I love you

Always, with you





"I love you," Woohyun whispered in your ear, hugging you closer to his chest. His heartbeat played a melodic

rhyme against your back, lulling yours to match his beat. His breath tickled your neck, sending exciting shivers

down your spine. This, this was everything you ever wanted. Strong, firm arms protectively wrapped around

your torso. Safely assuring you that everything was going to be just fine.

Those simple words, 'I love you' held so much more meaning-so much more depth than it seems. Everyday would be a replica of paradise. Everything will be magical, passionate and simply beautiful. So beautiful; words cannot even begin to express.
"I love you," you whispered back. You shifted your body, turning over to find yourself face to face with those angelic features of his. His eyes screamed 'I love you' by softly interlocking into your orbs. Everything about him was perfect.
You nestled your face in the crock of his neck, snuggling closer against his chest. The warmth of his body gradually enveloped itself around yours. His arms hugged you firmly, telling you that he will never let you go. 'There will never be a paradise without you here by my side.'
Slowly, your eye lids drooped down, sleep overtaking you. Woohyun smiled a soft one, closing his eyes not soon after making sure you were soundly asleep. He has sworn with his life he will keep you safe. Never will he forgive himself if something were to happen to you. 'You are my everything. Once you are taken away from me, my life will soon have no purpose as nothing is what's left.'
"Babe wake up," huskily murmured the entrancing voice in your ear. You mumbled incoherent words under your breath as you wrapped your arms around the person next to you neck.
Gratefulness: to have someone to wake up to. The used to be empty space on the queen sized bed was now held occupied by the man of your dreams.
"Five more minutes."
Woohyun chuckled at your cute command, his chest vibrating against your body. You sighed contently, taking in every perfection this life has given you. Nothing could ruin these special moments.
"Lets get up sleepy head," he playfully chided, tickling you. Your laughs rung through the air song like high-class music to his ears. He loved making you laugh, its one of the reasons his smile never fails to leave his face, never fazes or fades away. His grey world finally had some light shine through with the simplicity of your smiles.
Your eyes fluttered open to meet his softly grazing ones. "I love waking up to you first thing in the morning."
The blush on your cheeks didn't go unnoticed to Woohyun as he genuinely spoke those words, lips parting and pronouncing each word perfectly.
"Lets go," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. He pulled back and stooped down lower to reach your lips. Lips meeting yours in which you willingly kissed back. Perfect. Just perfect.
"You're not getting up?" he amusedly asked, raising a brow at you. You shook you head and smiled teasingly at him. Because honesty, you didn't want to leave the bed. You wanted to stay there with him with his arms securely wrapped around you and with his scent rubbing on you.
"Then I guess I'll have to make you leave this bed myself."
You confusedly looked at Woohyun, not fully understanding what your lover was implying. He rolled up of bed, making you instantly miss his warmth. He stood up, towering over your body, looking down at you on the bed. He then grinned and dug his hands under your body, latching around you, carrying you bridal style off of the bed. Woohyun pushed through your guys bedroom door with you safely in his arms. Your arms instinctually found its way back around his neck as he carried you carefully down the stairs.
Giggles couldn't be contained with his action. You just loved it - loved him so much to not feel just this happy. Woohyun carefully placed you in one of the island tables’ chair.
He planted another chaste kiss on your lips, savoring the blissful moment.
"Babe, what would you like for breakfast?"
"Crepes" you excitedly exclaimed. Woohyun smiled brightly and brushed your bed hair down.
"That sounds good."
He walked off to the refrigerator and grabbed the necessary materials to create crepes.
"Here let me help you." you said, already making a move to leave your chair.
"No. Babe you stay there. I want to make you breakfast today."
A heated blush bombards your face as your heart did another one of its flip-flops.
Happiness. The act of pure bliss.
Woohyun couldn't be more perfect.
"These are so delicious!" you exclaimed, eating the freshly made crepes Woohyun personally made for you. Woohyun grinned in triumph, synchronizing your eating habits. He stuffed in my fork full of food in his mouth, gently shaking his head in disbelief. Your constant forkfuls made him wonder if you were even chewing your food properly.
"Is it that good?"
"Yes!" you cheerily exclaimed without a moment’s hesitation.
