January: Fights

Sunday Morning Kisses

There's some language in this one, but there's not too much ^^

 “You have a pretty ring,” Luhan comments as he watches Yixing cook ramen. “My step-mommy has a shiny ring, too.”


“Thank you, Luhan. Yifan gave it to me.”


“Why?” He wraps an arm around Yixing’s leg and clings to his pajama pant leg.


Even though it’s been about two weeks since the proposal, Yixing still smiles and blushes. “We’re getting married.”


Luhan doesn’t seem surprised by the information, and instead seems lost in his thoughts. “So… I need to give Minseokkie a ring and then we can really get married.” He lets go of Yixing’s leg and wanders into the living room where Yifan is reading a baby care book, glasses resting on his nose. “Mr. Wu?” Yifan peers over the top of the book as Luhan climbs into the couch and into his lap. “Where can I buy a pretty ring like Xing ge’s?”


Yifan marks his spot in the book and sets it to the side. “Well, the one I bought is outside your budget, but I have a ring I can give you.” Luhan nods and slides off his lap.


“I have to pay for it though so it’s more special.”


“How about you just invite me to your wedding, and we’ll call it even, alright?” Luhan smiles and nods, holding Yifan’s hand as he leads him to their bedroom. Yifan digs around in the closet, searching through drawers until he finds a plastic, red ring he won in a goody bag on Halloween. “Here you go.”


The five-year-old squeals and runs out of the bedroom and to the front door. He jumps up and down holding the ring up, grinning widely. “Take me home! Take me home! I have to be ready when Minseokkie comes home.”


“Alright, alright,” Yifan agrees, helping Luhan put his shoes on. “But don’t bother your step-mom too much; your dad told me she wasn’t feeling well.”


“Uh-huh,” Luhan replies, but Yifan doubts that the boy is really listening.


Five minutes later, Yifan returns and joins Yixing in front of the television. As Yixing lifts his chopsticks to his mouth, Yifan leans over with his mouth open. He frowns, but feeds the ramen to his awaiting fiancé.


“Still making this with cheese?” Yifan pulls a face and takes a sip from Yixing’s glass of milk resting on the coffee table.


“Mmhmm.” He smiles and takes a bite. “Where did Luhan go?” he asks through a mouth full of noodles.


“He went home to prepare his marriage proposal to Minseok.”


“You know, I thought Luhan and Minseok would get married before us.” Yifan furrows his eyebrows and folds his arm. “I’m kidding!” Yixing places a kiss on the corner of his fiancé’s lips. “Honestly, marriage never crossed my mind until I found the ring when I took your clothes to the dry cleaners.”


“Please don’t remind me how terrible I am at hiding things.” Yifan groans and steals more ramen. “Do you want to marry soon or wait a bit?”


Yixing sets his bowl on the coffee table with difficulty as his stomach is getting more and more in the way. “I’m eager to marry you as soon as possible, but I’m 6 months pregnant, I’m swollen everywhere, and pee every 45 minutes. Those aren’t really things I want to remember from my wedding day.”


“Awww, but you look cute.” Yifan rests both of his hands on Yixing’s belly, pressing gently with his fingertips to feel for the baby.


“His head is down here,” Yixing directs, moving Yifan’s hand down further and to the side. “And I don’t feel very cute. I feel irritated and uncomfortable.”


“I’m sorry.” He gives Yixing a brief kiss. “I’ll take care of you tonight, alright?”


Yixing sighs, but he nods in agreement. “And breakfast in bed tomorrow?”


Yifan smiles. “Of course, anything for you.”




Because of the month that Yifan’s taking off from working after the baby’s born, his fashion shows and advertisements have picked up considerably to make up for lost time.


After a particular long day of photo-shoots and fittings, he’s ready to collapse in bed, hopefully with Yixing. But what he really doesn’t want to deal with is what he’s met with when he opens the front door.


Completely bored with all his free time, Yixing has completely messed up every room, pulled multiple books off the shelf, and left painting tools out on the kitchen table. The door to the laundry room was partially open, and clothes were hanging out of the washing machine as if Yixing started doing laundry but spaced out in the middle. There’s no less than 5 bowls on the coffee table with food residue in them, and there’s little paths of crumbs stuck to the carpet.


