Please Be Mine: Final

Please Be Mine


Special cameo; Zelo



                She walked down the streets of Seoul without knowing where she would really go. Tiredness took over her so she decided to sit down on a bench. It was still raining, nonstop. Her clothes were completely wet – Until someone approached her.


Aura felt the rain stopped, she slowly looked up only finding a cute boy sheltering her with his umbrella. He smiled at her.


“Hello there. It seems like you need an umbrella so here.” He said, pointing to his umbrella. “I don’t mind sharing. I’m L.joe by the way.” He smiled.








--A few years passed--


“Yaaaaaaaaah! L.joe! Stop it! I’m getting dizzy, stop!” Aura screamed at L.joe who is busy spinning her around. They were currently at his apartment chilling around.

“Only if you say the magic words!” L.joe playfully said while smiling at her. Technically, they weren’t exactly ‘together’ but they act like one. They may not be official but they love each other very much. L.joe is still waiting for the perfect time to ask her to be his because Aura said she wasn’t ready yet, but he is willing to wait forever.

“Okay, okay! Just stop spinning me!”


“Okay, fine! I love you.


L.joe put her down slowly and looked into her brown eyes with much love. He rested his hands on her waist. He hugged her tightly and nuzzled his face on her neck.

I love you too.” He whispered.

They stayed like that for awhile before she broke the silence.

“L.joe,” She softly called out to him.


“I think I have to go now. It’s getting late.”

His gripped around her waist tightened.

“I’ll walk you home then.”

“No, no. It’s alright. I also have to stop by somewhere.”

“Are you sure?” He asked softly.

“Yeah.” He let go of her and walked outside of his apartment.


“Are you really sure you’ll be fine?” He asked one more time.

“Yes! I’m really sure! Now, off you go. I’ll be fine! Really!” She said, starting to get irritated by L.joe. “Goodnight, L.joe.” She gave a quick peck on his lips which he smiled in return.

“Goodnight, Aura. Be safe!”

She smiled and waved at him as she went inside the taxi cab.


“Where to, miss?” The taxi driver asked.

“To ------- please. But can you stop by at the cafe first down the street?”



She arrived at the cafe and was surprised there were still a lot of people inside. She stepped inside the cafe and ordered the usual. She was greeted by one of the workers there who already knows her since she always buys food for her brother.

“Good evening, Aura-ssi. What would you like to order?” The worker asked.

“Oh, the usual.” She smiled.

“Coming right up.”

While she was waiting for her order, her phone beeped indicating a message. It was L.joe.


“Are you home yet? I missed you already. ♥”


She smiled when she read the text knowing that L.joe really cared for her. She stood from her seat when her name was being called but she bumped into someone which sent her falling down.

“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s alright it was probably an accident. I wasn’t looking where I was going too.” She laughed lightly, trying to get rid of the awkward tension between them. It was just an accident and she did not want this person to feel guilty about her. But when she looked up to see who it was, the awkward tension got even more awkward.


He looked at her and his eyes went wide. He was also surprised as she was.

“Oh! Aura-ssi! It’s nice to see you again!” He grinned at her, really happy that he ran into her.

“Uh.. y-yeah. It’s been a while.” She stuttered.

“Yeah. It’s fancy meeting you here. It’s been a while. So what are you doing here?”

“O-oh? Uhm.. I was j-just about g-go home.” She hurriedly ran into the counter and took her order. She paid for it and got out of the cafe when Myungsoo grabbed onto her wrist.

“Hey, hey. What’s with the rush?” He asked, confused.

“I’m sorry. I have to go home now. My brother must be hungry so I have to get going now.” She muttered, barely audible, but Myungsoo heard all of it. He let go of her wrist slowly and she went outside. She looked up into the sky and that’s when a thunder struck. Soon, little raindrops began falling down and became big raindrops. To make it worse, her ride home was nowhere to be seen. The taxi driver got impatient so he left her there at the cafe.

