Celebration (Changjo's side)

He's My Girlfriend! (A Pretend)


After having school, Changjo headed straight to his office to work for their company without even saying goodbye to his friends. As he arrives at the Choi building, he quickly trusted his motorbike to one of the employees before darting off to his own office. And as expected, he was greeted by everyone since they all knew he is the son of the owner and the successor of the company.

Some of the girls who are young and are those age are not far from his, tries to greet him as cute as they can since they’ve heard Changjo likes girls who have aegyo. But none of them girls caught his attention for his focus is only on his work.

He sighed when he finally reached his own office, sitting comfortably on his rotating chair before starting to work on the piles of papers on his table. After hours and hours of working, he glanced at his modern clock on his left side.

8:43 pm | 13-08-16| Friday

Changjo sighed once again as he stares at the papers on his table. It’s Niel’s birthday today and yet he’s stuck on his work. He wanted to give him something special for this event but he can’t since he’s busy with things. He thought he could buy him his gift a day before his birthday, but the day has already come without him realizing it.

“Stupid time, flying so fast.”

The incident that had happened back in the gym a day ago still kept on replaying inside Changjo’s mind like a broken tape. He wanted to forget about it but he couldn’t stop his brain from rethinking about that incident. He couldn’t remove the image of them together in his mind.

Whenever he closes his eyes, he can clearly see the picture of his hyung lying beneath him as they gaze deeply on each other’s eyes, faces only centimeters apart, lips almost touching. Changjo growls and buries his face on his palms. He should’ve just ignored Haemi’s scream and just kissed his hyung on his lips there on the spot.

Changjo caught his breath at his own thoughts. What the..?

Niel’s lips has taken over Changjo’s mind completely. He unconsciously touches his lower lip as he stares on the thin air. What’s happening? Why is he thinking of these again?

Changjo heaved out a heavy sigh as he turns his head to look at the frame beside his table. It was their group picture taken at some park. His eyes lingers on Niel as he thought about him.

Why? Why are you always running in my mind? Why do you keep on appearing before me behind my closed eyes?

He has been having these confusing feelings for the other and Changjo knows it’s not normal anymore. It’s not normal for him to keep on thinking about someone a lot. Changjo prepared his self as he slowly realize his actions towards the other male.

He’s starting to get more attached to his hyung to the point that he’s been thinking about him when he’s out of his sight, thinking about him almost all day and everyday. He can only remember having this kind of feelings back when he was still a kid, crushing on his classmate back in his elementary days. He could still remember how he always thinks of her and how he always wants her by his side, just like how he is now with his hyung.

Could it be..?

Changjo rounded his eyes. Could it be… he has fallen for his hyung? That he’s starting to like him that way? He shook his head furiously and massages his temples in annoyance. Is it even possible for him to like someone of the same gender? And more on with his hyung??

No. This is wrong… I should’ve known not to let our acts get to me. He’s just acting. We’re not real. Everything is just a pretend.

His mind then went back at the events earlier at school. There’s one thing he couldn’t get his mind off, it was his hyung’s secret admirer.

Changjo calmly approached Niel by his locker. He seems to be busy reading something that he didn’t even notice Changjo approaching him.

“What’s that?” He asked, letting his presence known to the older.

Niel jumped a bit and quickly tossed the paper back in his locker.

“OH. Changjo, it’s you.” Niel let out a weak laugh as he scratches his neck, embarrassed for being caught off-guard.

Changjo glanced at Niel’s locker and raised an eyebrow. Why did he suddenly throw it inside like he doesn’t want Changjo to see?

“What was that?” He tried asking again. Niel turned his head to look back at his locker; a note inside and a small cupcake on top of his books.

“Just a gift.” Niel says. Changjo took a step forward and took the note inside without asking for permission. He was curious.

Niel became alarmed and tries snatching the note back.


Changjo only ignored his hyung and proceeds on reading the note.

‘I want to greet you a happy birthday personally… but I’m shy. So here! I made you a cupcake coming from my heart! Keke <3 Happy Birthday, Niel-ah. I hope to see your smile more often. I love seeing you smile it makes my heart go budum budum~~’

Changjo furrowed his eyebrows at this. A love letter? Niel has a secret admirer? But why didn’t he tell him anything? Changjo felt his self frown at this.

“Uhm… Changjo.” Niel called, hesitating. Changjo looked up and met eyes with Niel. He noticed the pink tint across his cheeks. Is he blushing? Changjo blinked his eyes, puzzled as to why a note can make him react like this.

“Who’s this from?” He asked as he waves the note once. Niel pouted and snatched it from the younger.

“Just someone… who can cheer me up by just reading their note.” Niel smiled warmly as he looks down at the note in his hands. He felt nice knowing someone out there cares for him. He felt really happy to know that someone would even like him, or love him if it’s what the admirer feels. He never had an admirer before, so having one is a new experience to him.

“Don’t you think it’s creepy someone can open your locker without your knowing then giving you gifts?”

