Birthday Premonitions

Unforgotten: Tale of Memory and Decision
Has anyone else get that strange feeling something extremely bad is going to happen but everyone else is in a good mood? So I don’t want to tell anybody about my bad premonition because everyone’s in a good mood.
Why is everyone in a good mood? I have no idea. I assume it has something to do with the fact that my birthday is tomorrow.
Holly , I’ll be 17 tomorrow. It’s honestly hard to believe considering people have often told me that my mental age is probably older than I actually am.
I’m guessing they are planning something for my birthday…
I walked downstairs and the moment I stepped foot in the kitchen, there was a tiny explosion. “Sammy?”
He turned towards me, with a face full of batter. “Yes?”
“When did you become an African-Korean-American?” I asked trying not to sound offensive even though Sammy and I are the only ones here right now.
He suddenly struck a diva pose, “Gurl, I’ve always been this way. MmmHmm” he said in a sassy black girl voice.
I can’t come up with a reply to that because I was laughing so hard. Every time I tried to say something, I would only laugh more.
Are you okay, sugar? You seem to be laughing a lot” Sammy started up an American southern accent, but he still sounded sassy.
I’m fine, honey. I just need a good laugh.” I replied in the same accent.
We were both laughing as Sammy started cleaning off his face. “Now that I know you are my sister… I was trying to make you a cake for tomorrow but you see the results” he said.
I was still chuckling as I helped clean up the mess. “Don’t you remember what happened last year?”
He gave me a sheepish smile as he tried avoiding the subject. We got most of the kitchen cleaned off from his explosive cake batter. I kept asking him why and how it exploded, but he wouldn’t say.
He was never good at baking.
After everything was cleaned up, I decided to ask the dreaded question. “So… are umma and appa coming for my birthday?”
The happy expression seemed to go away. “Probably not… They never showed up for my birthday back in January”
“I know… I was just wondering” I sadly shrugged.
And that’s my strange premonition… Where are they?
~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~
“Umma, appa, what’s wrong? Why do you look so sad?”
“We have some terrible news”
“We can’t afford to bring you two back with us”
“WHAT? Appa, tell me you’re lying!”
“I wish we were, Samuel-ah”
“What about Tessa? She needs a solid future.”
“It’s not like we haven’t thought about that…”
“She’s only 12! How can you abandon her like this?!”
“Samuel-ah, it’s not—”
“Leaving your two children in another country isn’t abandonment?”
“Kang Sangmin!!”
“Don’t you two have a plane to catch?”
I still remember the look umma and appa gave me when I said that. Also, that was the last time I’ve seen Sammy so mad… and yes, that is the reason he hates being called Samuel—much less his Korean name.
“What are you thinking about?” Sammy asked as he looked down on me.
I was lying on the couch, by the way. “Nothing really important”
“If you say so” Sammy sighed as he decided to sit on my legs.
“Is this your way of saying ‘Happy Birthday’?” I asked.
“You of all people should know that” Sammy chuckled as he changed the channel to some sort of cooking show.
“So what’s tomorrow going to unfold?” I asked… not really asking anybody in particular.
“Sometimes it’s better not to know what your future is” Sammy said like he was a profit.
“Are you some sort of profit?” I chuckled.
“I could be…” Sammy gave me a knowing look.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. We both got up—rather, he got up while I struggled to get up—and ran to the door. “That’s why you sat on my legs. You knew the doorbell would ring. Damn profit…”
“What’s up you two?” I overheard Sammy ask from the door.
“We just wanted to see if Tessa was here” I’m pretty sure it was Sungjong’s voice.
“I think you already know that she’s here.” Sammy chuckled, “The only time she’s out and about is when she’s with you guys”
“What are you telling them, you useless profit?” I called out as I walked to the door.
“Words” Sammy sarcastically replied.
I gave him a look that was practically unreadable. “Do you mind if we come in?” Ricky asked.
“I do mind, actually” I joked.
“But I don’t, come on in” Sammy added without missing a beat as he let them in.
“You guys do know my birthday is tomorrow. Why are you here now?” I asked because I was truly curious.
“Can’t we visit you?” They replied simultaneously.
Damn, they are getting good at that.
“Well… it just seems weird to be visiting me the day before my actual birthday” I replied.
“Everything seems weird to you” Ricky commented.
Do I always complain everything’s weird?
“Yes you do” Sungjong bluntly replied.
