know I think I will be enter Sungjong hyung and Myungsoo hyung college I mean Hoya hyung also study in there so I think I will be go to there too…How about you hyung?? I heard from Myunggie hyung that you study at the same college with him… What major you take??”Sunggyu asks

“I take music as my major…”Woohyun says

Sunggyu stops walking which make Woohyun stops too and looks at the older boy with excited eyes

“Really hyung?? I want to take music major too…”Sunggyu says excitedly

“Really?? What kind of music you like anyway??”Woohyun says

“I do like rock music but hyungdeuls think that kind of music not nice for me to hear and they want me to listen to some classical music or something…”Sunggyu says as he pouts

“Do you always do whatever your hyung want you to do??”Woohyun asks

Sunggyu looks away from Woohyun before they starts walking again and says,”I don’t really have many choice,hyung… My parents always away for business and rarely comeback usually they will comeback once a month before going on trip again and my hyungs are the only one who taking care of me so I don’t want to make them sad by not listen to them…”

“Really?? Your hyungs seems love you so much anyway so you won’t be lonely without your parents then since you have them… Anyway Sunggyu have you ever been going out with anyone before??”Woohyun asks

Sunggyu looks at Woohyun as he tilts his head confusedly and asks,”What do you mean by that??”

“You know have you ever have boyfriend or something??”Woohyun asks

Sunggyu pouts at the question and says,”I don’t think anyone ever like me seriously,hyung…”

“Why would you think that way??”Woohyun asks

“Because every time the boy confess they always disappear the next day I don’t get it,they must be not like me seriously and just want to make fun of me…”Sunggyu says and pouts

“Are you serious about that??”Woohyun says

“Yes I don’t get it they always either move away or ask me to never speak to them again and then run away or something… Did I do something wrong that I don’t even remember??”Sunggyu says

Woohyun looks away and thinks about what Sungyeol says before about the Kim’s brother that so over protective over Sunggyu and Woohyun thinks he has a clue about it then

“Sunggyu I don’t really think it was because they don’t like you seriously…”Woohyun says

“Then wh-“

Before Sunggyu can finishes his sentence the loud horn of the car can be hears and Sunggyu sees a car stops in front of he and Woohyun

“Myungsoo hyung??”Sunggyu tilts his head cutely

The window of the driver seat being opens and reveals his older brother in there looking at them… For Sunggyu it maybe like a usual look of Myungsoo but Woohyun can feel the other send him a glare

“Sunggyu,why don’t you wait for hyung at the market??”Myungsoo says

“B-But I already says that I will go home alone hyung…”Sunggyu says

“Well whatever just hop in then…”Myungsoo says

“But it near from here,hyung we can just walk the remain distance…”Sunggyu says

“I say get in the car Sunggyu now!!”Myungsoo says

“Okay,okay…”Bye Woohyun hyung!!”Sunggyu says as he waves goodbye to Woohyun

But before Sunggyu can go into the car Woohyun grabs his elbow which stops Sunggyu from walking away from him… He doesn’t care even if he can feels Myungsoo send a glare towards him or something

“Sunggyu,can I have your phone number??”Woohyun asks

Sunggyu blinks his eyes cutely and says,”Okay but what for??”

“Well I really like talk to you and if you really need anything for tutoring for example if you want to get into a music major on my college you can always call me for help…”Woohyun says

“Really?? Thank you so much hyung… Here is my number and I really like talk with hyung too…”Sunggyu says excitedly

“Thank you and see you later Sunggyu and I will text you so you will know my number…”Woohyun says and smiles before waving goodbye to him

Sunggyu nods and waves too before he gets into the car with the grocery on his hand… Woohyun smiles too at Myungsoo but the older just ignore it and close the window before drive away

“Wow!! Sungyeol really not kidding about them…”Woohyun says as he shakes his head but then he smiles as he remembers that he has Sunggyu’s number now

