

"Okay, Sica, you can stop crying now," Yuri mumbled as Jessica buried her face in the Mickey Mouse pillow.


Krystal tugged on the end of Yuri's shirt. "Yes?" Yuri called, looking down.


"Why is my sister crying?" Krsystal asked as she looked up at Yuri.


Yuri smiled gently and patted Krystal's head, "She's just happy."


Krystal frowned and ran over to Jessica, jumping onto the blonde girl's body. "Jessica! Stop crying!" she ordered, laying her small body on Jessica's.


Jessica sniffed and quickly wiped her tears before turning her body, "Okay, I stopped, now get off, you're squishing me!"


Krystal pouted, "I still see tears."


Jessica wiped them, "There. Gone. Now get off, I can't breathe!"


Krystal hopped off of Jessica, "Fine."


After a moment of silence, Krystal looked at Jessica, "Was that our daddy?"


Jessica sighed and sat up. Yuri walked over and sat besides Jessica. Krystal climbed onto Jessica's lap, sitting on it, "Was he our daddy?"


Jessica nodded, "Yes, he was."


"Really?" Krystal widened her eyes.


"Yes. Really." Jessica answered.


"Where was he before?" Krystal asked.


Jessica huffed a cheek, not knowing how to answer. Should she tell Krystal? Before Jessica could talk, Yuri stepped in, "He was off working."


Krystal nodded, understanding, "Oh.."


Jessica turned and looked at Yuri thankfully. Yuri smiled, "You owe me." she mouthed.


Jessica widened her eyes, knowing what Yuri wanted as a payment.


Mrs. Kwon entered the room, smiling once she saw the three girls sitting together in bed, "Hey, girls."


The girls greeted Mrs. Kwon with "Hello"s and "Hi"s. Mrs. Kwon looked at Jessica, "You alright, honey?"


Jessica nodded, "Yeah, thanks."


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "I'm going back to work."


"This late?" Yuri asked, seeing that it was already 9.


Mrs. Kwon nodded, "I'm needed. Anyways, I'll be home in the morning. Your father is already asleep, so don't make too much noise. Bye. Love you, girls."


"Love you too." The girls replied before Mrs. Kwon smiled and shut the door again.


Krystal yawned, "I'm sleepy."


Jessica turned, "Then go to sleep."


"Tuck me in." Krystal ordered.


Jessica smiled, "Yes ma'am."


Krystal laid in bed as Jessica pulled the blanket over, tucking her in. Krystal closed her eyes before feeling her sister's lips on her forehead, kissing her good night, "Night, Krystal."


"Night, Jessica." Krystal mumbled before quickly drifting off to sleep.


Yuri poked Jessica's side, making the girl jump slightly, "What?" she asked.


Instead of asking for a kiss like Jessica thought she would, Yuri had a look of worry on her face, "Are you okay, Sica?" she asked, honestly worried for Jessica.


Jessica's mouth opened slightly at how serious and sincere Yuri looked. "Your dad gave you his number, didn't he?" Yuri asked.


Jessica nodded, pulling out the little slip of paper out of her pocket. Yuri quickly ran and got the house phone before handing it to Jessica, "Call him and tell him good night, Sica."


Jessica furrowed her eyebrows, "No."


Yuri frowned, "You owe me, so do this for me. I know you want to, Sica. You love your dad and it's obvious, just tell him good night."


Yuri began to punch the numbers into the phone before giving it to Jessica, "It's already ringing, Sica, it's too late now."


Jessica huffed a breath and took the phone, placing it onto her ear with nervousness.


"Hello?" Jessica heard her father's voice.


"Dad..." she called out.


"Oh, Jess?" Mr. Jung called out using her nick name.


Jessica's eyes got teary at the sound of her nickname that was only used by her father. "What is it, Jess?" Mr. Jung asked.


"Good night.." Jessica said, barely above a whisper.


Mr. Jung smiled through the phone, "Good night to you too, honey."