“! I don’t have an umbrella, and that taxi driver just left me. Just great.” She muttered to herself. Little did she know, Myungsoo was just beside her all along.

“Well, I don’t have a ride home either, but I do have an umbrella,” He opened his umbrella and shielded both of them from the rain. “And there’s no way on earth I’ll let you go home by yourself.” He smiled at her which sent butterflies to her stomach, just like the first time they met.


Why am I feeling like this?

I already have L.joe, but him standing so close and shows that he cares about me doesn’t help.

It’s like it happened to me all over again .Like a few years ago.

 Except this time, he’s with me with the rain.

What is wrong with me?


He slipped his other arm onto hers and began walking down the empty streets. “Kaja! Lead the way, Aura-ssi.”

She walked down the streets that she knew all too well. Although, she was only looking ahead of her and she was extremely quiet. She looked like she was in a daze. Her eyes looked dull and bored which Myungsoo noticed.

“You okay? You look like you’re about to faint.” He laughed lightly, trying to ease the tension.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking.”

“You shouldn’t be stressing yourself out. You should smile. It suits you more.” He smiled. She looked at him for a moment before she genuinely smiled at him. I’m going to keep that in thought. She smiled inwardly to that.

“How have you been?” He suddenly asked.

“I’ve been alright. I guess..”

Before they know it, they were in front of her house. He walked her to the door and she abruptly turned around. “This is it.” She motioned her hands at the house. “So I guess this is good-“ He was about to turn around when Aura held onto his wrist.


He slowly turned around and faced her.

“Uhm.. You’re wet.”

He raised his eyebrows at her.

“At least come inside and dry your hair. It’s soaking wet. You didn’t put your umbrella on yourself properly.”

No, no ,no. What are you doing, Aura!?


“It’s the least I can do for you for walking me home.” She smiled.

Stop it! Stop it!

“Come on! It’s raining heavily! And- there’s already flood?? What? Come in! You’re getting soaked!”

Without any second thoughts, he ran inside and made himself comfy.

“Junhong? Are you asleep? Noona’s here! I brought you food!” Aura called out for his younger brother who immediately went outside of his room. He smiled at the sight of her sister and hugged her. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed there’s a stranger in their house.

He asked his sister since he came along with her. Who is he?

“Oh, this is Myungsoo. My.. friend.”

Myungsoo stood up from the couch and bowed, “Hello. Kim Myungsoo-imnida.”

Junhong slightly bowed and proceeded to the kitchen to eat his food.

“Sorry about that. He doesn’t talk.”

“Oh. What a shame.” He said.

“The bathroom’s right down there. You could go take a shower and I’ll borrow you some of Junhong clothes.”

“Thank you so much, really.” He gratefully thanked her.

“Hey, if it weren’t for you, we would’ve been stuck at the cafe back there. And you’re welcome.” She smiled.


Myungsoo went to take a shower while Aura took care of the clothes for him.

“Hey Junhong, could I borrow some of your shirts for Myungsoo? His shirt was really wet and he needs one. He’ll probably return it to you when he gets home tonight.”

Uhm.. Sure.. But noona, you may want to look at the streets first.. He said, pointing to the glass window by the kitchen counter.

She took a look at outside and noticed that the rain was really pouring hard and flood was about mid-thigh.

“Woah! How did the flood rose so fast!?”

Just then, the bathroom door flung open and revealed a very hot Myungsoo with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. Junhong awkwardly went inside his room while Aura stayed there for a while, having a staring contest with the floor.

“Uhm..” Myungsoo awkwardly cleared his throat.

“I’ll go get you the clothes.” She ran inside his little brother’s room and stumbled on her way there. He chuckled at how clumsy Aura can be. She got back to him with clothes in her hands.

“Uhm. Here, you can use these for a while. Junhong won’t mind.” She handed him the clothes and he thanked her. When he got the clothes in his hand, the power suddenly went out. They flinched when they heard a loud door slamming.

“Sorry about that. I’ll go get Junhong. He has issues..” She carefully went inside his room and comforted Junhong.

