Night of Happiness

Sweet Lullaby


- Jonghyun's POV - 


It's been four years after Taeyeon and I had relationship. We already had graduated from our University. Taeyeon debuted as a solo singer in SM Entertainment. She auditioned two years ago and she became one of the best trainees in that company. Because of that, she was chosen to debut earlier than the other trainees. 

I became very inlove with music. I asked my dad to lend me some money so that I can establish my own business. As a rookie, my dad helped me. I built an academy for music because I love music. I volunteered to teach some students how to write songs, play instruments and even voice lessons. 

Key is now in his Senior year of college in our former University. Since Taeyeon is lack of money before, he is late in entering college. I tried to offer her some money but she rejected. She said that she wants to give Key his education from her own blood and sweat. To be honest, Key and I never really had a good relationship even though he accepted me be his noona's boyfriend. I'm still uncomfortable whenever he's with me. 

I woke up with my beautiful Taeyeon sleeping on my arm. She asked me if she can sleep here in my room since she missed me so much even though she has her own apartment. She's beautiful and really cute when she's sleeping. I heard the doorbell rang from the door. 

I slowly placed Taeyeon's arm away from me so that I can stand. I rushed to the door since the bell was really irritating me now. I opened the door and as expected, the diva showed up with his beautiful friend.

"Jonghyun, let me in." He said with the diva mode. 

"Would you have a little re-" 

"I don't have much time to talk about this. Where's my noona?" He asked. 

"She's sleeping. Hi, Jess!" He quickly went to my room. 

"Hey, Jonghyun! How are you?" She replied.

"I'm fine. Come, sit."

"Thank you." I went to the kitchen to give her some food to eat and drinks then I returned immediately to the living room and gave her the snacks.

"Here, Jess." 

"Oh, thanks." She smiled. Jessica became more sweeter and of course, understanding person. She changed a lot. She's not the Jessica that I met before. She became more better most especially, she took care of Taeyeon and Key a lot. She also became not only Taeyeon but also Key's bestfriend.

"You know, Jonghyun.. I always wonder why Key is really mad at you." She said bluntly.

"I also too." 

"I mean, you're really a nice person but.. I don't know. Key also doesn't want to talk about it to me either." I sighed. 

"Let him be. He will be used to it since I planned something that will force him to." 

"What?" She asked, confused.

"I'm proposing tomorrow." 

"Wow. That's great, Jonghyun!" 

"I know. I really want Taeyeon in my life. She's really my one and only true love." 

"That's sweet! I'll totally support you!" 


"Of course, if you need help, just call me!" 

"Thanks, Jess!" 

"You're welcome." She smiled and drank her juice. It was really great to have a sweet friend like her.




- Taeyeon's POV - 


I woke up with an empty space beside me. Where's Jonghyun? I searched for him and I saw nothing. He even didn't left a note. I searched for my cellphone and tried to contact him. He's not answering. I'm getting really angry. I heard the doorbell rang. I expect that it was Jonghyun but no, it was... Jessica. 

"Hey!" She said.

"Hey! It's too early, Jess." 

"Yeah.. Good morning by the way!" 

"Yeah, about that.. My morning isn't great!" 


"Jonghyun left without even reminding me." 


"Uhm, let's go shopping and do makeovers. I want to look beautiful today.." She suggested.

"Ok. I'll change first." 



We bought some clothes and anything. Jess is really a good shopper. Luckily, no one recognized me. We do makeovers and honestly, Jess looked so stunning.

"Jess, you're beautiful." I said.

"Hey! You, too." Jessica said in reply.


"Uhm, can we go now? I really need to go to this place." Jessica whined.

"Sure. What are we going to do there?" 

"I don't know. Someone invited me to join their party. I want you to come too since we're dressed up." 

"Oh, okay. Thanks for the invite." 

We rode a cab and Jessica told the driver the location. When we got there, she covered my eyes.

"Hey, Jess? What are you doing?" 

"Shh. Trust me." 


We walked and walked and why is it too far away? Jessica covered my eyes with earphone with loud musics. I listened to it. 

"I'm really nervous now, Jess." 



"..." Oh yeah, I have earphones on my ears.. I can't hear her. 

She removed the earphones and I cannot hear anything. 

"We're here." 

She removed my blindfold and I was so surprised with what I saw. A garden with full of colorful lights and candles, rose petals on the pathway, heart-shaped balloons, sweet smell of flowers, a candle light in a dinner table for two with foods, a guitarist who's playing my song and of course my beloved Kim Jonghyun wearing white tux standing in front of me holding a red rose. He gave me the rose and smiled at me.

"You did all of this?" I asked him.

"With the help of your bestfriend." I looked at her and waved. I saw Jonghyun mouthed 'Thank you' to her. 

"May I?" He offered me a sit on the dinner table. 

"Taeyeon.." He stood up.


"I want you to listen." 

"I'm listening." 

"I'll sing for you." He took the mic from Jessica.  

(A/N: I don't own the video. Just imagine that Jonghyun is the one singing.. not Adam Sandler.)

As he started to sang, the guitarist at the back also started to play his guitar.

"I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you"
I looked at him as he walked towards me. He held my hands as he continued singing.
"I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold"
Tears fell down from my eyes. He wiped it and smiled at me.
"Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you"
He kneeled down and looked at me.
"I wanna grow old with you"

He smiled and he gave me another rose. 

"Kim Taeyeon, I know that we've been through many hardships and happiness together. We fought a lot of times, we made up, we sometimes misunderstood, we tried to understand, we faced a lot of struggles together. We sang many sweet lullabies when we sleep and whenever you feel upset. I never leave you alone. I always love you and I want that to continue doing all these by asking.. Will you marry me?"

He picked up a box and opened it. The box contained the most beautiful ring I've ever seen in my life. I cried and cried. He's waiting for my answer.

"Yes.. Yes, I will marry you.. Kim Jonghyun!" 

He smiled and pulled off the ring from the box and placed it in my hands. He stood up, hugged and kissed me. The sweet kiss like it was the very first kiss that I ever had. It feels amazing. It feels great. I felt complete.

"I love you, Kim Taeyeon."

"I love you too, Kim Jonghyun."

Thank you people for reading this fanfic. I hope you like it! 

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고마워! 사랑해요! 



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congrats ;)
Congrats :D
elliptical #4
congrats x
Coffee2s #5
sansastark #6
Beautiful story
kenshindc #7
Chapter 12: Sweet Story
Chapter 13: See you in "My Sister's Boyfriend" =)
Chapter 12: Jonghyun, glad you're so faithful to taeyeon!!! <3 JongTaeng getting married!!! Happy girl!!! <3 <3 <3 Great story and i love it a lot!!! <3 <3 <3 Write more taeyeonxmale idols ff pls ;) Gonna subscribe for your sequel too ^^
Chapter 11: aww.. so sweet. can't wait for the ending and for the sequel. :)