Kim's Brother's rumor

My Overprotective Brother

They walk in again to the dining room and Sungjong goes to the kitchen to prepares their dinner because he is the one who in charge of cooking

“Do you meet him somewhere before Sunggyu-ya??”Hoya asks

“I just meet him this evening,Hyung…”Sunggyu says

“Where do you meet him??”Myungsoo asks

“In front of our house… I fell off because there is a dog who chase after me and he is the one who help me…”Sunggyu says and blushes with a embarrassing memory

“What?? So you just meet him this evening then??”Myungsoo asks

“Yes hyung and I don’t even know his name before he comes to our house…”Sunggyu says

Myungsoo and Hoya just nod as the answer and exchange a look that mean they will talk about this later on without Sunggyu around…

“Ah I’m so full thank you for the wonderful dinner Sungjong hyung…”Sunggyu says and smiles when they finish their dinner

“I’m glad that you love it…”Sungjong says

“Of course I love it your cooking is the best…”Sunggyu says

“Then Sunggyu how about you go to your room to study now??”Hoya suggests

“Ahh,but I’m so lazy now,hyung…”Sunggyu whines a little

“You must have some homework right?? So just go to your room and study,baby…”Myungsoo says and pats his younger brother head

“But I feel so lazy… Let’s just have some talk together…”Sunggyu says and pouts even more

“But you have to do your homework now,Baby or you have to stay late to do that…”Sungjong says

“Sungjong is right, if you sleep too late you can’t concentrate to the lesson so you should study now,baby come on…”Hoya says once more time

Sunggyu still pouts but nods anyways as he makes his way to his room leaving his brothers…

When they hear a door of Sunggyu’s room being close the three of them turns his face into a serious mode…

“So,what will we talk about now??”Sungjong asks as he makes his way to the fridge to grab some snack for them

“About that Nam Woohyun guy…”Hoya growls lowly

“Does he do something wrong or something??”Sungjong asks once again

“Are you dumb or something??”Hoya says as he smacks Sungjong’s head

“Ouch!! That’s hurt hyung!!”Sungjong says and pouts

“That’s because you are so dense and dumb sometimes…”Hoya says and shook his head

“Jongie,don’t you see what that guy do to Sunggyu earlier??”Myungsoo asks

“He just say something tha- Oh My God he is flirting with our baby… I’m going to kill him…”Sungjong says as he punches the table

“So now you just realize that??”Myungsoo says as he rolls his eyes

“I just don’t give the attention to him at all…”Sungjong says

“Well,as much I want to kill him for flirting with our baby but we can’t do that at all…”Hoya says

“Hoya hyung is right he has been helping our baby earlier…”Sungjong says

“If only one of us can pick him up he won’t be hurt nor meet that guy…”Myungsoo says as he takes a deep sigh

“I know well we can’t kill him because he is helping our baby so for now we just have to watch what will happen…”Hoya says

“What if Sunggyu becomes closer to that guy,hyung??”Sungjong asks

“I really hope not he is older than Sunggyu anyway… Where will they meet??”Hoya answers

“Yeah you are right, for now on we just have to watch and see what it goes…”Myungsoo says

All of them just nod in agreement about what will happen as the three of them decides to go upstairs to check their baby…

The morning comes and Sunggyu rubs his eye cutely as he realize that he just wakes up before his brothers wake him up… He yawn a little as he starts to prepare himself to go to school for today…

“Morning Hyung!!Sunggyu greets loudly as he sees Sungjong in the kitchen prepares the breakfast

“Wow you actually wake up before we wake you up Gyu!! That was amazing!!”Sungjong says as he comes and pinches his brother cheek

The gesture and the word make Sunggyu pouts

“Aww… Does our baby just too cute??”Hoya says suddenly

“He is actually wake up before we wake him up that was amazing…”Myungsoo says and pinches Sunggyu’s cheek make the owner pouts even more

“Stop treating me like a baby will you!!”Sunggyu says

“Alright sweetie, come on let’s just have a breakfast…”Sungjong says

After all of them finish their breakfast the two older brothers goes to bid goodbye to their brothers…

“Have a nice day at school,Gyu-baby… Don’t forget today Myungsoo hyung will pick you up…”Myungsoo says

“Arasso,hyung… See you later…”Sunggyu says and nods cutely before he goes inside the car

“We will go now Hyungdeuls…”Sungjong says

“Be careful and safe drive Jongie!!”Hoya says

The two of them wave goodbye as the car that bring the two youngest of Kim family goes away

“So what is your plan for today hyung??”Myungsoo asks

“I have a meeting that I cancel yesterday so I maybe late…”Hoya says

“Okay then,I think I also will be going now…”Myungsoo says as he looks at his wristwatch

“Sure just be careful Myungsoo-ya… I will be going just a few minute later…”Hoya says

Myungsoo just finishes his class and he is in the hurry mode since the class takes too much time and he has to picks up his lovely brother… He already starts to run when his name being called… He looks back and smiles slightly to the one that called him…

 “What are you doing in here??”Myungsoo asks as he smiles politely at his neighbor

“I transfer here actually…”Woohyun says

“Really?? What major??”Myungsoo asks

“Music… How about you??”Woohyun asks

“I take photography as my major…”Myungsoo says

“I guess you are my senior then… I also know one senior but he is in the different major than you so you maybe don’t know about him…”Woohyun says

“Okay then but I have to go now since I have to pick up my brother it is really nice to meet you…”Myungsoo says as he starts to run to his car

Woohyun just looks at him weirdly but as he remembers about Myungsoo’s brother he can’t help but smiles…

“What are you doing smiles like a crazy person??”Suddenly someone says to him and hits his back of head

He looks back and whines,”That’s hurt Yeollie hyung!!”