Changjo frowns deeper when Niel didn’t gave him a reply but instead, he continues to admire the note he was holding.

Changjo sighed for the ninth time that day as he took his pen and taps it on his table.

“Why is he reacting like that by just a note? He didn’t even tell me he’s having a secret admirer…” He intertwined his fingers in front of him and glares at the wall. “… and why does it bother me this much?” He groaned and shakes his head, hopeful that those thoughts would leave him soon. This is troublesome. I don’t know what to think anymore. I’m going crazy because of him. But… what about him? Does he feel confused too? Or was it only me?

He heard a soft knock on his door, snapping his thoughts away from his hyung.

“Excuse me, youngmaster. The president asks for your presence.”

Changjo nodded at this before standing up without second thoughts. Finally, he can do something to distract himself away from thinking too much about him.

He went to meet with his father on his office. He opened the huge double door before stepping in at the large room, seeing his father in the middle, his back facing him as he gazes at the nature through his large glass window from behind.

“Why did you called?” He asked the moment he took a step inside his father’s office. He wanted this to finish soon and he’s not even ashamed of hiding it from his father.

Mr. Choi turned around to face him. He gave his boy a smile to which Changjo rarely sees.

“I believe you need time for yourself, son.”

Changjo raised an eyebrow at this. Is he taking his work from him?

“No. I can do this, dad. You don’t have to take my work away from me. I can handle it—“ Changjo refused.

“Son. Even though we have a tough relationship with each other, I can see your effort. I can see how you work hard for our company. Your mother is right, I need to give you time to rest, time for yourself and with your friends. Don’t worry, I found someone to cover your place.”

“Does this involve anything about my engagement?” Changjo asked suspiciously, asking him straightforwardly. His father sighs at how his son still stubbornly refuses his offer.

“And about your engagement, I’m still hoping for you to consider it and accept it. But remove all these worries for now. I’m giving you a month day off.” If I want you to still be with us… I will consider your mother’s request. Mr. Choi watched his son carefully with his dark eyes.

“And besides, didn’t Haemi invited you and your friends for a special trip?” Changjo could see the smile on his father’s face now. He immediately scrunched up his nose fully knowing why his father is giving him a holiday.

“Yes she did, is this why you’re giving me a month off?” He asked boldly.

Mr. Choi’s smile dropped. It was his main reason why he’s giving his son some free time, for him to have quality time with his future wife and maybe change his mind towards the engagement. To get to know Kim Haemi and actually accept the offer.

He didn’t know Changjo could catch up so fast. He sighed heavily at how his son can be so stubborn.

“Just enjoy the vacation I’ll be giving you and don’t disappoint me.”

Changjo scoffs and looks down knowing he was right. He wouldn’t let his father do what he wants. He wouldn’t let him have this and wins him over.

“I’ll have fun, that’s for sure.” Changjo slowly raised his chin and purposely showed his father a mocking smile. “I’ll be having my friends with me… specially my girl.”

Mr. Choi’s gaze hardened on his son.

“Be sure that this girl you’re talking about is Haemi.”

Changjo tilted his head to the side and smirks, imagining Niel’s face smiling brightly at him.

“Sorry, dad. But she’s far from Haemi.”

Mr. Choi felt his blood boil at his own son’s words. Is he taunting him? Is he trying him? Mr. Choi moved his eyes to look away from Changjo. He wouldn’t let the boy affect him. He needs to stay calm.

“That’s enough. You’re dismissed.” Mr. Choi placed both his arms behind him before turning around to face the large glass window again.

Changjo only nodded.

“Thank you.” He straightened up and bowed his head before leaving his father’s office. Even though he was upset with how the way his father’s mind works, he still managed to say his thanks to him.

He was right, he needed time. He needed time to clear his thoughts while working non-stop. He was scared he might lose his sanity if he kept on being that way.

More hours past, Changjo came home back to their dorm. Everyone was fast asleep in the living room. They were all knocked down after celebrating Niel’s birthday… and yet, he wasn’t there with them. He felt bad for not being there to celebrate with them but he doesn’t even have a choice either, his work needed him.

He silently made his way to them and looks around their now messed up dorm. Confetti’s everywhere, bottles of soju and other card games. He shook his head in disapproval. He almost forgot Niel has turned legal now which explains why the green bottles of soju are present.

He heard CAP snoring on the floor with Chunji beside him. Ricky on the sofa, hugging a bottle of juice in his arms. He let out a soft chuckle at this; he knew Ricky isn’t allowed to drink yet. He too, but of course, he wouldn’t deny the fact that he already had his first taste of his alcohol even though he’s younger than Ricky.

Shaking his head, he scans the living room again. But wait… someone’s missing. Where’s L.Joe and Niel? Changjo only blinked at this before shrugging the thought away. Maybe L.Joe is already in his room, they all know how L.Joe likes having some privacy. But what about Niel? Changjo let out a sigh before making his way to his own room to have his rest, it’s been a very tiring day for him.

