Trying to Get Along

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!Third chapter...Hope ya enjoy!!!See you..


  Every single person in high school(Youngbae's high school)graduated.A girl wanted to take a picture with him,but he refused."Chaerin,
go ask Youngbae to take a picture with you."Hye Young pushed Chaerin to Youngbae.


  Youngbae looked at her."What?You wanna take a picture?"Youngbae asked.


 "Aniyo!Why would I want to take a picture with a meanie like you?Your Omma wanted me to take a picture with you."Chaerin told.

 The girl that wanted to take a picture with Youngbae,smirked.Chaerin walked away,but Youngbae grabbed her wrist,and put his arm
around her."Let's take a picture.Smile."They both smiled.Youngbae brought Chaerin closer to him.Hye Young took the picture and was


  "OMO,OMO,OMO!BOM!Come here and look!!!"She showed her the picture."They look like they belong together.Oh,kyeopta!"Hye Young


  "YAHO!"A husky voice greeted Youngbae."Where the graduation party at?!They don't call me Bingu TOP for no reason,Sun!"TOP started
dancing weirdly in front of people."Yah!Every single one of you that looked at me,has to do the dance,arasseo?Haha!Joking."They all
sighed in relief."Maybe..MUAHAHAHAH-!"TOP coughed while laughing.


 "PABO!"Youngbae yelled at TOP.


Graduation Party


  Class 6 was at the graduation party first.Class 1 came in and saw class six.Everybody at the party muttered seeing each other.But,Jiyong and
Dara just smiled at each other.Youngbae sat behind Chaerin.People were dancing and drinking together.Every single person was dancing,but
Chaerin and Youngbae."Kwenchana?"Someone asked Chaerin.


  "Uh-huh.Wae?"Chaerin asked."Why aren't you with your friends?"Chaerin asked and realized it was Youngbae."Yah!What are doing asking if
I'm okay?Go out there with your friends!"Chaerin ordered Youngbae.


  "Aniyo!!"Youngbae told Chaerin childishly."I'm going to go,IF you go."Chaerin nodded no."Then,thats decided.We both stay here.Pabo.."Young
bae told Chaerin.


 "MWO?!PABO?!"She got everyone's attention."Aish!Go back to what you were doing!"Chaerin told Youngbae to follow her outside."Pabo?!YOU
DAMN~!"Chaerin didn't finish.


  Youngbae covered Chaerin's mouth.He asked her,"Do you like me?Why did you tell me to just let her be with Jiyong?They just met,"and he let
go of .


  "No,I don't like you!Why...Why would I like a meanie like you?!"Chaerin denied.


  "TELL ME THE TRUTH!"Youngbae yelled back at her.




  "Try and stop liking me.We still live together,"Youngbae said and left."She likes me?"He smiled."Pabo Chaerin."He mumbled.




  "Bommie Unnie!!Do you like TOP Oppa?"Chaerin asked Bom.


  "Mwo?!TOP Oppa?Psh!Pathetic Chaerin!Why would you think of something like that?"Bom told Chaerin.


  "Oh...Mianhae for wasting your time."Chaerin said."It's just that....Oppa likes you,"Chaerin mumbled.She walked to the cafe to see Youngbae
and TOP."Hello,Oppa.Hello,mean Oppa."Chaerin stuck out her tongue at Youngbae."Mianhae,Oppa.Bommie Unnie said she doesn't like you.
Well,she didn't actually say it.She just said,'Mwo?!TOP Oppa?Psh!Pathetic Chaerin!Why would you think of something like that?'."Chaerin told
TOP what Bom said.


  "Well,Bom's right about one thing."Youngbae said.


  "What?"Chaerin asked.


  "You are pathetic."Youngbae said and got smacked by Chaerin."Yah!Respect your elders!"


  "We're only about 2 months and three days apart!Wait a sec!How old are you?"Chaerin asked.