When she came back, she realized how dark it was around the house. All she could see was pitch black.

“Uhm.. Myungsoo? Are you there..?” She whispered.

After a few minutes of silence, “Yeah, I’m here.” He whispered back. She heard his faint voice near her right side so she carefully walked towards the right, hoping she wouldn’t break anything. She held her hands out but she doesn’t feel a thing.

“Myungsoo!? Myungsoo, where the hell are you?” She asked.

“I’m right here.”

She continued flailing her arms and groaned.

“Where is here!?!?” She whispered- yelled at him.

He chuckled, “I told you, I’m right here.” The voice gradually increased and she could feel his hot breath on her neck. “Don’t worry, I got you.” He gently put his hands on her waist, but she pushed them off. LOLWUT  “I’m not handicapped! I can walk.” She carefully walked around but stopped when she heard a loud thud. He laughed, “I told you~” She scoffed at him, “Whatever.”

“Come on, I’ll lead you to the couch. It’s more comfortable sitting than standing anyway.” He grabbed her wrist and began walking slowly until they touched something comfy. She sighed in relief when they finally sat on the couch.

Silence filled the house and you could hear nothing except the calm raindrops falling. Junhong was silently in his bedroom. While the two, both stared at nothingness and blackness. They only hear each other’s breathing until one of them broke the silence.

“Remember the night when we first met..?” He said softly.

She smiled sadly before answering, “How could I forget..?”

He chuckled, “It must've been a miracle that I ran into the same person again. I remember the first time I saw you,” He scooted closer. “You really looked innocent, like an angel.” He smiled at the thought.

“I remember the first time I saw you,” She paused and look at his side, even though it was pitch black she could still see his face due to bright moon reflecting his face. “I gotta say, you were stunning.” She laughed lightly.

He turned his head to her direction and smiled, “But the moment I laid my eyes on you,” He scooted even more close to Aura, their sides touching. “You made my heart skip a beat.”

With that, her eyes went wide and her heart started beating like crazy.

“I like you. From the moment I stepped on that bus and looked at you. I like you a lot, Aura-ssi. I was glad I ran into you again. I just got attached to you so easily. Whenever I’m with you, you never fail to make me smile; and happy. Just like the time when we were at the bus. We talked non-stop. I’ve never talked so much to a stranger before. I can’t believe you changed my whole life in a matter of hours. This doesn't happen so often, you know. I never stopped looking for you, Aura. After a few years has passed, up until now, my heart only beats for you.”

When Myungsoo was done with his little speech, he heard a faint sob coming from Aura. Why is this happening? Why now? She thought. He suddenly hugged her tight, never wanting to let go. He rubbed small circles on her back and tries to comfort her. She slides her arms onto his neck and pulled him close. “Shhh. Don’t cry.” He said encouraging words to calm her down. When she finally stopped, they looked at each other through the darkness. He slowly put his forehead against hers. He bore his eyes into her brown ones. She could feel his minty breath across her cheek. They stayed liked that for awhile before he slowly leaned in. For once, they felt like the time stopped, like everything around them does not matter anymore. It’s just the two of them. Her lips tasted like heaven while his tasted perfection.

Everything’s perfect now.


Or not.




They pulled away for second and rested their forehead against each other. Myungsoo was smiling ear to ear and was blissfully happy.  Aura was happy too, but she can’t help to feel worried about L.joe. It feels like she’s cheating on him, but they weren’t exactly together, right? 



I’m sorry..









I like Myungsoo too.







He cupped her cheeks and whispered,







"Be Mine, I love you, okay?"


Must read.


Hi there. ChoiJunhongie here~

First of all, I want to say sorry because I know some of you have read this and  have been waiting for the second part.

Well, hate to break it to you but.. I won't be continuing this anymore.

Omg. I'm so sorry. I just don't have time anymore. I',m sooooo sorry.

And yes, I know this is so boring. /Epic fail/

Boring sequel ever. I am truly sorry.

But still, thank you so much for reading and also subscribing ^^ ILY.

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