Wrong Superhero


Little Jongin was skipping happily around the park, he got a bubblegum popsicle in his right hand and a bag of sweets in his left hand. It was warm and sunny, Little Jongin loved the day and he hummed to Power Rangers theme song.

Just when he was about to sit on one of the swings, two taller boys blocked his way. He almost bumped onto them but he stopped right before his nose touched one of the boy’s chest. His eyes were becoming teary when he looked up and realized who it was. The bully, Baek and Chen.

“Oh, look who’s got in our way, Boss” Baek laughed.

“It’s our little Kkamjongie” he smirked, “What you got in your bag, Kkamjong-ah?”

Chen’s voice was a fake melody and Little Jongin shivered. He had to run away from them, so he dropped his half-eaten popsicle and turned his feet abruptly to get home, where there were no bully and it would be just him and his teddy bears playing savely in his cozy room. But of course, Baek’s hand was faster.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he pulled Jongin’s shirt up by the neck, “My boss asked you what’s in the bag, answer him!” Baek shot him a threatening look.

“S-sweets…” he answered in quivering voice, his tears were starting to fall down his chubby cheeks.

“Aww, why are you crying?” Chen patted his fluffy raven hair, “It’s okay~ we’re not going to hurt you if you just nicely give us your bag” he grinned evilly.

The six year old boy handed his bag of sweets with shaky hands and Baek snatched it away, making him jumped slightly in surprise. Deep down his heart, Little Jongin was praying to God to send Power Rangers to save him right this second. But maybe God punished him by being such a coward to a pair of boys just three years older than him by sending him…the wrong superhero. Because when Baek and Chen were going to eat all of the poor boy’s sweets, a loud cracked voice stopped them.


The three of them snapped their heads to the voice to find another boy who was smaller and much paler than Little Jongin, standing oh so proudly with his tiny legs spread and hands on his hips. Superman pose. The sunlight behind made him slightly glowed and the water splash from the park’s fountain shaded him with rainbow, or is it just Little Jongin’s imagination.

“Who do you think you are to stop us?!” Baek yelled.

The little boy stepped forward and Little Jongin could see his face clearer. His eyebrows were thick and furrowed, lips a bit pouty but he maintained a though expression.

“I am…”

Then out of the blue, the little boy pulled out a pink stick and swayed it around, circling his whole body with it and tapped it twice onto a matched pink rubber band on his left wrist before twirling on his toes and jumped, “THAILORHUN!!”

He pointed at Baek and Chen with his pink stick, “And I am here to punish you, bully!”

Baek and Chen bursted out laughing, holding their stomach and hitting their thighs as their laugh pierced into the warm air. Little Jongin would be laughing too if it wasn’t for the fact that he almost peed in his pants because of the bully. He just stood there, eyeing the little pale boy with a frown who stomped angrily toward them.

“Y-you phuahahaha! You serious?!!” Baek wiped some tears in the corner of his eye because of too much laugh.

“I always serious when it comes to world’s peace!” the little boy jabbed Baek’s side with his pink stick, “In the name of love and justice, bully be gone!!” he then stepped on Chen’s foot, “Hunhun attack double combo!!” he jumped high and hit each Baek’s and Chen’s head with the stick.

Little Jongin’s bag of sweets dropped to the ground. Baek and Chen were furious, being played by a freak obsessed with world’s peace. Chen grabbed his collar and was about to punch him straight in the face but Thailorhun shouted, “Twinkle star lend me your power!” he brought up his pink stick up in the sky and closed his eyes tight before shouted louder with all his might, “SUPER MOMO AWOOOOOOO!!!”

A really big golden retriever showed up from behind the tree and barked, hot on its paws heading toward them. Chen let go of the little boy’s collar and widened his small eyes, so did Baek, before they screamed and ran off somewhere with hands thrown high.

“Bully has been defeated, Thailorhun once again brings back the world’s peace with love!” he smiled brightly that his eyes gone into pretty thin lines.

All the while Little Jongin just watched and not knowing what to do. To run or to laugh at the pale boy who just saved his life and bag of sweets. He decided to do neither of it though.

“And thanks to our Super Momo star power!” he laughed, ruffling the dog’s golden brown fur happily.

“…uhm” Little Jongin said with his tiny voice.

”I’m Sehun, what’s your name?” Sehun looked at Jongin and brought his right hand up to shake it with his.

“Jongin…” he pulled a small smile and shook Sehun’s hand.

“This is Momo my super dog! Momo, hand!”

The dog raised its right hand and Sehun took it, wanting Jongin to shake it as well, who happily did so.

“Hello Momo! Your bark was really awesome!” Jongin laughed cheerfully, already forgetting the awkwardness, “Hunhun, do you want some sweets?” he picked up his bag from the ground, “Saving the world must be tiring right?” and Momo barked, “Of course, you too Momo!”

“Sure, Jongin-ah!” his smile grew wider.

And they sat on the swings, chewing on licorice, gummy bears, snickers and whatnot.

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cloudye0705 #1
Chapter 1: Hilarious!!!!!
--galaxywonderland #2
Congratulations! ^^
Chapter 1: This is so cute :3 omg and it's really hard to keep a straight face while reading this XD
littlehanridinghun #4
sparklebookie #5
Chapter 1: I'm on this continuous squealing spree ..What have you done.. I cannot stop screeching..the neighbours are gonna call the cops and it'll be my fault.. :D

Sorry for the caps...am so happy! Well done!
Chapter 1: omg so cuteeee ><
Chapter 1: Oh my lord xD this made my night xD cuuuuuuuute~~~
jae12340 #9
Congrats on the feature!