
Met the Celebrity Dorks at Maldives

Charlotte POV *

Today is my 21st brithday and not even a Single Wish or Gift from my father? Hiazz..

WHY?WHY?Why is he always busy? Everyday work, Work, WOrk and WORK?!

At least he should wish his only daughter ' HaPpY BiRtHdAy!! '.

Every Year was the same OLD thing :( i only get to see him twice a month or even once a month?!

Here, i'm sitting alone in this huge deserted room.

I had no idea what to do.

SUDDENLY, my phone rang! *beep**beep*

I picked up my phone. It was my father.



"DAD, every year, u were always the LAST PERSON to wish me Happy Birthday ! "

"I'm sorry Char but appa was busy. Can u forgive me this time? "

"Why do i always have to forgive you? You have never let me do anything I WANT. For example, you never let me visit Maldives alone when I asked you LAST YEAR ! "

"Char, you are still young to go there alone and that place is too dangerous. When Appa is free, we will go there as a family trip."

"HUH?? That will never happen. When were you free before?! "

*silence for a few seconds*

"OK. I'll give you the permission to go there but with some bodyguards."

"Bodyguards?! How will that be alone? Can u make them wear normal clothes instead of suit or anything? Sort of like camouflage? "

"Ok. As long as you are happy. Bye. Appa gotta go"

*hangs up*


Sungmin POV *

Ok. Relax. Lee Soo Man called Super Junior. Is it going to be about the scandal me and Sunny had? Or is it about us disbanding? 

Normally, we would just say 'Hi' to him if we see him.

We opened the door. He was sitting at his desk signing some papers.

"Come sit down" he said, with a serious tone.

"It has been 7 years since your debut. I haven't really concertrate on you guys since your debut. But, you guys always have worked hard and achieve a lot of awards and records. As my apology and a gift, I will book for all of you a trip to Maldives. I will cancel all the schedules. Have a good break at Maldives. Any question? "

"What about Sukira?" I asked.

"I will send one of your hoobaes for substitude. Don't worry. Any more?"

"Nope!" everyone said. *Happy tone*

"You all may go."

Inside the elevator,

"I can't believe he sent us to Maldives. There coud be some kind of trap!" Leeteuk hyung said.

"Maybe. He never was good to us ever since we joined SM." Heechul said.

"Let's just ENJOY OUR BREAK AT MALDIVES ! " I said.

At the dorms,

Everyone was packing.

We went to the airport at 8:00 am.


Charlotte POV*

Who are those guys? All wearing sunglasses and caps. I'm sorry but i'm not reall interested in K-pop even though i might be a Korean.

My favourite band is Maroon 5. *I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you*

Seriously, who are these guys? They look hot though especially the one that looks like a fish.

The announcement went, "Final call for Passengers taking KR516 to Maldives. Please procced to Gate F17 now. Thank You"

! I better run!

On The Plane,

Where is my seat?

Oh! There!

Wait! Isn't that the guy that looked like a fish? He is sitting at the seat beside me! HAHA!


Donghae POV*


Hyungs are so bad.

Ok. Maybe i lost the game and had to sit alone. But, how can they let me sit alone when they knew that i get lonely very easily?

I'm gonna make them suffer for once. Mwahahaha!!

That girl is so hot. She is just my type. Long straight hair and chic.

Yesh! She is sitting beside me! ~


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Sorry for the short Chapter :(

i edited :) Comment Below of what u think :)


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