Chapter 2

My Precious Memory

"Hey. So what club are you going to join" says Baekhyun.

"Haven't thought of it yet."

" What if you join the music club."

" Ok..."

They were walking out of theschool together when it suddenly rained.

Baekhyun caught hold of Ra eum's hand. They ran for shelter.

"Are you alright???"


Baekhyun took off his jacket and put it on her shoulders. She smiled.

They stood still without talking to each other for a moment.

Out of the blue, Ra eum said, " Errr, Baekhyun I like you."

Baekhyun was stunned. The girl he fell at first sight liked him.

"Actually. I was thought of telling you. This feeling I have inside me when i first sawyou was undescribable. You looked unique to me. Can we.....


Baekhyun heart filled with joy. he held Ra eum's hand.


Since then, they were always together. Just like unseperable couples.

They ate together, laughed together, and they always went to a place which they can be together. 



During winter, Baekhyun made a song during the music club meeting for Ra eum...He knows that Ra eum loves winter season the most. 

He loved her so much. Not any simple, other guy had loved her before.

Ra eum came in. There was no one in the room except for both of them.

"Ra eum. Come sit beside me. I wanted to show you something."

He started plucking the guitar strings with his beautiful and capable fingers."

He started singing...

"Have you ever thought that I had never forget you."

" Haveyou ever thought I will never leave your side.

" When you walked in, I was hoping you could be by my side."

" Forever. Forever"

I remember everything

I can't see even a little thing 

when I close my eyes. 

You're far away 
somewhere that I can't reach
I didn't say I love you or
I will wait for you
I really didn't imagine meeting you again

I still love you, 
I confess you now
I wanna love forever if it is not late, 
forever with me

Even though my heart lived without you for a long time,
You were in my heart
I really didn't imagine meeting you again.

I still love you, 
I confess you now
I wanna love forever if it is not late, 
forever with me

Ra eum hugged Baekhyun. Baekhyun i love you too...


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