“Sorry about that Woohyunnie… But you really look like a dumb person… By the way did you just talk with Kim Myungsoo??”Sungyeol asks

“Yeah so what about it??”Woohyun asks as he sees nothing wrong with that

“I just don’t know you know him…”Sungyeol says as he starts to walk

“He is my neighbor actually… Do you know him??”Woohyun asks

“Not really…”Sungyeol says

“Do you have a crush on him or something??”Woohyun asks and that word successfully make Sungyeol face become red as tomato

“I-I do not… Well a little because come on he is handsome and he has talent in acting too… If only he get in to theater major…”Sungyeol says

“You do have a crush on him… So you must be known about his family then??”Woohyun asks

Sungyeol looks at Woohyun weirdly as something streak him

“Do you have a crush on his brother??”Sungyeol asks

Woohyun looks at Sungyeol as he widens his eyes how did Sungyeol know that??

“Seeing your expression I think I’m right you do take interest at his brother… Which one?? The girly one or the cute one…”Sungyeol asks

Woohyun frowns a little at Sungyeol question and he asks,”How did you know about his family actually??”

“Everyone knows about Kim’s brother Woohyun-ah… All of them being known because their looks and brains… I don’t really know about his family but I hear a rumor that the three oldest of them is very I mean very very overprotective over his youngest brother…”Sungyeol says

“What?? Why would they overprotective over his brother??”Woohyun asks

Sungyeol looks at Woohyun as he explains,”I know you Woohyun so I can guess that you have an interest with the youngest one… Everyone have interest with him but I also heard that if you want to have a crush to him you have to pass his brother quality first or the next thing you know you will say goodbye to this world…”

They stay silent for a moment until Woohyun burst on laughing…

“I’m serious in here!!”Sungyeol says as he glares at Woohyun

“Come on Hyung all of that just in the movie it can’t be real…”Woohyun says

“I’m saying the truth you dummy!! And you are far away from their qualification…”Sungyeol says as he hits Woohyun head once more

“Can you stop hit my head?? It ing hurt… Why will I far away from their qualification anyway??”Woohyun asks

“First and the last is you are dumb!!”Sungyeol says

“I’m not dumb I still have a good grade I think… I good at music and sports too…”Woohyun says

“Sure you are just whatever Woohyun just forget about him or his brother will kill you and I won’t help you at all…”Sungyeol says

“Okay Hyung you should know me better first I won’t ever give up when I lay my eyes on someone  and second I don’t ing care of his brothers…If I have to challenge his brother then challenge it is… It will become more interesting than ever anyway…”Woohyun says as the determine can be seen on his eyes





A/N : Does anyone waiting for this story?? Or does anyone still want this story?? Sorry for the late update guys and hope you enjoy the chapter and I don't even know about the title of this chapter xD... Thank you so much for subscribe and comment...

Hope you enjoy the chapter and sorry for any mistake please leave your comment that will be really bright my day

P.S : I need your help guys who do you think can be pair up with sungjong??

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696 streak #1
Chapter 7: funny how they babied gyu 😅
sola_gyu #2
Chapter 7: I love this story. First time reading a story with Sungjong as Sunggyu's older brother. Will there be any update?
Chapter 7: Oohhh, bless this chapter. Sunggyu's brothers are very protective about him but I think it's kind of cute. I hope Sunggyu's brothers would loosen up a bit especially myungsoo. By the way thank you for the update! <3
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update authornim! This is the woogyu version of 桃花小妹 MoMo Love kekeke
Chapter 7: Sometimes I feel bad for Gyu. His overly protective brothers, esp Myung is a meanie...
I read some fanfics that pair Jjong with Yongguk from B.A.P I think they're cute together.
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 7: whats gyu gonna do?? Aigooooo poor woogyu cannot have their time alone
Chapter 7: Uwaah its kinda awkward when imagining gyu as the youngest ㅋㅋㅋ his brothers really protective eh

Eeem sungjong? Maybe you can make him w/ an oc. Or one of other boy from other fandom..
Chapter 3: Awwwww wooooohhhyuuunnn is sooooo cuuute */////*
Chapter 2: Ohh my goddd the brothers are overprotectttiiinnnggggg i love ittttttt *//*
chika1611 #10
Chapter 7: ouch, get caught by jongie hahahaha..
the brothers sure very protective toward gyu, but we can't blamed them, gyu is too cute and precious XD
I'd recommend sungjong with kim dongjun from ze:a, they're once performed orange caramel 'magic girl' together with dongho, ex-member of u-kiss. I ship them together even until now XDDD