Everything will be...

Don't let me go
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Channie looked so delicate, even more, delicate than before. He was sleeping in Bang's bed in their room. Yongguk felt that if he touches Kim he will break into pieces or disappear.

"You're lucky that his bruises aren't serious and he didn't lose much blood." - Alya said ending looking after Himchan. - "And happily he didn't break his arm, but he dislocated his finger. Circumspect is always insured."
She said packing her bandages, adhesive plasters and other to first aid kit. Guk looked confused because earlier their aid kit had been empty and now there were many, MANY new things. He was also surprised looking how this little girl took care of his roommate. He looked at Zelo and waited for some explanation.

"Alya graduated medical course... And when we were heading home she went to the pharmacy." - Young boy seemed abashed. The girl had taken out pills from her purse and gave it to Gukkie.
"When he'll wake up finally give him these, he won't feel so bruised." - She smiled gently -"Take good care of him Bang."
The leader took pills from her and he said 'thank you'. Alya waved them for goodbye and walked out. Bang looked at Jello.
"What are you still doing here?" - he asked brittle - "Before your girl will run away!"
He laughed and rushed maknae to the door.

After everybody had gone to their room, Yongguk kneeled down next to the bed and he was watching Channie sleeping. He's delicate features, long, dark lashes, small, pink lips.

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Naya_baby_yongguk #1
Chapter 7: Thanks for up date ^_^
yolly77 #2
Chapter 4: Thanx for the up date.. Welcome back ;)
chanchanxx #3
yolly77 #4
Chapter 3: Aww yes i did..Ejoy ur holiday
chanchanxx #5
Chapter 3: OMG poor channie ㅠㅠ
yolly77 #6
Chapter 2: Oh boy can't wait for rest :)