Chapter 1: Where did that Idea come from?

Love Unexpected


Chapter 1: Where did that Idea come from?



Krystal Jung sank into a chair at her favorite coffehouse -- City Drip.

     Man, she thought, taking a big slurp of her grande Chai Latte and glancing around the shabby-chic joint. I haven't been in here in forever. Actually she hadn't been there since she and her best friends Victoria and Luna graduated from college. Back when they were all students, they had been a part of the wallpaper at City Drip. They'd set up camp at this window-side table with their books and sketch pad and a steady supply of caffeine. Krystal rolled her eyes as she remembered what a struggle college had been.It was weird because one of her bestfriends, Luna, had been a total smarty-pants-- okay, let's face it, a nerd -- since highschool. Now, she was an on-top-of-it-all business owner, running her own restaurant, Delish. Her other bestfriend, Victoria, was also a bit of a brainaic -- or at least extremely driven -- now working to save the world off of less-fashionable people as a fashion magazine columnist.

     But book smarts had never been Krystal's bag. She'd taken a few classes during her post high-school years. Then after moving in with her 2 bestfriends to live in Seoul, she'd bounce from job to job for a while before settling down and snagging her B.A. That is, after logging in about a thousand hours at City Drip.

     And now, here I am again -- hitting the books, Krystal thought, taking another sip of Chai and glaring at the reading she'd brought to the coffeehouse. She sifted through the stack of super-thick magazines and sighed.

"Let's see," she muttered. "We've got Contemporary Bride, Blushing Bride, and the classy Getting Hitched. Where to begin?"

     Krystal slumped back in her chair and stared gloomly out the window. The thing was, she had a hard time thinking of her wedding day in a few months as her "big day". It wasn't that she didn't absolutely adore her fiance, Minho. But the whole wedding thing? Krystal just had a hard time buying into it.



     Krystal gave a start and looked up. Well, well, she thought. If it isn't my favorite sorority sisters. The two women bearing down on Krystal in a gust of perfume and sparkling lip gloss had been in a couple of her classes at school. Not that learning had been even close to the top of their to-do- lists. They were more interested in gossiping about guys and trying to Krystal into their dish sessions.

"Krystal Jung!" Yuna, the tall, skinny one, cried.

"Where have you been?" squeled the other one, a blonde named Jessica.

"Um, home?" Krystal said. "After that whole graduation thing, I decided to stop hanging around those classes."

"Krystal! Always with a joke!" Jessica said, sitting into the empty chair at Krystal's table. Yuna dragged over a third chair and squeezed in.

By all means,Krystal thought dryly, have a seat.

"I guess you missed the Drip." Yuna said.

"Well, I was just looking for a place to do some reading," Krystal said. "You know, a quiet place?"

"OH! MY! GOD!" Jessica shrieked, pointing at Krystal's left hand. "Is that an engament ring on your finger?" Jessica continued.

"Um, yup, that would be my rock," Krystal said, sheepishly, glancing at the sparkly ring Minho had given her. "I'm getting married in a few months."

"Awwwwwww, you are so lucky!" Yuna gushed. "Tell us about him."

"Well his name is Minho, he's.. and well... I love him." Phoebe said simply.

"Oh, what I wouldn't give," Jessica said. She grabbed one of Krystal's bridal magazines and flipped a few pages with a long pink fingernail.

"I'm so single. And here it is, February second and I still don't have a date for Valentine's Day. But I just signed up for You know, the Internet dating service? I'm hoping that's gonna be, like, a total turning point for me in the romance department!"

"Great!" Krystal said, scooping up her magazines and feeling grateful that she'd gotten her Chai in a to-go cup. "Good luck with that. But you know, girls, I just remembered I have some place to be in ten minutes. It was great to see you!"

"You too!" Jessica and Yuna trilled.

"You have to call us for lunch," Yuna said.

She gave the girls a weak wave and rushed out of the coffeehouse.


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Kpopcornluvr #1
Hi! Great stories! Will you be updating this story soon too? ^_^
pandamint #2
Chapter 1: What happened to this fanfic?
Is it a one-shot?
Jessie_Nata #4
Woah! So interisting ^^ subscribe!
Update soon.. fighting authornim :)
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D