"Baby~ you make me so happy! I love you," he chimed, a huge smile plastered on his lips. He leaned forward and sent his forkful of crepe over towards your mouth waiting for you to accept it. In which, you gratefully took.
"So today we need to go over to your parents place." Woohyun thoughtfully said, leaning forward to feed you another piece of breakfast.
You hummed in recognition, taking a bite of his giving food.
"You nervous?"
"No, but your mom kind of scares me," Woohyun let out a laugh at his own statement causing you to laugh along.
"She's not that scary Oppa!"
Woohyun playfully stuck his tongue out.
"Shall we get ready now babe? I don't want to be late, I'm trying to make a good impression."
You laughed and nodded your head. Woohyun was the sweetest with your parents. He was the perfect gentleman; no one can deny that fact. Sure he was greasy, flirty and loved to have a lot of skin ship, but none of that mattered to you. You loved all of those qualities. You just knew he wasn't going to break your heart, even if your friends kept telling you he was just another playboy.
Everyone was against your relationship at first, and you never really fully understood why. Maybe it was just because he was previously the biggest playboy and more popular kingka in school. But none of that mattered when he met you. His past became the past as you became his new goal in life. His new future.
After getting dressed you both made your way to the front door of your cozy home. Looking out the window, you both noticed it was extremely gloomy, raindrops crashing down.
"I love the rain don't you babe?"
You giggled and slapped Woohyun's shoulder. Woohyun made a cute pouty face, rubbing his shoulder, pretending that your smack even made a little affect on him. When really, it didn't even hurt in the slightest.
You both bundled yourselves up for the wet weather, with Woohyun making sure your coat is on correctly and fastened up as much as it goes. You rolled your eyes at his silliness; sometimes he is over protective of you.
Once you both were finished, Woohyun interlaced his fingers through yours and mouthed ‘3, 2,1, GO!’ as you both dashed out of the door (making sure to lock it back) and tried to escape the plummeting raindrops.
Reaching the car, Woohyun opened yours first and closed the door as you settled in before making his way over to his side.
"We made it," he chuckled affectionately.
"Oppa you're super soaked!"
"At least it's not you~"
"Aigoo you’re so greasy!"
Woohyun laughed at your comment. He reached over his seat, causing both of your eyes to lock onto each other’s. Without looking away from your gaze, his hand grabbed your seat belt, slowly fastening you in.
"But you do look beautiful wet," he grinned, winking at you.
He leaned forward, closing the bridge between your noses and placing another blissful kiss on your lips. Moments like this were to be cherished and forever kept in a special box, locked up in a safe place for only you and the other to look back on.
"Off we go babe."
"Honey! Woohyun!" your mother excitedly squealed, smoldering you both into bone crushing hugs. "I missed you guys so much!"
"I missed you too mom," you cheerily replied.
"Woohyun!" your mom gasped, pushing you away to only have Woohyun is her embrace. "You've gotten more muscular! Trying to impress my baby I see?" your mother teased.
Woohyun laughed and glanced at you, eyes full of deep sincerity, causing you to blush at the sudden realization.
"Where’s appa?" you asked your mom, feeling a bit envious since she was still trapping Woohyun is a hug. "And stop hugging my Hyunie! He's mine!" you exclaimed in full frustration, tugging Woohyun out of her grasp. That action brought the same reaction from not only two people but also three. Laughter erupted as Woohyun, your mom and even you dad - who just arrived at that moment’s time.
Soon the laughter died down, ending your short times embarrassing moment.
"Honey come with me to the kitchen to prepare lunch while we let the men talk okay?"
You nodded your head; taking a quick glance at Woohyun making sure if he was comfortable with that. He nodded his head and ushered you to go.
Getting into the kitchen you helped your mom prepare the food; reconnecting with her for the past few months you haven't seen her in. After moving in with Woohyun, you both visited your parents every so often, trying not to isolate your lives too much to cut your parents out of it.
"I wonder what they are talking about," you thoughtfully blurted out while washing your hands from completing the meal. You mom just nodded her head, "I'm thinking the same thing. Your Woohyun and your dad get along pretty well."
You grinned in triumph, feeling a huge sense of pride in Woohyun. "Well that's my Woohyun. He can make his way through anyone's heart; even the most coldest one out there!"
