Taemin POV
















Sitting in a busy park, the young boy with a suede jacket and light brown hair just sits there, staring out at nothing. People gather and watch intently, recognising him almost immediately. He gets up and moves away, hands in his pockets. Whispers and pointing begin but he ignores them. Looking up, he sees another group of four boys coming towards him.

Faking a smile, he greets all of them warmly but one. The one with the strong arms, tall frame and dark eyes which would make anyone’s heart melt at the sight. It takes all his strength to not want to throw himself into his arms and get him to comfort him like he used to. He acts like the boy in front of him didn’t break his heart, that he left him when he needed him the most.

When a girl approaches and throws her arms around the tall boy and the others greet her with a nod. As he lightly kisses her, the younger boys stomach twists into a pretzel and makes him feel sick. The other boys all give him a look of pity and shame which just reminds him of his heartbreak. When he leaves with the girl, he leaves them with a smile and a wave. In sadness, the Maknae bows his head and says goodbye.

Walking quickly away from his family, the tears fall down his angelic face and he wipes them away furiously. He thought back to when the tall man used to do that to him, the light kisses, re-assuring hugs… he clenched his jaw. He remembered when he promised that they would be together forever, no matter what anyone said. Giving up walking, he ducks into an alleyway and sits down. His small frame now shaking uncontrollably from the tears.

It felt like his heart had been torn out all over again. It was so fragile to begin with, full of uncertainty and hope. The media is the one that destroyed them, drove a wedge between them both when they found out they were more than friends, brothers, they were lovers. With all the hate, it made them unsure with the love they shared and made them question how they felt for each other.

The special nights they once shared became full of arguing and jealousy. Words were said that neither of them meant. One day, the elder boy just told him it was over, just like that. Said it was better that they just pretend nothing happened. But how could he pretend? Just away the last four years like it never meant anything to him. He walked out the door and that was that. No phone calls, no text messages, nothing. It was as if he was just a figment of the imagination he made up to give him everything.

The younger boy tried everything to reach him, in the end he just cried himself to sleep each night. The rest of his family tried to fix it, but there was nothing they could do. Eventually, they were disbanded, there was no more SHINee. Everyone else became actors and models but he stayed alone. He no longer wanted to dance, he had lost his passion. He grew distant from his family, stopped taking interest in anything at all. He became depressed and lonely.

Except for one Sunday afternoon, they all received a phone call from the man that had abandoned them all. He explained he was confused and wasn’t thinking rationally when he left them all and with a lot of persuasion he agreed to meet up with them.

The maknae was excited, thinking he would get the love of his life back. His soul mate. His heart was broken when the elder boy announced to them he was getting married to another. His whole world stopped, tears sprung to his eyes but he choked them back. Instead he felt it would only be right to smile and say congratulations.
Now he sat alone in a dark alleyway thinking of what was. There was now no meaning to be alive, no reason to breathe without him. He was his world, his one and only. In life and death. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he shakily pulled out a gun. It was thick, dark and heavy; his hand shook as he held it up to his temple. Taking a deep breath he reached for the trigger. Minho, I loved you. I gave you my first of everything. How did you expect me to go on without you? Onew, Jonghyun, Key please forgive me, I’m too weak. I can’t live without him.

 Thinking one last time about his lost love he pulled the trigger, BANG! The shot echoed through the entire alleyway and then it was all over. Lee Taemin finally found peace in a place where his heart would never break again.


I know it is a little on the darkside and I am sorry. This is my first go at a fanfic like this so I hope I did ok. -.-‘ Please leave a comment and tell me what you think~! I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for reading :3

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Leetaemin2233 #1
Chapter 2: Thanks for making me cry ㅠㅠ this is so beautiful ♡
tanyaav #2
Chapter 2: That was so good! It really broke my heart for Taemin. Minho should have spoke to him again in a better way in order for not to happen. I'm not just mad that he left him but the words he said to him. Eugh... it made me upset and burst into tears. Anyhow you wrote an amazing story so keep writing :)
Chapter 2: Oh god I actually cried! Like not rain pouring down my face but I actually cried! I don't cry! Tear up yes, cry? NO. You're goooood.
Chapter 2: Oh Jesus... That was amazingly well written!
Made me tear up ;_;
Great job!! <3
Chapter 2: *creys forever* u made me cry... But I enjoyed it~ Gomawo author-nim~
alexshineeexo #6
Chapter 2: so they both kill themselves???!!!! poor 2min :(
taisie_arielle #7
Chapter 2: Author-sshi, you made me cry D': It's was very well written, though. So beautiful in a heartbreaking way. And the ending was good. Now 2min can be together forever <3
Chapter 1: I'm looking forward to this :D