a laugh


The first time they meet, Jungshin is skulking around in a corner of the room, resolutely not making friends with the other trainees, because being tall sometimes makes one painfully shy, or so he thinks. I hate meeting new people, God, everything is making me feel so goddamned self-conscious. Too. Many. People. Need. To. Get. Out. Of. Here.

He leaves, or attempts to anyway, trips headlong into a shock of hair and a toothy grin, mutters ‘sorry, sorry man, sorry’ and walks away, only to hear a bark of laughter, a short ‘it’s okay, no big deal!’, not suspecting in that instant, that that bark of laughter would be the reason he looked forward to the rest of his days.

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bby_tigz #1
Chapter 6: ughhh.. the feeeeeeels!!!
Chapter 6: My god my feels are everywhere
Chapter 6: "who says i want you to?" OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Things are getting reall and they have to face it now huh hehe no turning back XD . I kinda saw some 'teacher aura' exuding from jungshin here kekekke *dont worry it felt safe n comforting, n fitting* .

Chapter 5: Oh my god oh my f- oh MY gOD an UPDATEE!!! My eyes just bugged out uglily when I saw "SEPTEM" with the little orange updated at the right corner I'm so happy!! <3 holy yes finallyyy!! They kissed xD xD
Chapter 4: awwwww you're teasing XD that was so short but IM NOT COMPLAINING NOPE because I can't wait for the next chapter (coz i think i know where the next chapter goes by looking at ur chapter titles) hehe ... thank u for the update! *wants moaar*
Chapter 3: *SKRIMING* u did not just write that I can't believe u finally wrote them spooning together (actually I want more but that's a nice start lol) :D :D !! I ing loved it ! Hurray for update!
Chapter 2: sooooo sweeeet, i think this chapter , u showed the most bromance thing you've ever written about them (the hand curling thingy) it was so sweeet xDDD
Chapter 1: :D I'm first yayz, captivating start, and awww is it done? TT_TT where did Jungshin gooooo