"Aigoo my child," your mom cooed, pinching your cheeks. "Now lets go put these on the table so we can eat!"
And with that everyone ate happily, laughs being passed around, heart-warming words, and chitchat about almost anything. Woohyun loved this. He loved every moment with you, with your family. Everyone moment would never go unnoticed as he learned to cherish it. He knew life was short and regrets were no option.
"It's still raining," you quietly said as you both were on your way back home from the nice trip to your parents.
"The rain seems so beautiful doesn't it?" he asked, memorized by the droplets hitting the window and making streaks slip down.
"It is beautiful."
Comfortable silence welcomed the both of you, which neither of you mattered. You both knew you were too happy to say anything.
"Hmm?" Woohyun looked at me waiting for me to continue. You softly look at him, feeling your heart constrict happily against your rib age. I love you so much. How is it possible to love you this much? You diverted your attention for that spilt second. Emotions starting up in overdrive.
"Oppa watch out!"
Woohyun's face morphed in a puzzled one as he continued looking at you, then suddenly drifted into one with fear as he turned back to the road. There it was. Something none of us ever imagined or dreamt of happening; a truck skidding along the slippery roads right ahead of you. The driver seemed to have lost control of the car making it swerve in a dangerous direction: towards you. Woohyun frantically spun the steering wheel, trying to avoid a collision with the mass truck ahead of you. To your dismay, that action wasn't strong enough to save your car from hitting the other. Right before the truck collided with your car, you stole one last fearful look at Woohyun. The handsome face before you that stood too good to be true. His fearful face looked at yours, eyes watery with worried tears.
Never have I known that that short glance would be the end of something beautiful. I now understand when they say your tears don't change anything.
Your P.O.V
My eyes slowly opened, head throbbing at the intense pain. Why does my head hurt so much? I felt something wet trickling down the side of my head and forehead. My breath hitched, why am I upside down? That's when a sudden a flash of recognition hit me. With anxious feelings I snapped my head to my right.
My chest contracted in unbearable pain, my hands scrambling down to undo my seat belt. , just come off! Breathing became harder and harder by the second. Oh god no! No! Woohyun!
The belt kept shaking against my chest as I forcefully tried to undo my seat belt.
"Woohyun!" I rasped out in desperation.
No response.
"Woohyun wake up!"
Your not moving.
No, no your just sleeping. Don't worry, I know your just sleeping, it's normal to stay unconscious after getting hit by a truck! It happened to me, so it must have happened to you.
Finally my seat belt snapped open, causing me to fall harshly down on the cars ceiling. Turning myself in the upright position, I crawled my way over to you. Shards of glass pricked and entered my palms. Strangely, it didn't hurt as much. That pain couldn't contrast to the one I'm feeling in my heart.
Raindrops continued to plummet on the Earths ground. Cold drafts swivelled its way around, making this much harder than it could have been. The harsh weather made my body extremely numb. I just wish my heart felt the same way.
"Woohyun...wake up."
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
"Woohyun!" I yelled, heart beating erratically. I gently place my hands on your cheeks, to only feel them return raw coldness. Never has it ever felt this cold. It has always been warm.
I felt my lip begin trembling.
"Woohyun. Woohyun wake up!" I screamed, on the verge of losing my sanity. You... you have to wake up. You need to. I love you. I love you too much to let you vanish when you are right here in my arms.
Tears slipped down, mixed with the blood from the injury of the side of my head.
"Woohyun!" I screamed louder, throat feeling unusually clogged. Wake up! Baby wake up. Please. Please... baby please.
My pleas never answered me back. Fear crept faster and faster by the second. Why aren't you waking up?
My hands trembled, holding your cheeks. I shook you, hoping it will make you wake up faster.
Why aren't you responding?
My silent cries transformed into loud sobs. I can't breath at all. I can't think. What do I do? Oh god.... someone help me!
"Woohyun!" I screamed louder through my weeping. "Baby wake up! Wake up now!" Please. Please. Please stay with me.
I hugged your head, despite the awkwardness of you being upside down. I felt something wet leak through my shirt. Slightly moving back, I looked down to see what it was. Blood. Please tell me this is mine. . Please tell me it is!