“Did I say that out loud?” I asked.
“No, but I knew you were thinking it” Sungjong answered.
Since when can he read minds?
~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~
Why am I suddenly convinced everyone has psychic powers?
Sammy’s a profit, Sungjong can read minds, Ricky’s starting to call me at the right exact moment… who’s next? Dasom with telekinesis?
Oridago noriji marayo~ sujuboso maldo mothago~
Who the hell keeps changing my ringtone?
“Yeoboseyo?” I answered my phone, still a little peeved that someone changed my ringtone.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed”
“L.Joe… it’s 11:30 at night. I woke up 12 hours ago” I replied bitterly.
“Okay, I get it.” Then there was a pause. “So how are you and Ricky?”
“Why would you be asking that?” I asked in disbelief.
“Because Ricky’s my friend and he keeps talking nonstop about you” L.Joe replied.
“He talks about me?” I was genuinely surprised to hear that.
“Yeah, and he’s always asking me for advice on how to deal with girls but then he has to know you aren’t an ordinary girl” L.Joe explained.
“So basically you told him to do the opposite of what you would do, correct?” I smirked as I was surfing Youtube.
“Pretty much” L.Joe sighed. “So you’re turning 16?”
“17” I immediately corrected him.
“Right. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when Ricky gives you his present” L.Joe chuckled.
I pouted, “It that I have to wait to find out what it is…”
L.Joe just laughed harder, “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to sleep. You have a big day ahead of you. Goodnight”
“Goodnight” I sighed as I hung up.
Not two seconds later, my phone goes off again… but this time it’s Sungjong.
“Way to call when my phone is right in my hand” I greeted.
“I guess my timing’s good” he laughed, “So are you excited for tomorrow?”
“I’m turning 17 tomorrow. Why wouldn’t I be excited?” I chuckled as I shut off my laptop.
“That’s good. Well you should rest up for tomorrow. I just called to see how you were” Sungjong said. I could hear the smile in his voice.
“Well, thank you for calling… I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked, sounding hopeful for some reason.
“Until then. Jaljayo~” Sungjong practically sang and hung up.
I released a sigh as I laid down on my bed. Why do I keep getting the feeling something bad is going to happen soon?


What could this bad feeling be?
So it's the day before Tessa's birthday and things seem to be going well... but Tessa can't help but have a strange feeling something bad's going to happen. Could it have something to do with their parents? This is the first time they were mentioned in the entire story...
Question of the day: What was the most memerable present you've ever recieved? Mine would probably be a box in a box in a box from one of my brothers. In the last box, there was a note saying "We regret to inform you that the money we were allowed to spend on your present were used to by the boxes and wrapping paper." Yep. That happened to me.
It seems like both Ricky and Sungjong have something in store for Tessa on her birthday. Any thougths on what it could be?
Find out next time!
Currently listening to: Superman - Super Junior
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rachel123 #1
Chapter 20: I wish it was ricky she going with.but nice story keep the good work .upload more pls hoping to see the ending
LilT55 #2
Chapter 18: it's AWSOMEEEE!!!!!^^ i can't wait to see who she's gonna end up with (i'm hoping ricky 3:D) :3 hahahhahaah
Celinko #3
Chapter 16: i like all of Super junior songs xD HAHAHA
Tarantulax #4
Chapter 12: LOL I would be happy to be kidnapped by Teenfinite ;)
Update soon!!!!!
Celinko #6
Chapter 12: LOL haha update soon ^__^
b2utifulexotic #7
Chapter 11: Aww, I was really surprised that Sungjong, Dongjun, and Dongho didnt win, but Oh Well. That seemed like a great competition.
I bet that Hyemin viciously attacked Tessa or damaged her somewhat severely....
Either way, I don't like her.
b2utifulexotic #8
Chapter 10: Honestly, I think that Ricky will deny it and try to find a way out of :)
I am still on Team Sungjong and hope that there will be more TessaxSungjong moments in the next few chapters. :D
b2utifulexotic #9
Chapter 9: Haha I know what those three are planning to do for the talent show. Love that idea. <3 Fantastic update. <3 I can't wait for the next one.
b2utifulexotic #10
Chapter 7: Why do I have the worst feeling that the voice belongs to Hyemin?
I am a night owl, like you. Loool I dont sleep til 4-5 in the morning and dont wake up til about noon-ish...
Great update. I can't wait for the next one.