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Back To 1953

Sehun looked at Yixing and Henry, who was sitting around a small table on the opposite side of the cafeteria and talked very intense with each other.

He looked back at the people around his table; Luhan, Minseok, Jongin, Kyungsoo and Jongdae. They didn’t have a conversation, unlike Yixing and Henry, and were instead very interested in the soup which was today’s lunch.

Sehun was thinking. He wondered what Yixing and Henry could possibly be talking about. He tried his best to remember what he had heard his kidnappers say about Henry, but he couldn’t. Maybe he didn’t try to remember that name back then, because it wasn’t important. Now, he regretted it all.

Jongin, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table, kicked Sehun hard on his leg and woke him up from his daydreaming.

“Ouch!” Sehun yelled and Sehun Jongin a death-glare.

Jongin smirked and nodded towards Luhan. “He’s been trying to get your attention for a long time now”

Sehun blinked twice and turned his attention to Luhan, who asked:

“What’s so interesting with Yixing and Henry?” Luhan eyed Sehun.

Sehun shrugged and leaned on the table to talk to Luhan without having half of the cafeteria listening.

“They spoke about Henry a lot. They have some kind of plans for him, I don’t know what but I wish I knew” He murmured and when back to observe Yixing and Henry.

Maybe Yixing was in danger. Maybe it was Henry.

But what could Sehun know?


The wind was blowing and the sun shining outside the window. Jung Ilhoon smiled to himself, today was the day. Everything would end tonight.

Yixing and his eleven friends would be dead by the day-break tomorrow. They would be lying in the graves they had prepared for them.

Ilhoon went back to his place around the table.

“I feel so alive” Minhyuk stretched his both arms into the air, as if he could touch the roof, and smiled. “After sixty long years, we will win.”

Changsub nodded. “But remember that Yixing has to be the first one to die this time. He can’t be the last”

Sungjae agreed. “But, does Henry have to die as well?”

Eunkwang, the self-claimed leader, shook his head. “Henry has helped us. He will survive all this”

Something in Ilhoon’s chest felt heavy. They had hired Henry to make Yixing fall into their trap. They had succeeded. But Henry would betray Yixing.

Deep inside, Ilhoon wondered how Yixing would feel when it was Henry who in the end was the person who killed him.


Yixing grabbed Henry’s wrist and held it until the skin got red. “You’ll meet me there, 11:30. Not a minute later”

Henry smirked. “As long as you’re alone and didn’t brought any weapons. That’s what I have decided”

Yixing nodded and left Henry alone. There was no ‘Good-Bye’ or ‘I’ll See You Later’.

As Henry watched Yixing leave, he felt like a bad person. He had told Yixing that they would make a deal with the seven boys. But what Yixing didn’t know was that he was the deal.

Henry would hand Yixing over, and as a return break the curse and be free. Without dying.

They would kill Yixing and Henry would help.


Luhan ran up to Sehun, who walked towards the library with a handful of books in his arms.

“Do you need any help?” Luhan asked and took three books without letting Sehun answer.

“I have so much to catch up with” Sehun chuckled, but Luhan could sense some sadness in his voice as well.

Luhan nodded understanding. “I’ll help you, but before that. I need to talk to you about something”

Sehun understood what Luhan meant and opened the door to the library.

Luhan and Sehun chose a table deep inside the library – so they could talk in privacy – and close to a window. Luhan sat down and so did Sehun, who imminently opened the physics-book and began to read.

Luhan cleared his throat. “What I wanted to speak to you about…” he looked at Sehun, who didn’t show any signs of listening at all.

“… Is that I had another dream last night” Luhan continued. “But this one wasn’t about 1953, it was about 2013. I’m 100 percent sure about that”

And finally, Sehun’s attention was caught. Sehun closed the book and looked at Luhan.

“What was the dream about?” he almost sounded like a psychologist or something.

“Yixing was standing on the grass, between the dormitory and the school. Seven shadows appeared and then someone hit Yixing in the head. He fell onto the ground and the person stepped out from the darkness so I could see who it was. It was Henry!” Luhan explained the dream as briefly as he could.

Sehun chuckled and shook on his head. Before all weird things happened – before his very own kidnapping- he would never believe in this. He would think that this was just Luhan’s imagination. Because he knew that Luhan had a very lively imagination. But now, he believed in Luhan.

“I told you not to trust Henry” he said.

Luhan pouted. “What should we do to protect Yixing?”

“What can we do? We can’t do anything” Sehun shrugged.

Luhan nodded and gazed out of the window. He felt helpless, he knew that there had to be something he could do. He couldn’t just sit on the side and watch as it all happened.


It was 11:42 pm. Yixing was standing alone on the grass. Henry was twelve minutes late. Yixing sighed deeply. Where could that boy be?

Something was heard. Rattling in old and dry autumn-leafs. Yixing made a small spin to see who’s there. But he couldn’t see anything. Nothing but darkness.

He picked up his phone and send away a text message to Henry:

‘Where are you? I’m waiting!’

The same noise as before was heard once again. Yixing looked up, only to see seven shadows appear from nowhere. Yixing’s eyes widened in shock and his heart skipped more than one beat.

He took a few steps back.

Suddenly, someone or something hit Yixing in the head. The hit was so hard that he fell onto the ground. Yixing turned around, so his back was lying on the grass and he could see who it was that had hit him in the head.

His vision was blurry and he could only see edges of the person, who laughed.

“Let’s end it. Right here. Right now” a familiar voice Yixing couldn’t get a face on said. Yixing’s eyes went smaller so he could see who it was but failed.

Instead, he blinked twice and his vision got better. He could now see who that person was.


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ByunJinHee #1
Chapter 27: I will definitely read it! I really like your story it's very good and different~ :)
CosmicLatte00 #2
Chapter 27: Go on.I am willing to read them even if you extend it to the length of a novel.Cause your idea is as good as any famous novel outside.Not kidding though.I enjoyed it so much.
Chapter 27: That would be so cool!!!
justwantto #4
Chapter 6: New reader here. Well i just start reading this story and it was awesome. This story give me the horror feel. Can't wait to read more... I'll better continue...in the dark *turn off the lights*
aaaasb #5
It's the 4th time I read this and I still love this story... :))
Chapter 26: This is my first time reading this kind of story and this is really sooo cool !!! Love em' much
Chapter 26: this story is great author-nim, daebak!!! :D <3
MikoDreamz #8
Chapter 26: I nooooo.. I can't no. And the epilogue like seriously, must you really?padgbybdgynsuhmsijmsuhnsu ugh
Chapter 26: Oh my god T_______T you just had to include this and make it even more heartbreaking didnt you haha