Chapter 1

L's Diary: My 10 Days with the Bratinella

Hello Diary; My friend, 

I had a very tiring day. Can you believe it? I was asked to be with the girl I never thought of talking to. Her name is Kang Jihyun. She's popular not just for her looks but also because she's from a wealthy family. Wondering how I was asked to be with her? Here, I'll tell you. 

It was exactly 7am when our Values teacher came, her name is Mrs. Park hyejin. I was as usual, quietly sitting at the very front of the class and I was wondering why it was so quiet. It was then I noticed my seatmate isn't present. 

"Where's Kang Jihyun?" Mrs. Park asked, looking at me. I shrugged, not knowing what to answer. I never talked to that girl, never in my life of studying in this school. That girl, my seatmate; Kang Jihyun is a very popular girl, she's from a wealthy family. While I am just a simple, ordinary student who has no friends at all, in this school. 

"Yah, have you heard the rumors about the school's principal's son is studying here?" I heard from my girl classmate at the back

"Oh.. jinjja? But I really haven't seen any good looking guys here" the other girl said, then sighed.

"Ne.. they said his name is "L" but.. I dont remember and i dont think there's someone named L in here." 

"That's why it's called a rumor." I told them, giving them sharp looks. 


"Aigoo... did that poor guy just talked to us?" she whispered to her friend.

"But dont you think if that guy has good background, he can be that L?" her friend asked, and I just sit there, giving them again my sharp looks. It was when they stopped talking and just focused on Mrs.Park. 

I haven't introduced myself, right? I'm Kim Myungsoo a.k.a L. I am that guy they're talking about... but not here. No one knows my real identity. It's not just because I want it but for my safety as well. Being part of the "Kim" Family is a tough role. Our family is the richest family in Seoul but its also one of the families that gets threats from some people. And that's the reason my parents told me not to reveal myself. 

In school, i am that guy who wears glasses and brings book around. But outside, I am that guy who owns luxurious things and the guy who happily lives with his bestfriends. A guy who hangs out at night with his bestfriends. But I stopped few months ago, knowing that it will harm myself and my friends. 

Since then, I live alone on my small dorm and just texts and calls them to ask how they are and hangs out with them only during special occasions. 


"Kim Myungsoo and Kang Jihyun, you'll be the partners." Mrs.Park said, giving me signs to pay attention. I looked at her with confuse expression, asking her what's going on.

"Since you are graduating, the school gave you 10 day mission. What's assigned to the both of you is... you'll know later." It was when I realized the bratinella was already on my side, talking to her friends. 

"Did you hear what Mrs. Park said?" I asked her but she just ignored me. 

"Yah, cant you hear me?" I asked once again, getting her attention. 

But she just completely ignored me.

"Yah" I said

"Wae? Wae? Wae?" she finally answered

"Do you really think im going to that event? No way! What if they ask me to clean up pig's poops? Huh? Andwae Andwae! Im not going." she said in her high pitched tone voice that irritates me. I'd rather not talk to this girl in my whole life than hearing her squeal like this, i thought to myself.

At 9am, recess time, I was asked to call Kang Jihyun and tell her to go to the office with me to talk about the mission event but unfortunately, I cant seem to get her attention again so I went alone.

"Where's Jihyun?" Mrs. Park asked.

"She doesnt seem to be interested in this Mrs. Park, i think it would be better if you look me for another partner." I told her, honestly. 

"Aigooo. That girl... its because she doesnt know it yet." she whispered almost to herself so I didnt bothered asking her what she meant by that.

"What is this event mission ma'am?" I asked

"You're assigned to go to this one orphanage, you will have to visit them once a day for 2 weeks to have fun with the children, give them joy and love that they need. And also help the people their to clean and do things because they're renovating the place." Mrs. Park explained, tears on her eyes. 

"Oh.. I will do that ma'am." I told her

"Please... encourage her to go to this event..I mean Jihyun, please." she begged, and at that moment, I didnt know what to do. How can I encourage a girl who doesn't even look at people? She's like a girl with no heart, to be honest. 


Next 3 subjects, I didnt saw her. Maybe she skipped class because one of her friend's wasn't there on the class as well. And this made me think even more that she really is just a girl having fun with her wealthy life. 


At 3pm, dismissal time I finally saw her with her friend, Jaewon. Seeing jaewon with her worries me because Jaewon is a nice, simple and kind-hearted girl. She's a calm one, very different from Jihyun. 

"Oh, kim myungsoo!" Jaewon waved at me. 

"Oh.. jaewon, are you friends with her?"  I asked.

"Ne, this is my very nice friend, Kang Jihyun." she introduced. "Nice? She's nice? Ha-ha" I asked, laughing sarcastically. i was shocked by myself. How come I didn't think about what to say first? Because after I said that, Jihyun sighed and gave me a sarcastic smile and left Jaewon and I. 

"Yah! what did you do? You dont know the girl!" Jaewon scolded.

"I know her, she's the bratinella girl who loves showing around her luxurious things." I said

"Being obsessed on some things doesn't make someone bad, myungsoo. I'm telling you." she said and just decided to left but before she could, I called her, "Jae, please send her number to me, im going to tell her something." she nodded and left. It was also when I received Jihyun's number.

"Hey, this is kim myungsoo. Can we meet at the coffee shop? Mrs. Park wants to tell you something. My phone is going to be dead in a few minutes, I'll wait for you at the shop." I hit send


"Wae?" She asked, now infront of me. I was sitting calmy while she was standing infront of me with her hoodie on. Seeing her in a normal attire is different. She was just on her jeans and black hoodie. 

But seeing her look at me with pain breaks my heart as well. Its because I know It was my fault. How can I judge someone I haven't talked to in my life? 

"Are you going to tell me again that im not a nice person that im just a girl living in fame? Because if yes, Im leaving." she said and turned her back. 

"About the mission event, we're assigned to go to an orphanage" I said in rush as she turned back and walk away. Fortunately, she seems to hear me because she stopped and turned around to look at me.

"Really? Orphanage?" She asked, walking back at me. 

I nodded. 

"Ah.. okay." 

Seeing her expression, i really know now she's not interested in this. So I called Mrs. Park, 

"Mrs. Park, she really doesnt like it." I told her.

(How did you know?) she asked

"She just asked me if its really orphanage and just left" 

(Ahhh that's good.) she hang up. 


So that's what happened this day. I think im really going alone on the orphanage tomorrow because seeing her expression, it really makes me feel she's not going to show up tomorrow. 

Let's see. 

-- Kim Myungsoo... L


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