“How can you go home with him??”Myungsoo asks Sunggyu as soon as they arrive at their home and on their way towards the front door after Myungsoo parks his car at the garage

“We meet at the market and Woohyun hyung help me take a stack since I can’t get it…”Sunggyu says and looks at the other car on the garage and says,”Hyung,Sungjong hyung already at home…”

“Yeah I can see his car… So what he says to you?? Did he do something??”Myungsoo says as he brings the grocery

“What do you mean by that?? Why would he do something to me??”Sunggyu asks confusedly

“Nothing I just ask,Sunggyu I scared that maybe he does something weird or something…”Myungsoo says

“He is okay hyung he doesn’t do anything weird and he nice… He really is nice and quiet handsome too…”Sunggyu says as he blush at the last part that coming from his mouth

“What did you just say??”Myungsoo says

“Nothing hyung…”Sunggyu says as he quickly runs into the house and hugs Sungjong who is in the kitchen that time

“Oh hey Gyu… How is your day??”Sungjong asks as he quiet surprise with the sudden hug

“It’s fine and really fun day hyung…”Sunggyu says

“Sunggyu I am not finish talking with you,what did he said to you?? And just because you think he is handsome doesn’t mean he not a bad guy…”Myungsoo says as he puts the grocery at the dining table

Sungjong raises his eyebrow at the conversation that he doesn’t even get it and pull away from Sunggyu’s hug

“What Myungsoo hyung talking about here??”Sungjong asks

“It’s nothing and he is not a bad guy,hyung… He is our neighbor for god’s sake and he is nice really… And he only says that I’m cute that’s all…”Sunggyu says

“I don’t really get it can some of you explain this to me please??”Sungjong asks

Myungsoo looks at Sungjong and says,”Later,”before he looks at Sunggyu again and says,”But hyung doesn’t really like how he look at you like that…”

“Hyung!! He is fine don’t be over reacted please…”Sunggyu whines a little

“Sunggyu I just-“

“Worried about me I know and I assure you it is fine so I will go upstairs now and just call me for dinner by hyung…”Sunggyu says as he runs away to his room




A/N : Sorry once again for the late update again... Seriously i have been busy with my college and everything but since now i have a holiday until late January i will try to update this and my other story... I am really sorry guys for late update and mistake too i hope you still remember this! Thank you for comment subscribe and upvote

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695 streak #1
Chapter 7: funny how they babied gyu 😅
sola_gyu #2
Chapter 7: I love this story. First time reading a story with Sungjong as Sunggyu's older brother. Will there be any update?
Chapter 7: Oohhh, bless this chapter. Sunggyu's brothers are very protective about him but I think it's kind of cute. I hope Sunggyu's brothers would loosen up a bit especially myungsoo. By the way thank you for the update! <3
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update authornim! This is the woogyu version of 桃花小妹 MoMo Love kekeke
Chapter 7: Sometimes I feel bad for Gyu. His overly protective brothers, esp Myung is a meanie...
I read some fanfics that pair Jjong with Yongguk from B.A.P I think they're cute together.
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 7: whats gyu gonna do?? Aigooooo poor woogyu cannot have their time alone
Chapter 7: Uwaah its kinda awkward when imagining gyu as the youngest ㅋㅋㅋ his brothers really protective eh

Eeem sungjong? Maybe you can make him w/ an oc. Or one of other boy from other fandom..
Chapter 3: Awwwww wooooohhhyuuunnn is sooooo cuuute */////*
Chapter 2: Ohh my goddd the brothers are overprotectttiiinnnggggg i love ittttttt *//*
chika1611 #10
Chapter 7: ouch, get caught by jongie hahahaha..
the brothers sure very protective toward gyu, but we can't blamed them, gyu is too cute and precious XD
I'd recommend sungjong with kim dongjun from ze:a, they're once performed orange caramel 'magic girl' together with dongho, ex-member of u-kiss. I ship them together even until now XDDD