Yuri mouthed something to Jessica, 'Say I love you!' she mouthed.


Jessica spoke again in the phone, "I- I love you, dad."


Mr. Jung's eyes glassed over with tears hearing the words from his daughter, "I love you too, baby. Now go to sleep, it's late."


Jessica sniffed, "Okay.. Bye bye.." she said before hanging up.





Jessica immediately hugged Yuri, burying her crying face into Yuri's neck. Yuri hugged Jessica in response, rubbing the girl's back, "That made you happier, didn't it?" Yuri whispered.


Jessica nodded. She was crying because she was happy. Jessica admits, she was a daddy's girl. So when her father left, she was torn. But, now that he's back, she forgives him and wants to make up for lost time as daughter and father.


"That's your payment to me." 


Jessica pulled out and looked at Yuri, "Really? That's it? I thought you would want a kiss."


Yuri shook her head.


"Your happiness is my payment. Unless my kisses give you happiness, this will do."







Walking into Yuri's room, Mrs. Kwon smiled upon seeing the sight. All the girls were laying on their right side hugging each other's waist. Yuri hugged Jessica's waist as Jessica hugged Krystal's while Krystal hugged a Mickey Mouse doll. Mrs. Kwon pulled the blanket over the girl's bodies.


Mrs. Kwon kissed each of their foreheads before leaving the room, shutting the door tight. Jessica was the first one to wake up, surprisingly. She felt her body hotter than usual before noticing that she was inbetween Yuri and Krystal. Jessica mentally groaned, how was she going to get out of bed without waking the other girls?


Luckily, Yuri woke up next, her arms still looped around Jessica's petite waist. Jessica smiled and turned her head slightly, "Psst, Yuri, move over, I need to get out." Jessica whispered.


Yuri grinned a little and hugged Jessica tighter, burying her face into Jessica's neck, "I'm comfy."


"Kwon Yuri!" Jessica hissed quietly.


"Jessica Jung." Yuri mocked in a mumble, closing her eyes as if she were going to sleep again.


Jessica huffed out a breath, making her bangs flip slightly.


"Give me a kiss and I'll let you go." Yuri offered.


Jessica widened her eyes, "Huh?" she asked in surprise.


Yuri tightened her hug, "Alright, fine, I won't let you go."


Jessica pouted, she wanted to use the bathroom. Jessica turned her body and quickly kissed Yuri's cheek, "There, now let me go already." she ordered, looking at Yuri's eyes.


Yuri pouted, "That wasn't on the lips."


"Yuri, don't get used to kissing me, it's not going to last, now let go."


Yuri shook her head and pulled Jessica's body closer to hers, "No."


Jessica sighed, "Yuri, seriously."


"What?" Yuri asked, looking innocently at Jessica's face which wasn't that far from her own.


Jessica's breath hitched at their distance, she stared into Yuri's eyes. Yuri slowly leaned in until their lips locked. Jessica tried to pull away, especially since Krystal was right next to her, but Yuri kept a firm grip.


Yuri leaned out and let go of Jessica, "You may go."


Jessica glared at Yuri before huffing out a breath, "Seriously..." she muttered under her breath as she got out of bed and to the bathroom.


Yuri watched Jessica leave the room, and her eyes didn't leave Jessica's body, watching how she walked. Her eyes accidentally landed on Jessica's bottom. She looked away immediately.







"Jessica." Krystal called out.


Jessica turned her head to Krystal as she sat on the couch with Yuri, "Hmm?"


"I want to go to Amber's!"


Jessica frowned, "You've been over her house almost everyday, Krystal."


"It's fun!"


Jessica sighed, "Alright, go get me the house phone so I can call her mother."


Krystal smiled and jumped up from her sitting position on the ground and ran to get the phone. Krystal came back and handed Jessica the phone. Jessica, who remembered Amber's house number after the many calls she made to them, dialed the number and held the phone to her ear.


Jessica asked if Krystal could come over and Mrs. Liu agreed. "Alright, Krystal, let's go, we're walking. Yuri, lock the doors okay?"