Changjo opened the door  to his room he shares with Niel. He stopped on his tracks when he saw L.Joe’s back facing him as he sits on their bed. He furrowed his eyebrows and tries to make out what he was doing. He saw someone lying on his bed, he figured it was Niel but he doesn’t get why L.Joe is there.

“Dani-goon… I love you.”

Changjo caught his breath. He rounded his eyes when he saw L.Joe leaning down to plant a soft kiss on Niel’s forehead. Changjo took hesitant steps backwards as he now stood outside his room, his back hitting the wall behind him. He clenched his shirt as he looks at the ground with wide, angry eyes.

He felt furious at the sight of them. He felt troubled specially after accidentally hearing L.Joe’s sincere confession. But why? Why is it affecting him this much and why is he reacting like this? The confusing feelings he has is getting worse he couldn’t even push them anymore. He couldn’t even make excuses to cover them up like what he usually does. No. Something really is going on inside him.

 “I can’t possibly be getting jealous of them, right?” Changjo grumbles as he tightens his hold on his chest. He felt like his heart is going to explode soon. He breathed out and crossed his arms as he tries to calm down. It can’t be, can it? Did he really fell for his hyung already? He couldn’t even control his feelings anymore, it’s giving him a hard time to push them away now, his emotions towards the other male are getting stronger.

“Oh. You’re here already.” He snapped his head in front of him to see L.Joe closing the door behind him, smiling at him like nothing happened. He looked at his hyung as the image of Niel and him replays in his mind. The image of L.Joe affectionately kissing Niel’s forehead in front of him… Changjo couldn’t feel anything but feel distressed and anguished.

“Changjo?” L.Joe was taken aback at the cold stare their maknae is giving him. “Something wrong?” L.Joe tried asking again but he didn’t receive any reply from the youngest.

Changjo looked away and tries to calm his nerves, unclenching his hands.

“It’s nothing. I’m just… tired.” His fingers made its way to ruffle his hair. Yeah, maybe I just am..

“I see. You missed the party. We had so much fun, such a waste you’re not here..”

Changjo closed his eyes and tightens his jaw. I know. Don’t rub it on my face even more.

“Hyung, I’ll take my rest now. I’ll just talk to you tomorrow,” And with that said, he took a step in his room and closed the door without even waiting for his hyung’s reply.

He leaned his back against the door and looks at the innocent figure lying on the bed. Niel is fast asleep hugging Changjo’s pillow. Changjo pushed his body off from the door and took steps towards his hyung. He stopped beside their bed and watches the older sleep, new questions now starting to form in his head after hearing L.Joe’s confession. He couldn’t accept the fact that—

L.Joe hyung… loves Niel?

Preview on the next update: Trip

Haemi squealed as the holiday comes. She smiles widely as she and Changjo’s gang one by one exited the bus with him assisting his girlfriend with her things. They’re now at the beach, at Haemi’s private resort.

Changjo could only hope for the best that nothing bad happens to them while on their trip. He watched as his hyungdeul run and chase each other around under the glaring sun.


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Chapter 1: I'm waiting for over a year .. please come back .. :'(
Chapter 20: Here i am gain..when this story will update?! >_<
I want to read it!
Chapter 20: ahhh....
this fic is so amazing <3
how I wish I can find it sooner...
but I'm so sad because you didn't update this fic anymore... can you update this fic soon ?? because I'm not the only one waiting here...
EverlastingSmile #4
Chapter 20: Aww^^
It's really cute but very..sad>.<
Please update, author nim?
I should've found this fic sooner! It's amazing<3
Please update soon, author-nim. This is one of my favorite fanfics!!
Vandjimin #6
Chapter 20: But I like nieljoe I guess that won't happen T~T
chrysant #7
Chapter 5: I loved it...
Write more of it please....!!! :)
Pretty please....
Loved Nieljoe & Changniel....;)
Green_Bamboo #8
Chapter 20: I feel like you're trying to make me like Haemi, or make me think she's not as bad as she seems... -____- I okay her in other fics! Just not this {(-_-)} She's being a
(´・Д・)」Poor L Joe.... Finally a step further! And Chunji XD Ricky so cute~ And CAP- just keep doing your stuff. It'll all come around
Green_Bamboo #9
Chapter 18: OH MY GOD HAEMI JUST LEAVE ALREADY- like I have 0.1% pity for you. And that's because what you do is embarrassing and rude... Leave the couples alone. I can't believe a character is making me so pissed... You got them skills!!! (>人<;)
Green_Bamboo #10
Chapter 16: :D Hate Haemi! ^^ Do you ever dream of finally getting rid of her? :3 I no likey her.
She's in the way of Changniel! {(-_-)} Haemi... I really dislike you... A ton :D And Ljoe and Niel are- WAH MY FEELS!_| ̄|○
Changniel is like- ♪( ´θ`)ノ★彡
Really live Teen Top's interaction with each other!! Adorable( ´ ▽ ` )ノ