
Love is All We Need

>>The Past-Author's POV<<

"Sweetheart, a new family moved in town today! Why don't I take you there and we can go welcome the new household to our nieghborhood, okay?" Luhan's mother smiled as she looked at him.

"Okay, mommy!" exclaimed the little boy. Luhan's mother giggled as she ruffled his hair and took his hand, leading him to the house next to theirs. Once at their destination, little Luhan looked at the house, examining it.

"Hi, I'm Lang and this is my son, Luhan. We would just like to welcome you guys! Luhan, sweetie, say hi."

"H-hi...!" said Luhan with an energetic voice.

"Aw. Thank you, dear. And thank you, Mrs. Lang, it's very nice of you. Oh, Sehun, come here!" Luhan watched as a little boy with a mushroom-like haircut walked out of the family's new home.

"Yes, mommy?" he spoke. The boy looked a bit taller than Luhan and older too.

"Meet our new neighbors, Sehun. Mrs. Lang, this is my son, Sehun, he's seven years old." said Sehun's mother. Luhan blankly stared.

"Hi, my name is Sehun! Call me Sehunnie!" the boy smiled happily and brouht his hand out. Luhan openly rabbed it and shook Sehun's hand as Luhan smiled too.

"Oh, your son is so cute!" said Luhan's mother as she reached down and pinched Sehun's cheek. Sehun frowned a little but smiled again. He rubbed his cheeks and grabbed Luhan immediately, pulling him towards the park. Luhan's eyes widened just a bit as he was being yanked out of nowhere.

"Where a-are we going?" asked little Luhan.

"The park! I want to play, hehe!" Sehun giggled as he climbed up the ladder and slid down the slides over and over again.

"Come on! Oh, by the way, what's your name?" asked Sehun.

"I'm Luhan." he replied, pointing his thumb towards himself.

"Nice name. Lets play! Playing alone is boorrriinggg...!" complained Sehun. Luhan giggled and climbed up the ladder towards Sehun.

As days passed by, Luhan and Sehun played outside with each other everyday and tagged along with each other when one of them went somewhere else.

All until one day, Sehun had to move to China for family reasons.

"L-Luhannie..." little Sehun walked over to Luhan as he sobbed and wiped his tears with his weak hands.

"Sehun, what happened? Did your mommy hit you?" questioned Luhan.

"I'm m-moving to China.. with m-my parents.." Sehun cried harder as he stuttered his words.

"WHY?!" Luhan jumped up and started yelling, tears began forming in his eyes.

"I don't know eith--" before Sehun could even finish his sentence, his dad came over a pulled on his shirt a little.

"Sehun! Hurry, we're late!" he yelled. Sehun was dragged into the car and left. Luhan saw as Sehun looked through the window with watery eyes as he waved bye to Luhan. Luhan waved back as he cried loudly.

After that, Luhan never saw him again... until the last year of high school.


>>The Present-Luhan's POV>>

The bell rang violently as I was pushed out of the way while others made their way to class in a hurry. Just like usual. I sighed, picking up the stuff that got knocked down and ran to class.

"Luhan. You're late. Again." stated the teacher.

"S-sorry sir. I-it's just that I got knocked over and--"

"Save it, Luhan. It's your third time. You will stay after school to mop the gym floors. Girls AND boys gym." said the teacher. I sighed again for the millionth time today and replied, "Yes sir.."

The class giggled and snickered. I made my way to the back where my seat was located. As I walked, a kid whispered, "Loser."

"Alright. Today, we have a new student, Sehun." I looked at the door as a tall guy with light brown hair came in.

"Annyeonghaseo, I'm Sehun but you can call me Sehunnie if you want!" Sehun smiled.

That smile.. Have I seen that somewhere?

Then, my eyes widened. I was in a world of thoughts.

Sehun, Sehunnie.. Where have I heard those names?

"Sehun, feel free to take a seat somewhere." said the teacher. I looked around. One empty seat was next to me and the other seat was next to Nuhee, 'the gross nose-picker' as our classmates called her. I watched as Sehun looked at the girl and made a disgusted face, then looking at me. I looked away quickly and pretended to be writing. I felt as Sehun made his way towards my seat.

"Hi, I'm Sehun." he introduced himself right after he sat down.

"Oh, I'm Luhan. Nice to meet you." I replied. Sehun stuck his hand out waiting for a handshake. Suddenly, my mind flashed and showed me two little boys shaking hands. The place looked like my old neighborhood when I was around seven or eight. I snapped out of it and took his hand and shook it. He smiled again and turned around as he opened his textbook and binder. Weall focused on the lesson. After a long hour, the bell rang.

"Hey, Luhan!" a voice called out. I looked over to see my only friend, Lee Taemin. Best friend to be exact.

"Over here!" he called out. I made his way over to his table. Taemin was a kingka here at this school and I was, well, considered a nerd. I really never knew why he would want to be friends with me in the first place but he was the first one to accept me when I transfered to this school.

"Meet my new friend, Sehun." Sehun popped out from behind Taemin and his mouth made an 'o' shape.

"Hey, it's you! Luhan, right?" Sehun smiled at me.

"Heheh, yeah.. hi." I greeted a bit awkwardly but it didn't seem like Sehun cared.


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Chapter 1: they forgot each other??
Can't wait for the first chapter!!!!!!! Update soon!!!!!^^