"Can I go with you?" Yuri asked.


Jessica shook her head, "I'm going home after. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?"


Yuri pouted but nodded, "Bye Sica, bye Krys." She waved.


Krystal hugged Yuri, "Bye Yuri!"


Yuri smiled and leaned down, returning the hug, "Bye Krys."


Yuri then turned to Jessica and outstretched her arms, "Don't I get a hug?"


Jessica rolled her eyes but walked over and gave Yuri a quick hug. Without letting Krystal noticed, when Jessica pulled away from the hug, Yuri pecked her on the lips.


Jessica was about to scold Yuri but Yuri ran to her room, "Bye!"


Jessica sighed and shook her head, "Alright, let's go, Krys."







Jessica entered her house and walked to the kitchen where her mom was, doing some paper work.


"Hey, mom." Jessica greeted, giving her mother a kiss on the cheek before sitting down next to her.


"Oh, hey, Sooyeon." her mom replied, keeping her eyes on the paper work.


Jessica bit her lip, how was she going to tell her mother about her father? "Er.. mom?" Jessica called.


Her mother nodded, continuing to do the paper work. "You might want to pay attention to this."


Mrs. Jung then put the pen down and turned to Jessica, "What is it, Sooyeon? You look nervous. Oh no! Don't tell me, you're pregnant?!"


Jessica widened her eyes and immediately shook her head, "No! No! I'm not pregnant!"


Mrs. Jung placed a hand on her heart, "Oh, good. Then what is it?"


"I met dad."




"You're kidding, right?" Mrs. Jung asked, letting out a nervous laugh.


Jessica shook her head, "He was the one who crashed into Yuri. I saw him a couple days ago."


Mrs. Jung frowned, "So..."


"I'm keeping in touch with him."


Mrs. Jung widened her eyes, "No. No, Sooyeon, you are not." she said sternly.


Jessica frowned, "Why not?" she asked.


"Because I said so. He left our fa--"


Jessica stood from her chair and burst out before running to her room and slamming the door.


"Just because you and him don't get along doesn't mean that we don't get along! I miss my dad, okay?!"


Mrs. Jung sighed and looked at the ground.


"I miss him, too..."

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i'm currently going through the story and revising each chapter to make it less cringe-worthy


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 54: Poor girls, why do they have crappy for parents?! Not judging though but how could you just leave your kids just like that? Isn’t parents supposed to be selfless when it comes to their kids? Because if they can’t, then they shouldn’t be parents in the first place. Well that’s just my opinion 🥺
Soneisa #2
Chapter 46: Now this is interesting Jessie being jealous over a guy 😂
Soneisa #3
Chapter 2: Awwww Yuri’s sooooo cute 🥺
Chapter 72: Great story. I read it in one sitting. It's fun and light story to read. Thanks for sharing this.
911 streak #5
Chapter 17: smooth innocent yul kkkkkkk
911 streak #6
Chapter 8: accckkkk yulsiccc 😍😭
Ash-LaoSiow #8
Chapter 72: Hi Author-nim! I spent a few days just to finish reading this amazing story!! I always liked something unique but its kinda hard to find, luckily I found your story! Besides that Jessica is a very strong girl in yhe story, Yuri is strong too cuz she made it all the way to become normal and a safe haven for her girlfriend. I love the bond between them, makes me feel so sweet and heartwarming! Again thank you for your hard work author-nim!
DreamEncantamiento #9
Chapter 75: Hi author! I found this amazing story not long ago, I really love it and couldn't stop reading it, I enjoy it a lot, It made me cry, smile and laugh, It was really really good. I loved the end, hehehe Little Yoong is the best, but I was always curios about how old was Jessi when she start tutoring Yuri. You did a great job. Thank you for this amazing story. Good luck in your new projects.
Chapter 70: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the ending is so funny to me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I really smile a lot throughout the end ㅎㅎㅎ this is so cuteee jinjaa ♥