  "I'm quit arguing with me,years old."Youngbae said.Chaerin glared at him."Fine!20,wae?"


  Chaerin was thinking about everything.She was 20.But she just turned 20."PSH!I HATE YOU!"


  "You can't hate me.You just finally told me everything yesterday."Bom came in looking guilty."Hi,noona."Bom just laid down on a booth.She
fell asleep and started dreaming."What the hell.Is she okay?I wonder-AHH!"TOP pulled Youngbae into the kitchen."What?"


  "How did you make a move on Chaerin?"TOP asked.


  "Easy.I just called her pabo.She brought me outside.Then she started yelling at me,but I covered and asked her if she likes me.If she
denies then say,'Tell me the truth!'.If she finally says it and she says she'll stop liking you,but at the end you kiss her.THE END!"Youngbae said.


  "What the heck,dude!That's all?!"TOP slapped Youngbae.


  "Yah!Try and use it.I don't know about your love life!Gosh!Now,shall we get back to what we were doing?"Youngbae asked and went to Bom."
She still sleeping?Hmm...Yahh~!"Youngbae grinned evily."Keep poking her!Now!"Chaerin pointed to her confused."Aniya,Bom's your best friend.
I meant TOP Hyung!Start poking her before I start annoying you,arasseo?"TOP got ready to poke her."Don't poke her right now!Go let the the
people come in!"TOP went to the door."Aish!Chae,help me with the people.You make it,while I give to them and take their orders.Mine as well get
some ready."Chaerin did what she was told and started making random things for the people to drink.


   "Oppa!Yah!Aish!You say you'll give it?Idiot."She went to two people and gave them their drinks."Enjoy!"and she ran back to make some more
of what the people wanted.Chaerin caught Youngbae playing with his phone and napping even though it wasn't time to do that yet."YAH!OPPA!
WILL YOU DO WHAT YOU SAID?!"Chaerin yelled at him.He wouldn't wake up until Chaerin put his phone near his ear and called him."Yah!What
are you doing?Shouldn't you be working?!I've been going back and forth doing your job and my job!You should have a punishment.Anyways,go
get their orders and at least help me do all this!"Chaerin told Youngbae.1 hours and a couple of minutes past and they were done.


  "Oh,my gosh!I feel like I just got back from waking TOP!Yah.Wanna go on vacation?We can go anywhere you want with everybody else."Young
bae asked Chaerin.


  "I need a vacation,not you!Wonder if Bommie's up.Let's go check."Chaerin said.When they checked on her,she was finally up.


Okay,tonight,I'm going to be updating a lot since I won't be updating for a little while.I'm going to see my big and little cousin.Oh,and the reason
why I can't update for a little while is because I'm spending I think the whole week there,please comment my stories.Or subscribe.I do spend
my time updating or when I have time and I'm not busy.But,today,enjoy the stories:D

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Chapter 3: This kinda reminds me of PLayful Kiss
Chapter 6: wow its 1 year already ? N chaerin still with seungri ...
Mmm did bae still like chae or not ?
What happend to chaerin ? Did someone bother her or what ?
Chapter 5: so seungri n chaerin are together now ??
how about yongbae ? did he really like chaerin ?
waitt why he left korea ? because he fight with seungri ?
im curious with the next ><
Chapter 4: finally they each other knew who they love/ like ... kkk xD
yongbae-ah why u tell anyone , isnt bom said it was a secreet ? heheh

anyways nice update author :)
Chapter 3: hahah this is cute n funny :D
i like what yongbae ask to chaerin , did she like him ?
idk ... kk xD
Chapter 2: since the first chaerin keep bumped into yongbae
n now she even living with him .. Is that they r destiny? ckckc xD
than dara n jiyong being together cuz they r jealous ? Or what ?
Cant wait for the next ...
Nice update author ^^
Chapter 1: author nim i startingto like this story :)
n i hope this will be sunsky <3 , could it be ?

btw keep it up :)