part 2/2


               He was running in full speed now, his head constantly turning back to check for any traces of the man he hated yet loved. How odd, it seemed to him, that he was running so hard, panting so hard; yet he could still hear Onew humming that accursed melody just walking right behind him in the woods.



Don’t run away from me, only I want to see the pretty you



                “Key yeobo…” Upon hearing that sweet yet dangerous voice, Key ran even faster. He was tired as hell; he knew he was never an atheletic person. I’ll go running every Saturday if I ever get out of here alive, he cursed.  When he felt that Onew was no longer anywhere near him, he hid behind a tree, clamping a sweaty hand over his mouth, trying to steady his breathing.


                Key widened his eyes, trying to keep as quiet as possible. He had never been afraid of this man like he was now. He remembered how Onew and himself used to play around, chase each other around; like Tom and Jerry. They were very well doing it now, except that this time, it was not a game.

                “Key…I’m getting angry,” Onew sighed. Key could hear the frustration present in the older’s voice. Nevertheless, Key knew the safest thing right then was to hide away from the older, not give himself up to him like an offering. He was pretty sick of the daily routine of dancing the same old song at the same old time and doing the same old routine every day. Key was never one for routine. Giving himself up would mean giving up his freedom right then, and he wasn’t ready for it.

                “Key…” Onew’s voice snapped him back to reality. “Don’t run away anymore…you know only I want you.”

                Key held his breath.

                “You’ll never escape from me, just so you know.”

                Key stayed still. Taking his chances, he looked around the tree to see where the man was. To his relief, Onew’s silhouette was gradually disappearing in the foggy forest. Sighing gratefully, Key buried his face in his hands and closed his eyes in ease. Suddenly, he felt a tight grip on his left wrist.

                “What did I say, Key?”

                Key felt the familiar sense of fear and terror wash over him almost immediately. He yelped in pain as Onew twisted his wrist around so that he was facing the older. There was an unmistakening anger in his eyes.

                “Onew…” Key whimpered.

                “You know how much I love you, why are you running away from me?” Onew bored holes into Key’s eyes.

                “Onew…I’m sorry…”

                “Are you doubtful of my love for you? Or do you not love me at all?” Onew tightened his grip on Key’s wrist, his eyes fiery.

                “Jinki please…”

                At this, Onew loosened his grip almost at once. His eyes widened and he blinked a few times. All the tension and anger from a minute ago seemed to dissipate as quickly as it came.

                “W…what did you call me?”





I stiffen my legs and even I hate myself




                Jinki felt a sense of nostalgia wash over him all at once.

                “N…nobody had called me that in a long time…” Tears started to trickle down Jinki’s cheeks.




My memories get fuzzy and faint, the angels whisper oh




                To a point, Key was confused. He was confused as to why the dangerous, frightening man in front of him was bawling his eyes out just by a sudden change in name calling. He was confused to see the man who haunted his dreams day and night suddenly break down in front of him just because he called him ‘Jinki’. He was confused; because he thought he hated this man, but now he came to realize he actually still loved him.

And he was surprised, because he finally realized why this man was so overprotective of him, why he was kept imprisoned for weeks, if not months, why things happened the way it did.

Because all the while it was Onew who was present, not Jinki.

                “Jinki…” Key held the elder male’s hands tightly and looked into his eyes deeply. Finally Key was able to see. Through the coldness and lifelessness of the male’s eyes, he saw a man broken and helpless, the man he truly loved.




It’s only us in this world




                “Jinki…let’s start over again.”

                Key pulled Jinki up by the hand and held his hand tightly.

                “S…start over?” Jinki sniffed.

                Key nodded. “Start over.”

                Jinki smiled a sad smile. “One last dance, then?”

                Key widened his eyes in pure confusion and terror.

                Jinki laughed weakly. “I just really like to see you dance, that’s something that can’t be changed.”




Only dance for me




                Smiling in relief, Key nodded.

                He emerged into the same slow dance once again, this time all his steps perfectly in sync, graceful and beautiful. Onew could not help but grin widely at the man he loved in front of him, his eyes barely visible.

               “Let’s go now, Jinki,” Key smiled as he squeezed Onew’s hand before turning around to walk back into the mansion.




Aren’t you happy if you see me always smiling?




                Onew twirled the ring on his finger as he stared at the retreating figure of the younger man, his lips twisted into a sick smile.

                You’ll never be able to escape from me, Onew smirked as he thought.




My orgel that is always mine.






Hohoho, it's finally completed! (: sorry for uploading this story like 2 months after I said I would upload! I kind of lost inspiration and things were really happening in these two months ): notice how I changed the names from Onew to Jinki and then to Onew again? (; it's a hint hehehehe. hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (: please comment! love you guys <3 byeeee

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Tinusska #1
Oh my gad.This was freaking amazing~Great written ,really.And I totally didn't expect that ending omo~
T___T And I don't know,what else to say.Awesome <3 T^T
shimminyoungsw #2
Chapter 2: oh my, I really like this kind of fic so much, it's hurt, creepy yet beautiful at the same time >w< would you mind giving me permission to translate it into vietnamese? I will put your all credit ^_^ best wishes for ya
Chapter 2: Wah, this.. i can't even.. i thought jinki was really jinki.. like.. ahh this is too good TT^TT
youxme #4
Chapter 2: Poor key being manipulated like that T.T beautifully and hauntingly written~
Haii there~~ new subbie! XD
I shall be looking forward to this story~~ O u O

I loooooove that song. I agree it's creepy yet beautiful. :D
That's my fave song in their new album XD
This is alos my first time reading a boyXboy so I'm lookign forward to it.^^

Eunhae #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^