Hope was thrown into the trash. It's not mine. It's yours. Impossible as it may sound, I sobbed harder. So hard my lungs weren't able to keep up with it. Breathing became harder and harder but I fought hard to stay conscious. I hugged you tighter against my chest. Faint Sirens rung through the droplets in the air. The rain continued to fall shamelessly down.
"Woohyun I love you," I whispered in your ear, "help is on it's way to save your life."
I dreamt of you. I dreamt of how you told me you'd come into my nightmares and guard off all evil that dared to touch me. In my dream, you told me you loved me and missed me so much. I didn't understand what that meant and I have a feeling I wouldn't like to know.
The dream was beautiful at first. There was full bloom blossom trees, birds chirping happily in the air as the warm sun shone down on us. It seemed so surreal, so perfect. You were there, holding me tightly in your embrace on the fully green grass. You whispered soft, loveable, comforting words in my ear, in which in reality i would have squealed out of complete delight.
But then it changed. My dream changed. It changed drastically into one of those memorable nightmares that get sealed inside your mind forever.
Your eyes turned pitched black. Blood suddenly ran down the side of your head. I remember- I remember being frightened. I didn't know what to do at all. The warm sun suddenly disappeared, clouds covering it in an instant. Rain. Rain fell from those clouds. I felt myself shivering, the rain feeling like acid. The chirping birds transformed into large, ugly crows, squawking loudly.
I recall never being able to leave my eye sight off of you. You were in evident pain. You were bleeding for goodness sake! But I... I sat still and watched you bleed to death.
"I hate you."
Those words haunted me. You said those immoral words right out of your own mouth. Those lips that formed each word precisely, those lips that I touched and kissed from. Those exact lips that used to say, "I love you." But now, now they said those three heart breaking words. "I hate you."
Than you dropped down onto the brown grass. Your eyes still open, still staring me me. But you didn't blink. Your chest was no longer rising up and down in a lively matter. You died. And I watched you die.
I deserve to die. I deserve to die now.
But it was a nightmare, simply not real. Sure it scared me. But I know you would never leave my side. I know I would have done something. I just know. I love you so much, the feelings are mutual. It's insane how much you an feel for one person. Your special. Your my special everything. Life wouldn't be paradise if you aren't there. So lets live together until the last days of our lives. Together. Lets die together after living our lives as a fairy tale we have always wanted. Entrancing fantasies everyday, just you and me.
I woke up welcomed by complete whiteness. Bright whiteness that stood deceiving to my eye.
Am I dead
Is Woohyun here with me?
Did we die together?
Slowly, I sat up.
Were you supposed to feel pain in heaven?
Looking around this white room I noticed something. You're not here. Woohyun where are you? I was only welcomed by the four white walls that surpassed melonchy feelings.
"Woohyun!" The same anxious feelings resurfaced.
Salty liquid slipped down my face; we would call them tears. He's not here... you're not here...
"Woohyun!" I screamed again. My hands made its way over to my face, covering the painful sobs that rolled down my cheeks. How could this happen to me?
"Don't cry..." a soft voice whispered in my ear.
No one was here. How...?
"Woohyun." I whispered, letting the tears fall down.
"Remember that I will always love you. Lets meet soon okay?" Softly and quietly whispered the same voice.
"I love you."
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Chapter 1: Whoa! That was amazing!
starguardianlover #2
This story is really good it made me cry
Chapter 1: omfg ....no
Chapter 1: author nim~ you're so incredibly talented the story actually made me cry D: it's sooo good <3
I read this ( again ;) ) and cried even more ... It was so perfect I don't know how but its amazing its so beautiful I can't even express it . Best one shot I've read Love it and great Job Authornim ^^ ~ <3
Chapter 1: (ㅠ_ㅠ) (ㅠ_ㅠ) (ㅠ_ㅠ) PERFECT!!! DAMN PERFECT...
Chapter 1: OMFG..
this is too beautiful
Chapter 1: Oh my God!!!! That was so beautiful. My tears are on the verge of falling down :'( you're a flawless writer just like this flawless story^^
Jongkeybabe #9
Chapter 1: Author nim this was just so beautiful. I don't know how you did it but you made me cry buckets of tears... An I NEVER CRY! Woohyun is really the perfect guy I actually felt the emotions! It was just beautiful <3 why am I still crying?!?