Yifan allows himself a few seconds to rub his eyes out of annoyance before he walks further into the apartment. And trips right over the infant car seat that Yixing insisting on buying the week before.


“Yixing!” He calls out, along with a few other curses in frustration. His left foot shoots out and unceremoniously kicks the car seat to the side, and he lets out a few more curses. “Yixing!”


Yixing pads into the room wearing blue pajama pants and one of Yifan’s black t-shirts. “What’s wrong?” he asks. The corners of his mouth are turned down in a frown, and his hair is tousled from lying down in bed.


“I know you’re tired of sitting around since you don’t play anymore, but you need to stop tearing up the house. Or at least clean it up before I come home, so I don’t have to deal with this .”


He can’t help, but flinch at the curse, as the only time Yifan has ever cursed at him was 3 years earlier when they almost broke up. “O-okay, I’m sorry. I meant to clean earlier, but I wasn’t feeling well. Just leave it, and I’ll clean up in the morning.”


“I know you’re feeling sick, but I’m already feeling ty, and the last thing I wanted to do was come in and see the mess you created! At least move the goddamn car seat!” Yifan shoves the car seat with his foot towards Yixing.


Yixing buries his face in his hands for a full minute until he moves them to wipe his red eyes. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again,” he sniffs and lets out a sob.


Yifan anger immediately dissipates with his fiancé’s tears, and he reaches out to pull him into a hug. Yixing shakes his head and backs up.


“I think I’ll stay with a friend for a few days.”


“Xing… you don’t have to that. I’m sorry.”


“No, we need some time apart.” Yixing shakes his head again and wipes his eyes. “I’ve been cooped up for 6 weeks and it’s driving me crazy, and I’m driving you crazy, and just-“ He lets out a shaky breath. “I just need to not be here for a little while.”


Yifan follows Yixing into the closet and watches helplessly as he pulls out a small suitcase and packs outfits to last him a few days. “You really don’t have to leave,” Yifan weakly argues.


“We agreed that if we argued this bad again, we would step back from the situation, and we can’t step back when us being this close is the problem. I don’t want a repeat of… well, you know.”


Yifan nods, remembering the event that the both of them had agreed not to discuss again. At the first New Year’s Eve party after their first year together, one of Yifan’s colleagues kissed Yixing a few minutes into the New Year. Yixing, drunk after just a couple of beers had been so shocked that he did nothing to stop the kiss but in no way responded. Yifan, also drunk, saw the act, and instead of just getting angry at the culprit, he turned to Yixing and hissed out ‘’ in front of the crowded apartment.


They fought that entire night, shouting words at each other that they didn’t really mean. Yixing had even asked Yifan to not contact him again. But a week later Yifan showed up at his house at 2 in the morning, crying and apologizing for everything he said.


Now it looked like Yifan’s mouth had gotten him in trouble again as Yixing zips up his packed bag and heads towards the door. “I’ll message you when I get settled. I love you.”


The apartment suddenly feels much too big and empty.




The persistent knocking on the door has Yifan waking up from his slumber and realizing that he fell asleep in his clothes on the couch. The apartment is still a mess, but it doesn’t annoy him as much as it did the day before.


He stands up and groans as his stretches out his back. The couch, while comfortable, is not designed for a full night’s rest, and he’s regretting his decision.


Luhan has switched to pounding on the door with his fist as he waits for someone to open the door, and he pouts a little when he sees Yifan open it.


“Where’s Xing ge?”


“He’s, um, visiting a friend for a few days.”


“Like a sleepover?” Luhan tilts his head.


“Yeah, something like that.”


“Oh.” Luhan removes his shoes and holds his arms up, demanding to be held. “Can I talk to you, Mr. Wu?”


“Uh… yes?” Yifan shuts the door behind them and walks into the living room.


“I kissed Minseokkie, and he’s mad at me,” he blurts out and pouts even more.


Yifan frowns and shifts Luhan to his opposite hip. “But you always kiss him.”


“Noooo, I kissed him on the lips like they do in dramas. He didn’t like it.” He puckers his own lips and gestures to them.


“Why did you do that?”


Luhan shrugs. “Because that’s how you propose. I gave him the ring, and I kissed him, and he cried.”


