
Aquarium Date


I picked her up at 3:30PM sharp. She was already standing in front of her apartment dressed in dark washed skinnies, a loose grey Rolling Stones tee and her favourite pair of vintage royal blue Nike blazers.


I beeped at her as I rolled in, my car window down.  She waved happily and ran to the passenger side of the car, waiting until I unlocked it.  She jumped in, throwing her bag at her feet.


“You’re on time today” She smiled at me the warm smile she always had.


“I know you hate waiting” I softly spoke as I drove off. 

We had a date planned for today, somewhere I had always wanted to go to with her.  As I concentrated on the road, she fidgeted with the radio until a song came on that she liked.


“Oppa, where are we going today?” She finally spoke again.  I took a glance at her, and she was staring out of the window.


“You’ll see when we get there” I replied. 


She laughed. “Okay”


As we continued to drive, she fidgeted with the radio flipping through the channels until she quickly turned it off. “There’s nothing good on”


“You can plug in your phone or iPod” I shuffled for the adapter but she found it before me.


“Just concentrate on the road” She said and she peeked into her bag for her phone.  “Something soothing” she mumbled.  I kept my eyes on the road, but how I wanted to look at her.  The smile she had on her face as she went through her music list.  Laughing at the thought of how I would react to the song, or what songs held what memories we had, she had.


Finally picking her song, she tossed her phone into the cup holder.  I liked how she didn’t care much about her materialistic things she owned.  Sure a phone is something important in life but the way she handled it compared to other girls was different.  She always told me, ‘if it’s always clean and perfect, you’ll be too concerned about it, so might as well rough it up


-          Brown Sugar by D’Angelo


It always surprised me, the types of music she listened to.  She listened to everything, and enjoyed learning about new music.  She softly sang the lyrics as I hummed to it.


“Is the ride going to be long?” She spoke as she stared out the window.  She rolled it down and let her arm out.


“It’s not that far” I managed to mumble. 


“When did you get home last night?”


I thought for a moment. “Late..”


“How late?” She said with a laughed.  She placed a hand on my shoulder and began to massage it.  “If you’re tired we can trade spots”


“Don’t worry, I’m not tired” I smiled.  I love how she always took care of others before herself. 


“Oka~y, but I’m driving on the way back” She replied and brushed her fingers across my cheek. “Your skin is so soft!”


I put my hand onto hers which was still on my cheek.  I grasped her hand and put it down to our sides.  She intertwined her fingers with mine. My face flushed red.


We finally arrived to the destination, the aquarium.


“No way! I’ve always wanted to come here” She unbuckled her seatbelt, grabbed her bag and quickly got out of the car.  I slowly walked out and she was already at my side, linking her arm with mine.  “Let’s go~”


She basically pulled me to the entrance, but I had to stop her because we had to get in line for tickets.  As she spoke to me her voice would become excited then she would quiet down when she noticed.


Inside, she held onto my wrist and pulled me to every inch of the aquarium.  She was so fascinated in everything and wanted a picture of it all.  She would take a picture of the fish, run to another spot, take a picture in a different angle continuing this throughout our walk.


Instead of being a lovey dovey like a couple, I enjoyed watching her enjoy herself.  As she walked in front of me, I just quietly snapped some shots of her with my phone.  Her beauty was flawless and against the glowing light from the tanks, made her features stand out more. 


She stood infront of the glass and looked deep into the tank.  I was across from her, behind.


“Taek” She called out and turned to look at me.  At that moment, my heart sank, my hands began to sweat and I started to get this funny feeling in my stomach.  I nodded my head and walked over to her.  She grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to the tank.  “Amazing isn’t it?”


I turned my body to face her.  Watching her become so immersed into this made her even more beautiful. “Mm”


We continued to stay in the aquarium until it was closing, she didn’t want to leave and I didn’t want to either.  It was the first date we’ve ever been on and I didn’t want it to end.  As we walked to the car, she looked through the pictures she took.


“Watch where you’re walking” I would softly say, but I sometimes think she didn’t hear me since she was so concentrated.  I was in front of her and looking for the car when I suddenly heard a beeping sound.  I turned around to see a car, swerve in front of another, which had slowed down for someone to walk.  Running to at least try to save her from getting injured, when I reached her, the car lights flashed into my face, making me unable to see.



I heard a loud bang, there was a lot of noise, talking and shouting.  My eyes opened and the lighted seeped in.  As I rubbed my eyes, someone was tapping my shoulder.  I fully opened my eyes and she was in sight.


“You hungry?” She replied, “Get up and come eat with us, I made katsu curry.”  She pulled my arm and I sat up.  I sighed in disbelief.  It was a dream all along. 


I got up, put the hood of my sweater onto my head and peeked out the door.  She smiled at me and pointed to my seat beside her.


“Hurry up before it gets cold” She said with that wonderful smile of hers. I couldn’t help but smile back.  Sitting next to her, watching her every movement, the grace she held. 


At the table, she spooned a glob of curry onto my plate of rice.  Telling me to tell her when to stop or if I wanted more.  The others sat down and she started to spoon the curry onto their plates.  She was smiling, laughing and making jokes with them the entire time. 


“Where’s Jaehwan?” She suddenly asked looking around.  I turned my head to see him peer from the washroom.  His hair was distressed with water and he had a bright smile on his face.  I watched him walk over and wrap his arms around her, wetting her face with his wet hair.


She was giddy. “Stop~” She whined.


He stopped then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.


“I’m trying to eat guys.. I don’t want to be throwing up this delicious curry” Hakyeon voiced.


“Sorry” She sheepishly said as she got up and made Jaehwan sit.


“You’re not eating?” I suddenly asked, my mouth stuffed with rice.


“I’ll eat in a bit, I have to wash the dishes” She replied and walked away.


The way she giggled when he would put his chin on her shoulder, the way she looked at him; eyes wide open when he sang, the way she applauded him and gave him a thumbs up; I longed for it all.


She wasn’t mine and never would be mine, but she still gave me butterflies.





:) This oneshot is based off of a dream I had.  Not exactly, but the pairing part.  In my dream, (since Taekwoon is my bias) I was expecting him to be 'my bf' of some sort, bubt my dream changed and in the end Jaehwan was actually the one who made my heart sink. BAHA

Anyways, my first oneshot, i'm not good at writing one shots, nor am I good at writing big stories..  I plan to write more oneshots since I get many ideas, that I can never turn into a story.

Thanks for reading :)

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Chapter 1: omg my heart hurts for my Leo baby :(
Chapter 1: you teased me, meeeeehhhhh the twisting part is the best, omg im rolling over my bed throw away my phone and scream "WAAAAEE?" at first twist but then i lost my word for the second twist o___o this is too much, this is sweet yet painful ;__;
Chapter 1: uwaaah this is a great story!!! nice twist at the end ^3^ sad Leo didn't get the girl though T^T