“Did you apologize yet?”


“No.” The boy rests his head on Yifan’s shoulder and clings to his neck. “My step-mommy said I have to wait so he’s not mad anymore.”


“I don’t really think he’s mad at you,” Yifan muses. “I think giving him a ring and kissing him might have been too much of a surprise. I know you could never get mad at Minseok, and I don’t think he could ever get mad at you. Don’t take too long to talk to him, okay?”


“Mmm, okay.” Luhan yawns and sleepily rubs his eyes. “When will Xing ge be home?”


“Soon, I hope.”




“I screamed at him, Chanyeol. I screamed and cursed at him until he cried.”


Chanyeol looks over at Yifan with an unreadable expression while fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. “And he hasn’t told you where he is?” Yifan shakes his head and brushes hair out of his eyes. Chanyeol lets out a small sigh of relief. I’m sure he’s fine wherever he is.”


“He messaged me and told me he was alright, but I can’t help but worry, you know? He hasn’t been sleeping well at night, and his blood pressure has been a little high and giving him dizzy spells.” Yifan lets out another long sigh and checks himself out in the mirror again.


“He’s an adult and can take care of himself,” Chanyeol nods to himself.


Yifan thinks over this and nods. “I know, but I like taking care of him.” He goes through the clothes rack, searching for the jacket that goes with his outfit. “But… you said you had Kyungsoo for the month? Where is he?”


The wide-eyed man suddenly freezes and his eyes dart left and right. “Someone’s watching him.”


“Who? I thought you don’t trust anyone to watch your little genius.”


“Why are you asking so many questions?!” Chanyeol flails his arms for a little bit before storming out of the dressing room. Yifan realizes that Chanyeol’s pants are still hanging on the rack.




“I’m back!” Chanyeol announces as he enters his small apartment. Kyungsoo runs out from the kitchen and sits on his father’s foot, wrapping his chubby arms around his legs. “How was your day, Kyungsoo?” He picks up his son and kisses his cheek. “Yixing?”


Yixing walks out of the kitchen eating a small packet of cookies. “We had fun! Or, um, at least I hope we did. You must have forgotten to tell me that he doesn’t speak Chinese so we had some communication problems.”


Chanyeol frowns and says something to Kyungsoo in Korean. The toddler pouts and responds back, which earns him a scolding. “Kyungsoo’s Chinese is better than mine, but he’s been a little… defiant. He misses Baekhyun.”


“At least he gets to spend a lot of time with you though.”


“Yes, but it’s not something we’re really used to… I didn’t start getting him on the weekends until he was 14 months, and this is the longest he’s ever stayed with me.” He ruffles Kyungsoo’s hair, and the four-year-old whines and bats at Chanyeol’s hand. “I think it’s time for a nap.”


“Don’t wanna,” Kyungsoo complains in Chinese, but he’s already losing the battle with sleep and his arms and legs are going limp.


“I need to lay down with him for a little bit so he falls asleep,” Chanyeol explains. “I’ll be right back, and we can watch the next episode of that drama, right?”


Yixing nods and pats Kyungsoo’s head. “I’ll be waiting on the couch.”


While Chanyeol takes Kyungsoo into his room to sleep, Yixing settles on the small, cheap couch and turns the television on. The baby chooses that moment to wake up and start moving and kicking. He’d been very active for two weeks and was part of the reason Yixing couldn’t sleep very well at night. Chanyeol walks in a few minutes after the drama starts and notices him shifting uncomfortably. “Is he moving?” Yixing nods. “Can… can I feel?”


“Yeah, let me see your hand.” Chanyeol complies and Yixing places his hand near the middle of his stomach where the baby’s kicking. Chanyeol’s face lightens up at the sensation and presses his fingertips in slightly so he can feel better. “So… Yifan hasn’t really told me much about you and Baekhyun, but this looks like the first time you’ve felt a baby kick.”


“Well, Baekhyun and I broke up before I could feel. Before then he used to tell me that he could Kyungsoo moving around, but by the time he started kicking we weren’t on good terms.” He trails his finger over the tight skin. “Does he move a lot? Does it feel weird?”


Yixing shivers from the touch and nods. “He doesn’t move as much anymore. He moved more around Yifan, but I think that’s because my heart still beats faster around him, and he reacts to my body.”


“He really misses you… it’s killing him not knowing where you are. And I know you miss him.”


“Yes, I do.” Yixing looks down at his engagement ring. “Of course, but he’s still working a lot and I’m still overemotional and bored out of my mind. We’ll just fight more if I go home now.”


Chanyeol sticks his tongue out of his mouth as he attempts to think of a solution. “Well, Yifan ge has to work more so he can take time later, so we can’t change that. But you could find a way to stop being bored. Like a hobby!” He nods to himself. “Um, every Tuesday you can come over to watch the drama, and on the other days you can do other stuff.”


“Maybe I can watch after Kyungsoo this month while you’re working? I have a couple of 5-year-old neighbors who come over sometimes. They both speak Chinese and Korean so they should get along well.”


“Yeah!” Chanyeol claps his hands and his eye twitches slightly. “Baekhyun always says that Kyungsoo doesn’t like to speak Chinese so he won’t play with the kids in his play group. He needs friends his age so he’ll stop being smarter than me.”




For once, Yifan is the first to wake up Sunday morning, and he wakes Yixing up with kisses across his belly. Yixing whines and blindly reaches over the side of the bed for his shirt.


“No clothes yet, I’m not done with part two of my apology.” Yifan pulls his fiancé closer so his front is flush with Yixing’s back. “I think we should have done this in Chanyeol’s bed as revenge for hiding you.”


“That would be rude,” Yixing scolds him. “And besides, I told him not to tell you because I would have come home immediately if you asked, and we needed the time apart.” He laces his fingers with Yifan and relaxes into him. “But let’s not fight like that again, okay? I hate being away from you.”


“I’m sorry, I yelled at you,” Yifan says into Yixing’s hair. “I know you’ve been feeling awful for weeks, and I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you.”


Yixing shifts over to his other side to face his fiancé and kisses him. “I’ll try to stop being so messy. I think I’ll brush up on my piano playing, and maybe compose some things for the band.”


“I miss you writing songs for the band.”


“Because all of them were about you.” He kisses Yifan again. “Oh! And I promised Chanyeol I would watch Kyungsoo for the month so he can play with Luhan and Minseok.”


“Maybe he’ll get an invitation to the wedding too,” Yifan ponders.




Yifan smiles and nods. “While you were gone, Luhan kissed Minseok on the lips, which made him upset for a few days, but they’re inseparable again. Minseok’s been wearing that plastic ring I gave to Luhan, and Luhan gave me a handmade wedding invitation. But he said Minseok’s not allowed to know when they’re getting married so he doesn’t get mad again, so they’re having a surprise wedding when Luhan feels like it’s time.”


“I hope they really do get married someday. I love reading stories about couples who were childhood friends… except for yours because yours doesn’t involve me.”


Yifan groans. “No past marriage talks in bed. Only future marriages, and this one is the one that really counts.”


“You’re really cheesy when you’re romantic.” Yixing observes. “I like it. I like you. I love you.”


“I love you too.”

Surprise! Yifan was married before!

Just a chapter to show that even though they fit very well together, they do fight ^^

For reference: Yifan&Yixing are about 26/27 in this, Luhan&Minseok are almost 6, Chanyeol&Baekhyun 21/22, and Kyungsoo is 4.

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aarushic_18 #1
Chapter 9: Omg this is literally the cutest I'm crying
sikami #2
Chapter 8: I can't stop brooding over their marriage and love complications. OH SUHO, WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW. IT'S SO AWKWARD I WANT TO DIE. YEOL, CAN U PLS TRY TO GET LAID OR SOMETHING. LET'S SEE HOW IT'LL PLAY OUT
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 8: little Lulu is too cute
sikami #4
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 5: hahaha naughty Lu
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 3: lulu!! and then we have Soo
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 2: aigoooo cutie Luhan
princessgege #8
GAAAh FWP is the most beautiful thing in the world--fits fanxing perfectly :))
Chapter 9: Oh this was the sweetest Fanxing! Thank you
Chapter 9: That was ao cute!! I love it.. Hahaha.. Little Luhan, Minseok & Kyungsoo are too adorables.. Hahaha.. I kinda sad that ChanBaek didn't end up together..